Sunday, September 13, 2009

Happy Birthday, Barbie!

The world's most famous doll turns 50 this year 全世界最著名的洋娃娃今年过五十大寿哩
by Pamela Osment

This year Barbie lovers everywhere celebrate the doll’s 50th birthday. Happenings in Paris, Shanghai, Sydney, Mexico City, Tokyo and other international locations will mark the event.

Barbie’s beginnings
The fashion doll debuted at the New York Toy Fair on March 9, 1959. Her creator, Ruth Handler, designed her to be the very first teenage fashion model doll. At that time, Barbie cost just $3, and 300,000 sold the first year.

Changing with the times
Russia sent the first women into space in 1963. Not long afterward, Astronaut Barbie landed on toy store shelves. Toy maker Mattel hoped to show little girls they could have any career they desired. Over the past 50 years, Barbie has had over 100 careers. She has been a dentist, a basketball player and a pilot, to name a few.

Creating controversy
Barbie still ranks as the world's most popular doll, with three sold every second. But for all her popularity. Barbie concerns some parents and women's groups. They fear her unrealistic figure causes little girls to have poor self-images.

A new look
Earlier this year, Mattel revealed its newest Barbie in Malibu, CA. The doll's new face has a more natural look. Everyone agreed she still looks great, especially for 50!

More Info
Barbie's creator originally named the doll Barbie Millicent Rogers. At one time, more than half of the world's Barbie dolls were made in Taiwan. Since her debut, more than I billion Barbie dolls have been sold in over 150 countries. Barbie has had more than 40 pets including cats, dogs, horses, a panda, a lion cub and a zebra.

She has been a dentist, a basketball player and a pilot, to name a few.
to name a few ( you don't want to mention all, just say a few)
You need all kinds of things to make this soup: mushrooms, onions, chicken, and spices, to name a few.
The scientist has been invited to speak at many famous universities around the world: Oxford, Yale and Stanford, to name a few.

location (n)-Coffee shops can be found in many different locations around the city.
fashion (n)-The fashion magazine has pictures of the latest styles for fall and winter.
rank (v)-位于某种等级.等级,排名Tiger Woods ranks as one of the best golfers of all time.
*He ranked first among the interns and got hired by the firm.
*She received the first rank for international female tennis players.
concern (v)-单心,忧愁.It concerns me that you haven't started your paper yet and it's due tomorrow. *The boy's latest odd behavior concerns his parents.
*Global warming concerns us all.与某人或某事有关. 与..息息相关.
unrealistic (adj)-unreal, unreasonable.
Tonya's unrealistic plans for the project might have to be changed.
debuted-初次登台表演This now world-renowned singer debuted at a jazz club when she was only 18.
*This young star made his debut in a Disney movie. 初试啼声
poor self-image-the way they weight on themselves low.

Chat Room
jack-of-all-trades- they are people who know many jobs, a person able to do many different jobs.
trade-作买卖,此指各种种类的工作或行业. jack-of-all-trades了解很多事情,能融会贯通做各种不同工作的人.
handyman-a person who does many different small job or task. 手很巧的人,善于多种手艺的人,会修修补补
A handyman in an apartment building or a house fixing small problems
multitasking-a person is doing many small tasks at the same time. 同时做很多件事,一心多用
jack-of-all-trades 是在不同时间里做不同的事, 不是同时在作.

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