Tuesday, August 24, 2010

iPhone Games Take Flight

用iPhone玩遙控直升機Video games become real life with the Parrot AR.Drone.有了Parrot AR.Drone,電玩遊戲轉為現實Is it a game or is it reality? by Ryan Batdorf

Surf the Internet, take pictures, watch videos, listen to music and stay in touch with your friends and family. These are some of the features that have driven the iPhone's popularity in countries worldwide. But how about using your iPhone to control a Parrot AR. Drone, a wifi helicopter with two cameras? Think of the games you could play with that!

How it works
Thanks to its self-created WiFi, the AR. Drone can be controlled by either an iPhone or an iPod Touch. Moving your iPhone or iPod Touch turns the quadricopter and guides it forward and backward. Direct it to go up or down with buttons on the iPhone or iPot Touch. Do nothing and it will hover in place.

What it can do
Most video games can be played while comfortably seated on your couch. playing them outside would be out of the question. Playing with the A.R. Drone, however, compels you to be active. Take it outside, and race others around your neighborhood. Fight gigantic robots and aliens, or destroy other drones with the multiplayer mode. Finally, a video game that won't make you a couch potato!

Grammar Tips
Thanks to its self-created WiFi, the AR. Drone can be controlled by either an iPhone or an iPot Touch.
Thanks for doing that.
thanks to=because of
Because of its self-created WiFi, the AR. Drone can be controlled by either an iPhone or an iPod Touch.
thanks to-
Thanks to Mrs. Wang's generous donation, twenty children from the orphanage are able to attend school.
Tyler made it back safely, thanks to his flashlight.

Vocabulary Tips:
*Many young people like to go to cybercafes to surf the Internet.
*Jason did nothing but channel-surfing the whole night.
compel-強迫,使。。不得不,一定要,想要。not by forced,created, produce or cause someone has Strong feeling to do something.
*Studying under professor Simpson compels you to excel. 想要去超越,更卓越。
*The workers felt compelled to work night shifts in order to finish the project.
couch potato-couch- 沙發potato-馬鈴薯sits in the sofa watch TV all-day-long, being kind of lazy. 指整天懶洋洋的躺坐在沙發上看電視的人。
*Alex was a couch potato during vacation. All he did was watch football games.

Chat Room
iPhone, iPot
pot-豆莢,也指海洋哺乳動物的"一群".太空船的分離艙. 但是pot還是要囘到hub
hub- a place of the center of all activities. 活動的中心,樞紐。
the Hub of our town-城鎮的中心
the Hub of the Universe-宇宙的中心。

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