Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Aluminum Does it All

萬用金屬:鋁You’ll be amazed at what this silvery metal can do! by Bryan Hagerla

Ask your friends to name some things made with aluminum. Chances are they'll mention common items like cooking foil or soda cans. But do they know that aluminum was once so rare it was considered a precious metal?

Before the late 19th century, aluminum was rarely found in its pure form. But in 1886, American Charles Martin Hall and Frenchman Paul-Louis -Toussaint Heroult both made a discovery. They found an inexpensive way to separate aluminum from other minerals using electricity. Thanks to Hall and Heroult, aluminum became easier to process. It has since become the second most-used metal in the world after iron.

Prized for its many uses, aluminum can be combined with other metals to create alloys with unique features. Depending on which metal is added, aluminum can be made stronger or more flexible. By far, aluminum's most attractive feature is its light weight. Pure aluminum is roughly one-third the weight of steel. That means aluminum can be used to make items that are light and durable. Uses range from car parts to power cables. Aluminum may be less expensive than it once was, but it remains as valuable as ever!

More Information:
Why does aluminum have two different pronunciations?
Before the metal was officially discovered, it was known as aluminum.
Later, to conform to the I-U-M ending of the other elements on the periodic table, the British changed aluminum to aluminium.
In 1925, the American Chemical Society officially changed the name of aluminium back to aluminum.
And that's why there are two different pronunciations - one American and one British!

Grammar Tips:
Prized for its many uses, aluminum can be combined with other metals....
"Prized for its...., subject + verb " -sentence pattern to describe "hose high value is because in a certain character and quality.
Prized for its ability to improve many things in life, salt has been fought over by different governments and people groups throughout history.
Prized for its soft texture, light weight, and breathable quality, silk was traditionally reserved only for the Chinese imperial courts.

Vocabulary Tips:
electricity- 電,電力- power。electrical -電的,有電的, electric -電動的
* Make sure you turn off the electricity before you change the light bulbs.
*There's no electricity left in my laptop.
electrical wire -電線
electric -電動的
electric cars-電動車
flexible-彎曲自如,有彈性的。"flex"- 彎曲,bendable, will not break easily.
*These flexible plastic tubes are replacing the old tubes.
*The flexible working hours allow me to study while I am at work.
durable -持久耐用的。strong,unbreakable, can last for long time. "dur" 堅固
*The appliances manufactured by this company are very durable.
*The cell-phones they made are quite durable.
pure- is nothing added to it.
alloy -(a -lo-i) - combination of two or three metals.

Chat Room:
uses (n) -sound "s" for uses. 用処多多。很多功能。
uses (v) - sound "z" for uses. (第三人稱)使用
John uses the chopsticks well. uses (z) sound.多用途的,多方面的,多才多藝的
versatile - sound "ver -sa- tle" in USA -多用途的,多方面的,多才多藝的
versatile -sound "ver-sa-ti (ai)le "- British
versatile tool -多用途的工具
versatile chef -多才多藝的廚師,能做多方面的菜肴。

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