Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Give Thanks

The fourth Thursday in November welcomes the holiday season
說出你的感謝 - 十一月的第四個星期四迎接佳節到來.

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. This holiday not only involves football and turkey but also helps us remember to be thankful. Traditionally Americans go home for Thanksgiving. So people start preparing weeks before the holiday. Excited moms are eager to have their children come home.

Thanksgiving is also a season for giving. Irene's school has a "Turkey Trot" race every year around Thanksgiving. You can give small amounts of money for charity to run in the race. 

In our neighborhood, the Boy Scouts go door to door asking for canned food for the needy. Churches and charities sponsor coat drives for families who need winter coats. Some teen groups volunteer at homeless shelters on weekends. They either prepare food or help serve it.

What does our family do? We usually go to our church potluck. The dishes are mostly Chinese, but the church prepares turkeys and pumpkin and apple pies. Afterward, we sing and share what we are thankful for in the past year.

The next day is a big sale day called Black Friday. The Christmas season officially begins then, and people want to buy Christmas gifts as early as possible. Also, Black Friday successfully tempts consumers to spend their money on discounted or hot sale items. Some stores open as early as midnight. You can hardly find a spot in the parking lot in front of a mall or a big retail store.

After Black Friday, people are given another chance to "Shop 'til You Drop" -Cyber Monday. Cyber Monday is designed for shoppers who prefer to shop online. Just click, and your order will arrive within a couple of days.

We are very thankful for our family and friends back home. They have supported and encouraged us over the past year. We are also thankful for the new friends we have met in the U.S. They have welcomed us, helped us and taken us in. With gratitude in our hearts, we wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

Grammar Gym:
"So people start preparing weeks before the holiday."
"weeks before" -several weeks before.
Zack finished his report weeks before the due date.
Sharon's suitcase was already packed days before her Christmas break.
Janice's friends came to see her hours before her surgery.
Minutes before her train arrived, Martha realized she had lost her ticket.

Vocabulary Tips:
around the corner - is not far, is near. talk about time or event. 就在转角处,延伸出来有“即将来临,或是近在眉梢的” 之意。
*Bryan's graduation ceremony is just around the corner. 。。就快到了。
around the corner - very close. talk about a place.
*The grocery store is around the corner.
eager(v) - very excited, can't wait.热切的,急切的。
*Charles is eager to play on the football team.
*Kate is eager to please her parents.
eagerness (n) -急切,热切
*His eagerness to win made him really nervous during the game. 急切地想求胜。。
shelter-a roof cover you to protect you, a place to live. 遮盖之处,避难所,避护所,住宿。basic need: food, water and shelter.
*The church provides shelter for abused women. 受虐妇女。
*We took shelter under a tree during the rain.躲在树下避雨。
shelter (v) -保护,遮盖。
*The village was sheltered by mountains. 被群山保护着。
potluck -everyone bring one or two dishes to share with others.百乐餐。吃饭由个人带菜来。
*Mandy took her famous beef stew to the potluck.
potluck -informal dinner 家常便饭。(随便一些的)。
*You're welcome to stay for dinner if you don't mind potluck.
'turkey tro" - a special kind of race to raise money for charity.
charity - volunteer to give money or help to the needed.
door to door - from one house to another house.
(something) drive -something organized by people to collect something.
coat drive - collect coat for the needed people. (food drive, toy drive etc.)
discount - 打折,减价。'dis' -‘离开’之意。 'count'-计算。
*The department store discounts all items 10 percent for VIPs.
*You can get an extra 5 percent discount if you are a member.
parking lot - where you park your car. 停车场。
lot - a place or space.一小块土地。
*There's an underground parking lot near here.
parking space -停车位。停车格。
*The guy rudely took my parking space.粗鲁地
parking structure - a building use for parking only. 立体或整栋的停车场。
*The parking structure can hold over 400 cars.
click - click it and come out a click sound. 按,碰触,点选。
*Click on the printer icon, and choose the format. 按影印机的图示,选出要印的形式。
*With just one click, you can transfer money to an overseas bank.
gratitude - thankful, grateful.感恩,感激。
*I would like to express my gratitude to everyone here.
*Hank prepared this bouquet of flowers to show his gratitude to his teacher.
What's hot - 'hot' - here mean that something is very popular that people wants. hot topic, hot sale item, hot thing....
shop 'til You Drop' - you are shopping for a long time, it makes you very tired that you can't do anymore.

Language Tips:
neighborhood -街坊邻舍。邻近地区。住家附近的社区。比township / district 规模要小些。
township / district - 小镇/行政区:通常是一个名称,由政府规划出来的行政区域。
neighborhood - 住家附近的社区,通常都伴随着形容词,如:
a friendly neighborhood.- 友善的住宅社区。
a leafy neighborhood - 有很多树,社区规划的整齐又有很多树。一般指中产阶级的住宅区。
a rough neighborhood - 治安不好的住宅社区。
neighborhood -approximately. 有“接近‘之意。要与数字一同使用。
in the neighborhood of $800. 在美金800元左右。
Black Friday - 由来是在1960年代,由费城的警察所命名。 因为那一天,一年一度的陆,海军足球大赛在当地举行,加上又是圣诞购物的热潮,交通大乱,地区次序混乱不堪,警察责任重大, 心情沉重,就说每年的这一天对他们来说是个黑色的星期五。后来商店要业绩,创造盈余,取其黑色没赤字之意而在感恩节的第二天即Friday,又是圣诞购物第一天,商店抢商机,在这一天争取更多的盈余来平衡财务赤字。对购物者而言,也是个黑色的星期五,因为大家都花了很多时间,等候,找停车的地方,又没把握一定能卖到要买的东西,因为打折东西数量有限,大家都用抢的,有人很鲁莽的推挤别人,常因人多又挤,次序混乱而常有人受伤。动作慢的就out of luck,而发脾气,。。
in the black -(会计)经营没有赤字,有盈余。

Note taking of Studioclassroom

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