Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Different Approach to Choosing a Career

職涯規劃要趁早 Helping teens find a career path that suits them by Alexia Elejalde-Ruiz (c) 2010, Chicago Tribune. Di

As students near the end of high school, many for the first time start thinking seriously about what they want to do when they grow up and how they plan to get there. And, more often than not, the answer is a nervous shrug: no idea. The challenge is to get students - and parents -to think beyond external rewards, like salary and prestige, so they explore careers that are fulfilling on a deeper level.

Because a teen's interests and skills are often transient and changing, a more useful approach to identifying fitting career paths is to focus on the teen's personality, said Paul Tieger, an expert in personality typing and co-author of Do What You Are.....

"If you know your personality type, you have an extraordinary advantage in finding something satisfying," said Tieger, the creator of On Tieger's website, people take a personality assessment that evaluates how they interact with others, make decisions and take in information. It classifies them as one of 16 personality types based on the Myers-Briggs model. This model measures four aspects of personality: extrovert or introvert; sensor or intuitive; thinking or feeling; judging or perceiving.

The resulting combination points you to jobs meant to be in sync with your nature. For example, extroverts need a lot of people contact, so they might make good sales people, introverts need depth and focus, often preferring to work behind the scenes. Sensors thrive on concrete details and facts, so they might consider accounting. Intuitive people prefer ideas and concepts, and so are more inclined toward the arts or advertising.

Armed with a list of personality-appropriate jobs, teens can then research to find out what the job entails. "The main question is: What do I do that makes me really feel alive, that energizes me? Tieger said. High school students likely won't -and shouldn't -nail down a specific career path; exploring your interests and life's purpose is partly what college is for. But it helps to develop a general idea, so when the time comes to pick a major they can choose something relevant.

Basically what you're starting out with is a compass needle that's going around in circles, so anything you can do to make the swing of the compass needle smaller will be really helpful," said Nicholas Lore, director of the Rockport Institure (, a career design and research firm in Rockville, Md.

Grammar Tips:
Armed with a list of personality -appropriate jobs, teens can then research to find out what the job entails.
arm (n)- a part of body. (v)-to ahve something useful in order to successfully accomplish a task.
When Randy went to babysit his nieces and nephews, he was armed with a good storybook and a children's DVD.
Even though Priscilla has never cooked a meal, she was armed with a cookbook when she walked into the kitchen to fix dinner for her family.

Vocabulary Tips:
transient-短暫的,三人成虎鈡熱度,稍縱即逝的 last only a short time. temporary. "trans"- 越過,通過
*His transient fame made him very proud and he lost a lot of friends.
*Transient workers move from state to state to help with the different harvests. 臨時工
extrovert-外向的(人),新性格外向的 "ex"-有"向外"之意, "in" -有"向内"之意.
*Sally is an extrovert. She hardly stays at home. On the contrary, her sister Georgia is an introvert.-内向的,性格内向的
perceived- 感知或察覺到 "ceive" -有"拿取, 接收"之意
*Computer games are often perceived as bad influences on children.(一般) 被認定..
*I perceived someone walking toward me in the darkness. 察覺到
sync/synch -同步,一致,符合. "syn"-有"一起,同步"之意.
in sync with - 與某事或某對象同步,一致.
*She sang in sync with the playing of the band.
out of sync- 不一致,不搭調
*The style of the costumes is out of sync with the setting of the film.
incline (v)-傾向于, 容易如何如何. "cline"- 有"有彎曲"之意.
*Cathy is inclined to sympathize with people. She would be a great counselor.
*Laura inclines to get frustrated. -容易發脾氣,
nail down-確定,做出決定. 蓋棺論定 "nail"- 集中某個目標.
nail down something -settled something for permanent, will not change.
*We will nail down our sales target for this season in today's meeting.
*The two companies finally nailed down the details of the contract.

Chat Room:
personality- 個性,人格(1) well known people in certain field. 在某領域裏的人物或名人.
(2) remarkable or unique person. 人的特質,優良品格
(3) a place its design, display or decoration that reflect some kind of person unique character. 場所得特質.
personality test - 人格測驗,了解自己的個性.
sports personality- 體壇上的名人.
TV personality -TV 名人或名嘴。
Radio personality-廣播名人,名嘴或是電臺節目主持人。
has a lot of personality- 很有獨特個性的室内設計。
picking a major- 選擇主修科目
major- 主修
declare a major- 正式申明要主修什麽。declare at Sophomore Year.大學二年生要申明主修科系
apply- 申請 student need to apply for a USA college
rejection letter- 拒絕信,即"不錄取"不被申請學校接受.
acceptance letter-錄取信, 被接受通知.被申請學校接受,學校送達申請學生的錄取通知.

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