Wednesday, July 24, 2013

New Employees?

Hiring new employees isn’t as easy as it seems
雇用新員工? 雇用新員工並不如表面上看起來 那麼簡單.

With his company growing. Ben thinks it might be time to hire some employees. But hiring employees is a big step, and Uncle Bob has some important words of warning for him.

Uncle Bob: Hi, Ben! How are you today?
Ben: I'm great! Thanks for asking.
Uncle Bob: How's the business coming along?
Ben:Well, it's growing by leaps and bounds. In fact, I'm having a hard time getting all the work done, and I need help.
Uncle Bob: I thought you had some help. Don't you have a few people working for you?
Ben: Yes and no. We have a few freelancers we use on projects, but I need some full-time help.
Uncle Bob: Wow. Hiring full-time employees is a big step for a young company. Are you ready for it?
Ben: Sure. How hard can it be to hire a couple of employees?
Uncle Bob: I'm not saying it's hard. But employees can induce big changes in the way your company works.
Ben: How?
Uncle Bob: Well, there are lots of ways. Take costs for example. The cost of an employee goes far beyond pay.
Ben: I guess that's true. I't need to pay for things like benefits and payroll taxes.
Uncle Bob: Thant's right. And there are other indirect costs too. You'll need to buy office furniture, computers and a lot more stationery for your employees to use.
Ben: And parking. I'll need to get more parking spots.
Uncle Bob: Exactly.
Ben: Ok, so there will be some hidden costs, but those won't change the company that much.
Uncle Bob: They will mean huge changes to your job, though.
Ben: Yeah. I hope they'll make my job a lot easier!
Uncle Bob: They might. But remember, employees need to be managed.
Ben: That's true.
Uncle Bob: The time you'll spend doing the things you're used to doing will also diminish, instead you'll spend time overseeing employees.
Ben: I guess that will be a big change.
Uncle Bob: Ultimately, hiring employees is about growth. And good growth is done in a balanced and controlled way.
Ben: How do I do that?
Uncle Bob: For starters, you need to realize that growth can make some things easier, but it also generates problems in other areas.
Ben: I see. You mean hiring employees might make things like accounting and human resources harder.Maybe I should put some more thought into this.
Uncle Bob: That's a good idea. But I'm not saying you can't do it. And hiring employees is a good thing....
Ben: Because if means the company is growing?
Uncle Bob: Exactly! Let's go celebrate your growing company with some coffee.
Ben: You're on !

Grammar Gym:
For starter you need to realize that growth can make some things easier....
"for starters" = first of all.
Traveling overseas takes a lot of preparation; for starters (first of all) you need to save up some money.
There are things you need to do before you go for a job interview; for starters (first of all), make sure your resume is up to date.

Vocabulary Tips:
by leaps and bounds - improve or grow very quickly. 非常迅速,与日俱增。"leap" -越过, "bound" -跳越。跳跃
*After Jack moved to the States, his English improved by leaps and bounds.进步神速。
*Rita's computer skills grew by leaps and bounds.与日俱增
freelancer - provide service or work as needed, but not bound by any company. 自由工作者,兼职者.如作曲家,作词,作家等。
*Nathan used to work in a big advertising company, but now he's a freelancer.
freelance (adj) -自由职业,不受雇于人的。独立工作者。
*Alice decided to go freelance after she got married.
induce - cause to happen.引起,导致。“ duce”- 有‘引导’之意。
*I could not induce her to go mountain climbing with me.
*The treatment might induce side effects such as loss of appetite and hair.
stationery - refer to all office supplies, such as pen, pencil, paper, paper clips ...etc.(集合名词,复数不加“s”, 文具用品。泛指所有办公室里所需的笔。纸,本子,橡皮擦,回纹针。。。。等。
*Many parents bought their kids new stationery before school started.
stationary - firm, not move.固定的。固定不动的。
stationery 文具用品/ stationary固定的 -注意,字根很相近,只差一个字母,但发音不同。stationary 第二重音在“na”。
diminish -it gets smaller, or less.减少,减小。慢慢消失了。
*The threat of war diminished due to the peace talks.
*Gloria's enthusiasm for singing soon diminished after her defeat at the contest.歌唱热情。。 比赛失败
ultimately - at the end of process; in the end, by the end.基本上,总而言之。最后,最终。通常放在句首。
*Ultimately, we'll adapt any means to promote our sales.
ultimate (adj) -at the end. the most important, final goal. .终极,最重要的。
*The ultimate goal of the protest is to fight for higher wages.
generate - to create, to start it, to make something (electricity, happiness, money, ideas..etc.)产生,引发,引起)
'gene' - 有‘生产’之意。
*The campaign generated a lot of interest in our product.
*The project will generate over 1000 new jobs.
human resources - work force, everyone who work there. 人事资源。人事部门。
*Good management of human resources can save a great deal of money for the company.
*I had my first interview with the head of human resources.
how was going yesterday ...would you like to continue?
How do I do that?
hidden cost - the cost or fees are not showing at front.
put some thought into it (into your retirement plan; where you go after you graduated from college; relationship;  a good gift for your friend.....etc.)
you're on - let's go. (yes, I go along with you. )

Language Tips:
pay for benefits - 支付福利。
benefit -‘福利“
employee benefits -员工福利。
perks - employee benefits, beside the salary. 除薪资之外的福利奖励与津贴。
perks - short for perquisites.
perks - include fringe benefit.
fringe benefit - 公司提供特殊的奖励如提供一辆车供你使用等。
美国总统享有全世界最优渥的perks or fringe benefit.
oversee/overlook - 看上去相似,但实质意思完全不同。
see / look -看
oversee - supervise. 监督,管理。'll spend time overseeing employees.
overlook - see from a high point or place. 眺望,俯瞰。
overlook - miss the most important part. fail because didn't pay attention on something minor but is the most important part. 忽略,轻忽,看漏了,。
The detective overlooked an important clue.  刑警忽略了。。。
oversight -眺望,俯瞰。但是较常用在“忽略,轻忽”意思上。

Taking notes of Studioclassroom

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