Monday, September 27, 2010

Confucius: His Wisdom Lives On

孔子:智慧永存Despite difficulties, China’s greatest teacher left a lasting legacy 即使歷經艱難,這位中國的至聖先師仍為後人留下了永存的遺產 by Pamela Osment.

This week we celebrate the birthday of one of history’s well-known teachers

Zhuangzi (莊子) once characterized Confucius as saying, "You may forget me as I once was, but there is something unforgettable about me that will still live on." This prediction remains accurate as Confucius' words still live on today and have been quoted by people down through the ages. Because of the writings and teachings he left behind, Confucius is considered one of history's wisest men.

Childhood through early manhood
When he was born in 551 B.C. in Lu ( 魯), China, the baby who would someday be called Kong Fuzi ( 孔子) was named Kong Qiu ( 孔丘). Confucius' father, Kong Shulianghe (孔叔梁紇 ), was a descendant of the royal family of Shang and had at one time been governor of the town of Zou ( 鄒). When Kong Qiu was three years old, his father died, leaving the child and his young mother in poverty. As Kong Qiu grew older, their financial situation required him to take on menial jobs such as caring for livestock.
He became known as a polite, smart and hard-working young man with an insatiable desire to learn. This thirst for knowledge would push him toward a life of learning and teaching others.

Confucius married when he was 19, had a son and two daughters, and continued working assorted jobs, including several in his local government. Around the age of 30, Confucius began his teaching career, sometimes traveling from town to town while teaching a group of students who accompanied him. As a result, it didn't take long for his principles to spread and for others to begin recognizing him for the wise sage that he was.

Times of chaos and wandering
Confucius became increasingly distressed by the political corruption and disorder in society, so he decided to get involved in politics, hoping to make a difference. He secured a position as the Minister of Justice in Lu, but after realizing that his policies and ideas weren't being accepted, he left the post disheartened.
The philosopher truly believed that society and governments would improve if they would follow the great moral teachings of the past. So, in 496 B.C. Confucius began a period of wandering in search of a ruler who would adopt his ethical teachings.
For the next 12 years, Confucius and a growing group of disciples traveled from town to town advising rulers and local officials. Throughout his 12-year-journey, Confucius encountered indifference, extreme hardship and danger, nearly being assassinated on one occasion.
At 67, he returned to Lu, having been unsuccessful in his efforts to persuade even one ruler to practice his moral doctrines. Yet Confucius never faltered in his belief that the most important task of any ruler was to work for the welfare and happiness of his people.

Confucius' final years
He spent the next few years studying, writing and teaching his ever-expanding group of students. It's been said that up to 3,000 men may have studied with Confucius although only 22 are actually mentioned in the Analects, which were written by his disciples.
Sadly, Confucius' last years were unhappy, as his son died during this time and his favorite disciple died the year the philosopher returned to Lu. One morning in 479 B.C., the sage died in bed. His followers buried him with great ceremony, built huts close to his grave, and spent the next three years there in mournful respect.
The news of his death spread quickly, and finally in death, Confucius received national respect and boundless admiration-admiration that continues today for China's greatest teacher.

Some famous quotes from Confucius include "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." "Men's natures are alike, it is their habits that carry them far apart." "What a superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others."

Grammar Tips:
As a result, it didn't take long for his principles to spread and for others to begin recognizing him for the wise sage that he was.
it didn't take long=it didn't take a long time=quickly=soon.
Frank finished his essay quickly.
It didn't take long for frank to finish his essay.
Joyce soon grew tired of eating the same things every day.
It didn't take long for Joyce to grow tired of eating the same things every day.

Vocabulary Tips:
descendants- 後代,後裔 descend-下降,傳下去
*The monument was built by one of the great poet's descendants.
*The guy claims to be a direct descendant of Mozart.
menial-卑微的,粗重的,繁雜的。 "e"發 "i"的音
*Oliver is used to menial work like cleaning the toilets and scrubbing the floors.
*He wasted all his talents and ended up doing menial temp jobs.
*The girl has an insatiable desire to paint. 想畫畫
*Nathan seems to have an insatiable appetite for wealth and fame. 對財富與美名有永不滿足的渴望
Childhood, manhood- "hood" here means "a period of time"
*The whole nation was in chaos after the earthquake. 處於混亂狀態
*The typhoon caused chaos in the flooded area.
*The office has been in absolute chaos since the manager suddenly quit.
corruption-腐敗, 貪污,腐化 corrupt-腐敗
*The mayor now faces several corruption charges.
*The government took strong measures against corruption.強烈的手段對付貪污,腐敗.
*The society's ethical standards should be respected by all.
*It's unethical for doctors to discuss their patients' conditions in public.
*The king was nearly assassinated by one of his guards.
assassination (n)-名詞是assassinate 去“e”加“tion” 暗殺
*The assassination of the president caused the nation to panic.
mournful- 哀悼的,悲傷的mourn-悲傷難過的
*The puppy's mournful eyes make you want to hug it.
*The mournful cello solo still lingers in my head. 大提琴悲傷的獨奏。。。久久難忘
boundless-無限的,無窮的無盡的bound-受拘束,被綁住 less-有“否定”的意思
*Nothing can express my boundless gratitude. 表達我無盡的感謝
*The boy has boundless energy. 有用不完的精力。

Chat Room
ages-(複數)是指很長久的時間。long, long time.-
I haven't seen you for / in ages. 好久沒見面了
I spent ages fixing this document.花了好長的時間
down through the ages-長久以來的,越過不同的時代的. through a long period of time.
wise sage-有智慧的,博學的賢人.
wise man-智者.
wise guy-不是"聰明的人" 的意思,是指"自作聰明的人"
smart aleck-不是"聰明的人" 的意思,乃指"自作聰明的人"
"wise guy" or " smart aleck" 這兩种人都是令人討厭的人
buried him with great ceremony-
ceremony (n)-(可數名詞)典禮,儀式,指較正式的,莊嚴的典禮,儀式。政府等舉行的慶典。
a wedding ceremony-
a funeral ceremony-葬禮
a graduation ceremony-
buried him with great ceremony-隆重,以正式的方式來埋葬
ceremony -(不可數名詞)禮節
without ceremony-不拘禮節的

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