Sunday, May 30, 2010

Coming Home

回家囉Luke is ready to head back home路克準備返家囉! This is my place, my love, where I belong. by Luke Wang

After finals, I was ready to move out. It wasn’t too hard for me, but for a lot of my friends, it was a big deal. After cleaning up the trash, packing my suitcase, and helping my friends move, it was time to say goodbye. I had reached the end of my freshman year!

A friend from Taipei who is studying in Washington, D.C., came to visit, so my brother and I took him sightseeing. But these were not this month’s highlights. The high point was coming back home, a moment I’d been anticipating since the day I left. I arrived home early on the morning of May 15th.

When I saw my parents, I gave them a big hug and kiss. Being close to my parents, standing on this land, and feeling the humidity in the hot air. I knew I was home. the first ting I did was to go to Mei&Mei(美而美)for a big breakfast. It was so much better than the school cafeteria! Mei&Mei was just a start. There are so many foods I have to eat and so many friends I want to see. The hot air is burning my face and the sweat is evaporating from my skin. I love this feeling. This is where I belong.

Mei&Mei was just a start.
"just a start" -- When you have a list of things to share, you just mentioned one first, there is more to come. You can use this grammar pattern.
Visiting this world-famous museum is just a start, we will also be touring a famous cathedral and the presidential palace.
We'll meet at the cafe for a snack-- but that's just a start, I've planned a lot of other fun activities.

*The highlights from the football game will be shown on today's news.
*Beyonce's singing was the highlight of the show.
humidity-濕度,濕氣,humid- 潮濕。
*The humidity in the room was so high that I felt kind of sick.濕度很高。。令人不舒服。
*The humidity today is around 60 percent.
evaporate- 蒸發 vapor-水蒸氣。
*If you open the window, the steam in the bathroom will evaporate faster.蒸汽。。蒸發
*His worries evaporated while playing with his daughter. 他的煩惱一掃而空,煙消雲散。

Chat Room
deal- 交易,事情。
a big deal-了不得的事情,大事情。
It's not a big deal-小事一樁,沒什麽事。
What's the big deal? 什麽大事,如此大叫大嚷的?
He thinks he's a big deal.-他自己以爲自己很重要。

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