Friday, April 6, 2012

Decision Fatigue

Decisions, decisions, the constantly need to decide maybe effecting the quality of your decisions.决定疲乏,做决定!做决定!如果持续不断地需要做决定!可能会影响到决定的品质。

Do you consider yourself a good or a bad decision-maker? If you answer "bad." you might simply be choosing the wrong time of day to make your decisions.

A new phenomenon
When was the last time you made an end-of-the-day business decision or a late-night online purchase only to regret it the next day? Most of us are guilty of some regrettable decisions from time to time, but researchers may now have an explanation for these poor choices. Psychologists and researchers call the newly identified phenomenon "decision fatigue." They suggest that each time we make a decision, we use up some of our willpower, that ability to control our own actions and say "No."

After making numerous decisions, our willpower is then depleted, leading us to make increasingly poor choices. Roy Baumeister,  social psychologist and pre-eminent researcher on the topic has conducted a series of experiments. These experiments demonstrated that willpower functions like a muscle and can actually be fatigued with use. As a result, when fewer decisions are involved, there is less decision fatigue.

But in a world with endless choices, everywhere from the coffee shop to the classroom, how can we avoid decision fatigue and choose wisely? Baumeister found that the most successful people have learned how to conserve their willpower by adapting their habits and routines.

What can we learn from them?

* Make your mornings count
When possible, make all major decisions in the morning while your mind is fresh and before fatigue takes over. When you face problems that must be dealt with, handle the situation early in the day in order to avoid a harsh word or an error in judgment.

* Avoid crises
Don't wait until the last minute to pay your bills, finish a project or make needed repairs. Use your willpower to avoid a crisis rather than just get through one.

Sleep on it
Trying to decide on something like a new apartment or can can be draining. As with any major financial agreement, it's best to sleep on it before making any final decisions.

*Shop with a list
Marketers long ago figured out that a customer's willpower is low after deciding on one grocery item after another. That's why candy and other snacks are always located at the checkout counter. Avoid temptation by always shopping with a list and sticking to it.

*Know yourself
Baumeister shared a final common denominator among those who avoid decision fatigue. "The best decision makers are the ones who know when not to trust themselves." he said.

Writing Tips:
But in a world with endless choices, everywhere from the coffee shop to the classroom, how can we avoid decision fatigue and choose wisely?
In a world with endless choices.
" world" here is not refer to the world we live on.
 "world" here is a created way to say "life/society/environment."
as a result = because of this.

Vocabulary Tips:
fatigue (n)-疲劳,疲乏。
*Taking care of too many patients can cause compassion fatigue in doctors and nurses.
fatigued (adj)-疲劳的,疲乏的。
*The workers became fatigued after working long hours.
regrettable- 会后悔,会感到遗憾的。feel bad, sorry. "regret"-后悔,遗憾。 "able"-会如此的,可能的。
*The defeat was a regrettable failure for both the team and the coach.
*This regrettable mistake caused blackout for thousands of households.
pre-eminent -顶尖的,卓越的,杰出的。 "pre"-有“前面”的意思。, "emi"-有 “突出”之意
*This pre-eminent pianist won numerous awards. 顶尖的钢琴家。
*Dave graduated from one of the country's pre-eminent medical schools.顶尖的医科学府。
conserve- protect, save, use less not waste, keep up. 保留,保存,节省。
*To conserve electricity, we seldom turn on our air-conditioner.
*The customs and traditions of this tribe were carefully conserved.
*The singer didn't speak much to conserve her voice for tonight's performance.
drain-使消耗,流出,排出。to make something more tired.
*These marathon meetings completely drained me.
*Taking care of the new-born baby really drained the couple's energy.
denominator -分数的分母,此为“共同处,共通点”
common denominator- 共同处,共通点。
*The common denominator of all the directors' work is family values. 强调家庭价值。
depleted - go down, reduce.

Chat Room:
decision fatigue- 决定疲乏。
compassion fatigue-慈悲疲乏。
run out of steam - (很口语的片语)意即“耗尽,筋皮力竭。”- 火车上的蒸汽用完了,火车就无法再开,无法产生动力。
steam -蒸汽,火车行驶是靠蒸汽带动的。
sleep on it- get a good sleep before making any big decisions. take time to make decisions. 睡在上面。yi意即“别急着做决定,慢慢考虑,三思而后行。回家先睡个好觉,等休息够了,再做决定。
sleep over (at)..留在别人家过夜,小朋友or teenagers 到到同学家玩,在朋友家过夜。


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