Thursday, August 6, 2009

A Day for Dad

屬於爸爸的日子Get ready to celebrate Dadʼs big day by Lisa Holl Chang

Day in, day out, dads take on the many complex responsibilities of parenting. Now, a special day to thank them has come. What can we do? The answer may be simpler than you think. The following dads open up about what’s important to them on Father’s Day.

“The great thing about being a father,” says Andrew, an expatriate in Hong Kong, “is seeing your kids grow up. The trick is to learn how to enjoy every stage!” For Father’s Day, “The best thing I can get is TIME with my daughter and two sons: a chance to chat, eat and drink, and enjoy each other’s company!” He adds, “Of course they should pay!”

Time with their families ranked high on many dads' lists. Christian from Canada says, “ I would like my whole family together again (for Father's Day). My daughter and son-in-law live far away. It would be great to share a day with everyone."

Vascily, who is from Russia, expresses a similar sentiment, "I would like to have all my kids, brothers and sisters, aunts, uncles ..30 to 40 people come together for a meal at my house."

For fathers with young children, a simple gesture of appreciation is more than enough for Father's Day. Chris from Los Angeles has three children under under the age of 7. He says, "I would love any sort of card or picture or note that they have made to tell me that they love me as a father. I will treasure those forever."

Bruce lives in Beijing and has a 2-year-old daughter, Emma. He says, "what I really want for Father's Day is a hug, a kiss, a smile and a picture she painted." He continues, "I also want to see Emma share her blessings with other kids and help with kids in orphanages."

Sun Wen-Der in Hualian jokes that it would be great if a family member could "win the lottery" and buy him a car for Father's Day. But, he concludes that it's not the stuff that's important. "The significance of Father's Day is in children respecting their parents, making them happy." He says "Regarding how to celebrate, or whether or not to eat cake or give gifts, these are all small matters." of course, the best way to know just what your dad wants is simple: Ask him!

Did you know
What do fathers want for Father's Day? An online poll taken by in 2008 had some interesting results:36% of fathers said they wanted to eat cut with their family. 13% said they wanted something electronic, like a cell phone, iPod or GPS device. And 8% of fathers said what they wanted most was time alone to do what they want.

day in, day out (idiom)- doing something every single day and never fail. 日复一日
Day in, day out, Ben sits in his desk, he is always in his office.
*Day in, day out, we go to the same places, do the same kind of work, and eat the same kind of food.
*Day in, and day out, no matter what the weather is like, Sandy jogs 5 miles.
open up (phr v)-open up heart to share or talk about something with people. 打开,解开东西,此指愿意将心敞开,畅谈心理感受与想法。
David opened up and told us his mother had passed away when he was young.
trick (n)-a clever way to doing something. 原指恶作剧的意思,此是秘诀,招数,手法。
The trick to liking coffee is drinking it often.
*The article tells you 10 tricks to make microwave food delicious. 10个招数,秘诀
*The trick of staying Young is to laugh a lot every day.
open up about something-
*After was with the boy several days, he finally opened up about his tragic past.
in law (n) -relatives by lay because of marriage. immediately family, extended family.
Jessie's mother-in-law often asks when she will have a child.
try to work hard to get along with them.
parenting-brought up children. 教养小孩
expatriate-person who live in a foreign country.
sentiment-feeling or idea
gesture-action (more than just giving him something, also showing respect)手势,姿势。
The card from Becky was a wonderful gesture of friendship.
*Hugging is a gesture of friendship in many western cultures. 拥抱,西方文化
*A toast from the host is considered a gesture of respect. 主任敬酒是一种尊敬的表示
*The natives here communicate with us through gestures. 用手势与我们沟通。
orphanage-孤儿院,育幼院 orphan孤儿
The goal of this orphanage is to find a family for each of the children.
*The orphanage is in desperate need of more funds so it can continue to operate.急切,急迫须要经费,。继续运作。(经营)
*Many orphans in Vietnam were adopted by Americans after the Vietnam War. 越战之后,被领养。
lottery-Buy a ticket for this lottery. The winner gets a new car!
regarding (prep)-有关的某件事或某人
Regarding my trip in October, I haven't made any final plans yet.
*Regarding the annual budget, the accounting department will give us a full report. 年度预算,完整的报告。
*The teacher called and said that he needed to discuss some matters regarding my son.讨轮有关事项。

Time with their families ranked high on many dads' lists.
ranked high-to be placed in a top position on a scale of importance.
Many dads would view time with their families as one of their top choices.
Finding a part-time job ranks high on Frank's of things to do.
For weeks, the singer's newest album has ranked high on every music chart around the world.

Chat Room 1
parent (n)-

parenting , 教养小孩(adj)-parenting styles -教养的技能
parenting skills-教养的方式 strict-严格
parenting tips
parenting period-from little kids till adulthood
empty nest syndrome-general feeling of loneliness and depression due to the kids are grown and left home. 空巢症候群。(感到孤单,沮丧因小孩长大而离家)
nest 鸟巢, syndrome 症候群

Chat room 2
It's matter of great significance 重要性
important-It's matter of important
significant=important 可通用,写作时,可用以互换着用,以增加文章的生动性。
an important day=a significant (adj) day
a significant increase-a very large amount increase, it express increase. 显著的增加。
a significant gesture 暗示的手势。
a significant other-someone who share long term relationship with you.主要得另一位,指你的伴侣,最爱,最重要的那位。
significant-更强烈的形容词,重要,有意义,具关键性,影响性的意味, 显著的,具有某种暗示的。

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