Wednesday, March 17, 2010

20 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Your Body and Health - Part 2

讓你更健康的小道消息:第二部 More fascinating facts on nutrition, exercise and more. 小睡片刻、洗鼻、運動和Facebook全都可能對健康有益喔! Naps, rinsing your nose, exercise and Facebook all benefit your health by

11. A 20-minute nap can improve your overall alertness, boost your mood, and increase productivity. William Anthony, co-author of The Art of Napping at Work (Larson Publications, 1999), says the post-nap boost can last for several hours. In addition, your heart may reap benefits from napping. In a six-year study of Greek adults, researchers found that men who took naps at least three times a week had a 37 percent lower risk of a heart-related death.

12. Rinsing your nose with salt water can help keep you healthy and ward off allergy symptoms. Nasal irrigation is a cheap and easy way to find relief if you have spring allergies, nasal congestion, stuffy noses or post-nasal drip, says Dr. Melissa Pynnonen, co-director of the Michigan Sinus Center and an assistant professor in the University of Michigan’s department of otolaryngology. symptoms. Nasal irrigation is a cheap and easy way to find relief if you have spring allergies, nasal congestion, stuffy noses or post-nasal drip says Dr. Melissa Pynnonen, co-director of the Michigan Sinus Center and an assistant professor in the University of Michigan's department of otolaryngology.

13. Watching yourself run in a mirror can make a treadmill workout go by faster and feel easier.

14. Using a food diary can double a person's weight-loss efforts. Your food diary makes you accountable to yourself and provides you with clues on where the extra calories are sneaking in.

15. Third-hand smoke-the particles that cling to smokers' hair and clothing and linger in a room long after they've left-is a cancer risk to young children (and pets).

16. Regular exercise can lower a woman's cancer risk -but only if she's getting enough sleep. The National Cancer Institute followed 5,968 women for almost 10 years, during which 604 of them developed some form of cancer. Women in the top half of physical activity levels showed an approximate 20 percent reduction in cancer risk compared to those who exercised less. For a segment of those women, sleeping less than seven hours per night had a decreased benefit to exercise. Their cancer risk was greater than those who exercised but slept more-but still lower than those who exercised the least.

17. Foreign accent syndrome and exploding head syndrome are real (but very rare) medical. conditions. The American Sleep Association explains that a person with exploding head syndrome experiences a loud indecipherable noise that seems to originate from inside the head.

18. Walking against the wind, in the water, or while wearing a backpack burns about 50 more calories per hour than walking with no resistance. People who wear pedometers also tend to burn more calories and lose more weight.

19. Germ-killing wipes can spread bacteria from one spot to another if you reuse them.

20. Facebook may be good for your health: Studies show that staying in touch with family and friends can ward off memory loss and help you live longer.

Your food diary makes you accountable to yourself and provides you with clues on where the extra calories are sneaking in.
makes you accountable=makes you responsible
accountable = responsible
to hold one accountable = to expect someone to be responsible in something.
to make someone accountable
* Mary is Mrs. Jones' personal secretary; that makes Mary accountable to Mrs. Jones.
Jeremy is the president of the student government, that makes him accountable to everyone in the school.

reap (v)-收割,收获,获得
*Bobby has been generous to all of his friends and now reaps the benefit when he needs help.
*Jack reaped the rewards of good health by exercising persistently.
*The farmer reaped the grain with machines.
treadmill-健身用的跑步机 tread-步行,踏步 mill-转动的装置。
*This type of treadmill can elevate or descend.升,降
*Mom always watches TV when running on her treadmill.
The wonderful memory of the trip still lingers in my mind.萦绕
*The security guard were watching those guys who lingered around the building.在大楼附近排徊。
cling-staying, refusing let it go, not leaving.
particle-very small piece of something.
otolaryngology (n)- doctors who study of ear, nose and throat. A ear, nose and throat specialist.
ward off-keep at a distance, away from.
*approximate budget for the advertising campaign is $2 million. 兢选活动广告费。。*The approximate arrival time of the incoming flight is 5:30 pm.
segment-部分,片断 seg-切断的
*People over the age of 50 make up the largest population segment of this country.
*Only a short segment of the speech was recorded.
*The doctor's prescriptions were so indecipherable that the pharmacist had to call him to reconfirm. 确定

Chat Room
improve overall alertness, boost your mood, increase productivity-小睡20分钟,能够改善警觉性,提振心情,增加生产力。
improve / increase / boost
lower / reduce / deduct-通常用于钱方面,钱方面的减少。
lower减低,降低-lower a woman's risk of cancer-降低女性罹患癌症的危险性。
reduce降低,减少- reduce your grade. 降低你的成绩
deduct减少,扣除-After deduct the income tax , there is not too much left.扣了税,所剩无几。

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