Monday, July 1, 2013

July is Hot, Hot, Hot!

Start this month with some hot July facts
炎熱的七月! - 用熱呼呼的七月事實來開啟這個月 份吧!

Welcome to one of the hottest months on Earth -at least in the Northern Hemisphere. On July 10, 1913, the temperature in Death Valley, California, reached 56.7 degrees Celsius. That's approaching the heat you need to fry an egg! Indeed, you can try doing that on July 4 - Sidewalk Egg Frying Day.

Of course, you may wan't to beat the heat by eating ice cream, Ronald Reagan, America's 40th president, would have supported that idea! In 1984, he declared July to be National Ice Cream Month. Take your cold treat and go for a walk.

In some places you might spot a larkspur, July's flower. White ones convey a happy nature while purple ones represent first love. July's gemstone is the red ruby. This 'king of gems' represents courage, among other virtues. According to some, soldiers used to implant rubies under their skin in hopes of gaining courage in battle.

International Joke Day is July 1 - today! And who doesn't like to laugh? Take some time to tell a jock or post something funny online. After all, laughter is the best medicine.

Grammar Gym:
This 'king of gems' represents courage, among other virtues.
'among other ' - one of many. There are many, just one of many.
Amy visited museums, among other activities, while she was studying in Paris.
A platypus is a strange mammal; it lays eggs, among other unique characteristics.

Vocabulary Tips:
Celsius -摄氏,字母大写是因Celsius发明的。
*The temperature dropped to 5 degrees Celsius last night.
Fahrenheit -华氏(温度计量度)字母大写是因Fahrenheit 发明的。
*The temperature now is 10 degree Fahrenheit.
indeed -真正的,确实。
*Molly is indeed the most unselfish person I've ever met.
indeed -也可放在句子最后面。
*The opportunity to interview such a celebrity is rare indeed. 。。确实真的很难得。
*each of his poems conveys a sense of hope.
*Sherry conveyed her gratitude to her teacher with a lovely card.
convey (v) -运送。
*The furniture was conveyed by sea.
virtue (n) -美德,德行。
*One of Jack's greatest virtues is his kindness.
virtuous (adj) -道德高尚的,或人很正直的。
*Sean is a responsible, hard-working and virtuous family man.
implant - put something  inside of something, something is not exist by nature.
laughter is the best medicine -圣经里的字句‘喜乐乃是良药’。
beat the heat -避暑,beat the something. 赶在。。之前。
beat the traffic -避开车潮。
beat the crowd. -避开拥挤的人群。

Language Tips:
egg- 蛋,和牛肉般,有好多种做法与喜爱的吃法。
what do you want your egg? 
sunny-side up: 蛋黄在上的荷包蛋,只煎一面,半生半熟的。又因形看似太阳,太阳那面在上的。
over easy -蛋两面煎,(翻个面煎),蛋黄不要太熟的。
over hard -蛋两面煎,(翻个面煎)蛋黄要全熟的
hard-boiled egg :蛋黄要全熟的煮蛋。
soft-boiled egg :蛋黄不要全熟的软蛋黄煮蛋。
poached egg.- 水煮蛋,水泡蛋。
scramble egg -蛋打碎后用炒得。

Notes taking of StudioClassroom

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