Sunday, September 29, 2013

Customer Troubles

Negotiating skills are an important part of customer service
客服難題 -協商技巧是客服的重要一環.

Ben: Hey, Uncle Bob.
Uncle Bob: Hi, Ben. How's the business?
Ben: OK, but I'm having trouble with some customers.
Uncle Bob: What kind?
Ben: I feel like they are taking advantage of me. I keep getting pushed into doing more work for less pay.
Uncle Bob: Give me an example.
Ben: OK. When I give one of my customers a price quote for a job, he'll agree to the price. But then when we're about to sign the contract, he'll say something like "Technical support is part of this package, right?"
Uncle Bob: So what do you do? 
Ben: What can I do? I basically agree to whatever he's asking.
Uncle Bob: It sounds like you're having trouble with negotiations.
Ben:  Negotiations?
Uncle Bob: Your customer is using a negotiating strategy called "the nibble.". 
Ben:  The nibble?
Uncle Bob: It's called the nibble because each of those little requests is like a little bite.
It's effective because you've already made the deal in your mind, and the extra concessions seem small compared to the bigger deal.
Ben: What can I do to stop the nibble?
Uncle Bob: There are many ways to counteract the nibble. The easiest is probably just to show your customer a written price list that lays out the costs of additional features or services.
Ben: I have another example.
Uncle Bob: Okay.
Ben: One of my customers always responds to a price quote by saying " You'll have to do better than that!"
And you respond by lowering the price?
Ben: Right, but I always feel like I've lowered it too much.
Uncle Bob: That strategy is called "the vise". The best way to handle it is to ask how much better you'll have to do. That way, you don't end up in the downward spiral of negotiating against yourself by offering lower prices than necessary.
Ben: I see. I also have a customer who always responds to my prices by claiming he doesn't have that much money.
Uncle Bob: Do you remember the game hot potato?
Ben: Sure. You have to pass the hot potato to someone else before time runs out, right?
Right. That's what your customer is trying to do to you. He's trying to manipulate you by passing his problems on to you.
Ben: How can I prevent that?
Uncle Bob: Don't become hostile. Just pass one of your problem right back to the customer. Explain that you won't be able to complete the project for the money he's offering or that you need the money for your children's education.
Ben: That's great. Thanks. Uncle Bob.
Uncle Bob: Glad to help. Ben.

Grammar Tips:
"That way, you don't end up in the downward spiral of negotiating against yourself by offering lower prices than necessary.
'the way' - Do I go this way or that way?
'the way ' - if you follow what was just mentioned.
Pack your book bag before you sleep; that way, you will have one less thing to worry about in the morning.
Always keep an extra umbrella at work; that way, you will be prepared in case it suddenly rains.

Vocabulary Tips:
push someone into something -强迫某人或逼迫某人去做某事。
push -逼迫,施加压力。
*Howard felt that he was pushed into taking over his father's business.
*Max got pushed into joining the football team by his friends.
package -整套服务或整套的商品。全套的。
*I thought medical insurance was included in the package.
*The package includes train tickets and a one-night stay at the Hilton.
concession - 让步,妥协。
*The company decided to make a concession in order to get the contract signed.
*The president declared that the government would make no concessions to the terrorists. 宣布。。绝不让步。
counteract -对抗,抵抗,抵制。 'counter' -反对。
*The doctor prescribed some medicine to counteract the side effects of the treatment.
*New measures were taken to counteract bullying at school.
quote - here refer to price that how much someone need to pay.估价。 also means someone says something use quotation mark, such as quote someone's word. 引号,引用别人的话。
too much for too little / or too little for too much.
having trouble with something - have problem with something.
getting pushed into doing something - make you have to do it.
negotiation (n) / negotiations - talk to lower the price or ask for adding something ..讨价还价,商议。
nibble - take a small bite.  take a small bite of something. because just a small piece people would not care too much. 小口小口的吃。一次只咬下或吃一点点。
vise/ vice (n) - a kind of tool. 也指邪恶的行径,恶习弱点,缺点,恶劣的行径。
*Pride is one of his vises.骄傲是他的缺点之一。
*The police successfully smashed a large vise ring. 破获了。。犯罪集团。
*The reporter revealed the vice and corruption of the politician. 揭露着政客。恶劣及腐败的行径。
downward spiral - things are keep getting worst. 恶性循环。spiral - 螺旋。
*Lack of funds and high interest rates pushed him into a downward financial spiral.
manipulate - control to get your way or what you want.操纵,操控,控制。
*The movie star is good at manipulating the media to get the attention she wants. 善于操纵媒体。。
manipulate -操作或操控某种机械。
*Pilots go through strict training in order to manipulate the controls on the panel in the cockpit.
hostile -not friendly. opposite of friendly. 怀有敌意的,不友善的。
*The people in that town are pretty hostile to outsiders. 对外来的人非常不友善。
*The boy is so hostile because he was physically abused for years. 如此怀有敌意是因为他多年来一直受到肢体暴力对待。
upward spiral - things are keep getting better and better. 增增日上,越来愈好。

Language Tips:
question mark - ? 不只是有问题向人提出请问。也用来表示“疑问,不确定或惊讶"
She asked if I was hungry -  间接疑问句后面不需要问号。
cheap / frugal - 小气鬼/ 节俭的人。
cheap - 便宜,不值钱。
cheap - is stingy,  like to haggle. 用在人身上是很负面的。很小气,喜欢杀价,令周遭的人不愉快。
stingy -小气,吝啬。
haggle -杀价。
frugal - 节俭的。为了省钱而bargain, 省下来的钱,慷慨地愿意去帮助有需要的人。

Notes taking of StudioClassroom

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