Thursday, April 4, 2013

Lessons From the Cuttlefish

Inspirations from the sea for clothes that change colors
效法墨魚的變色服 - 從海洋獲得靈感的變色服.

The amazing cuttlefish - now you see it, now you don't!

The ocean's master of disguise is known for its ability to appear and disappear right before your eyes. This eight-armed creature can quickly change its color and texture to match its surroundings Cuttlefish go through this process in order to surprise prey, protect themselves or attract other cuttlefish.

How does it work?
The color change is possible thanks to millions of special cells under the skin. These color cells contain tiny bag-like structures that hold different colors of ink, including red, yellow, black, brown and others.

A cuttlefish can change color in less than a second after its brain imparts a signal to these cells. In fact, a cuttlefish can change color several times in just a few seconds. For years scientists have tried to figure out this complex system and how it could be beneficial to people. Now they are taking a cue from this "chameleon of the sea " in an effort to develop "smart clothing.".

Engineers Jonathan Rossiter and Andrew Conn at the University of Bristol in the U.K. have created a clear "artificial skin." Using cuttlefish technology, the two men have developed a soft material that contains something similar to the cuttlefish's color cells. But instead of color, these cells hold a tiny, thin piece of black rubber. A process that squeezes the rubber pieces causes them to appear flatter and wider.

When all these black spots are expanded at the same time, it looks like the skin is suddenly darkening. And just like the cuttlefish, the color change takes place in less than a second. In the future, Rossiter hopes that by layering the cells, they can create material with multiple color changes or moving patterns.

How can it be used?
Military groups may find the material useful for camouflage. Hikers and bikers, though, will appreciate the ability to become suddenly bright, making themselves stand out for safety purposes. And who knows, "cuttlefish fashion" may someday be the latest thing on the runway.

Grammar Gym:
The color change is possible thanks to millions of special cells under the skin.
"thanks to" = "because of" . not appreciated and give thanks. It's a formal way to say "because of ".
Because of the sunny weather, we enjoyed a lovely day outside.\
= Thanks to the sunny weather, we enjoyed a lovely day outside.
The team was able to finish the project quickly because of the new computer program.
= The team was able to finish the project quickly, thanks to the new computer program.

Vocabulary Tips:
disguise - someone disguise (v) himself by wear a disguise (n) to hide who he is..伪装,假扮。
*Her disguise consisted of a blonde wig and a hat.
in disguise -乔装打扮。
*The actress always shops in disguise so no one will recognize her.
surroundings (复数n) -where or what is near you and around you. 周遭的环境,周遭的景物。
surrounding (adj) - near you, around you. 周围的。
*The beautiful surroundings of the hotel make it very popular in summers.。。美丽的周遭的景物。。
*I can't study in such noisy surroundings.这么吵闹的周遭环境
impart - give, give away, pass to. 给与,传递。
*The ships use light signals to impart messages.利用灯光讯号来传递信息。
*It is the teacher's duty to impart knowledge to students effectively. (有效的)给与,传递
*She imparts a natural elegance with her graceful moves. 优雅的举止动作,透露出自然的高雅。
beneficial (adj) -有利的,有益的。
benefit (n) -利益,好处。
*Regular exercise is beneficial to your health.
*Sunlight and fresh air are beneficial to plants。
take a cue from something - 从中的找到提示,线索或开端。
cue - note, signal, a beginning. a clue, a task.信号,提示,线索或开端
cue ball (n) -(撞球)母球。
master of something - take lead of something, the best among something.
artificial - not nature, men made.人工的,人造的。 "art" -技巧。
*artificial flavoring -人工甘味。
*artificial coloring -人工色素。
artificial -造作,造假,仿真的。
*Her smile looks insincere and artificial.不真诚的又造作的。
expand - enlarge to size, area or ability.扩展,扩大,扩充。"ex" -向外之意。
*The restaurant expanded its seating area to make more income.
expansion (n)-扩展
*The expansion plan will cost the company a great deal of money.
layer (n) - one layer after another. Cake made with different layers.层,层次。
layer (v) -put something on the top of something.一层一层堆积,一层一层平铺。。
*Grandma layered the apple slices in the pie crust to make apple pie.
*Karl layered the charcoal neatly so the fire would keep burning.
stand out - step out, or people easy to notice you, easy to catch people's eye.站出来,显眼,引人注目。
*Thomas' height makes him stand out in the crowd.人群中。
*Because of her excellent performance, Lilly stood out from the other contestants.
find the material (something) useful - make something useful in many ways.
find + (something) to be +(adj) - find an apple to be sour, find this article to be attracted....
the run way - the place or platform where those fashion models walk on it.

Language Tips:
biomimicry (bio-mimicry)-仿生学。科学家们利用自然界现象来改善人的生活的做法。(本文是说科学家们用墨鱼的灵感来发展出可以变色的衣服。)
bio -生命。
mimic -模仿。
Velcro -母子带,魔鬼粘。科学家戴狗散步回家,发现很多的芒草粘粘在狗毛上,仔细研究而发明了母子带,魔鬼粘。
biomimicry (n) -bio-mimicry-仿生学。有如下几个例子:
termite mound -白蚁窝,无论温差高于40度C还是低于零度以下,白蚁都能生存,而研发出隔热,防冷的物质用于近代的建筑上。
lotus flower -莲花的洁白,不污染,德国科学家研发出了隔水防污的油漆。

Take note of study "Studio Classroom"

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