Friday, February 3, 2012

The dangers of Bullying

Sometimes classmates are one's worst enemies

A girl sits alone at lunch and tries not to cry. Her classmates are pointing at her and laughing. A boy walks quickly home with his head down. He hopes the older kids who often beat him up won't see him. These kinds of incidents are too frequent when children are together.

Bullying is not limited to a single country or culture. A British study in 2003 indicated that 51 percent of British fifth graders had reported being bullied. And 28 percent of eighth graders had also been bullied. In a 200 2010 study of American high school students, 47 percent said they had been bullied. In parts of Asia, the percentage of students who admit to having been bullied has nearly doubled since 2007. And many more victims don't want to speak out.

Bullying takes many forms. One is physically attacking the victim, which can leave him or her with broken bones or worse. But insulting someone, spreading rumors or preventing someone from making friends also count.

Bullying causes serious damage. Victims' grades often drop because they skip classes or cannot concentrate. Bullying also lease to stress and depression and can even cause victims to commit suicide.

If you notice bullying occurring, tell the bullies to stop. Few students realize this, but more than half the time, speaking out ends incidents of bullying.

Are you a bully? Consider your behavior toward people you don't like. Do you hit them, insult them or laugh when others make fun of them? Even those who look, speak or act different deserve respect, so consider their feelings.

If you are being bullied, don't be afraid to tell an adult. That person may be able to stop the bullying without revealing who told him or her. Remember that the things others say and do are not your fault. Find freinds who encourage and stand up for you.

Don't give up - many people have faced similar experiences. They care about you and want to help.
Grammar Tips:
Bullying takes many forms.
to take many forms
to take - use your hand to get something. Getting something with your hand.
May I take this last piece of cake?
to take many forms: There are many forms or kinds of what was just mentioned
There are many forms of bullying.
to take many forms:
Depression symptoms take many forms.
Lunar New year celebrations take on many forms.

Vocabulary Tips:
bullying-威吓,要挟,侮辱 bully 霸凌
*Bullying is a serious problem in inner city schools.
*This incident of bullying caused major conflicts between the parents of both parties.
beat somebody up - hit someone badly. 痛打
*the boy was beaten up by the gangsters.
*The robbers beat up the old man just to get this wallet.
count-数,计算,此指 "算为"
*The basketball player and the referee  argued about whether or not this shot should count.
*The teacher announced that any reports turned in late wouldn't count.
frequent - very often.
incidents -things happen. event.
insult - making fun, rude to someone.
Don't let someone being bullied you.  Don't bullying others. If you are bullying someone, stop, to make it right.
behavior -the way you behave.
commit - to do something. 犯下某事,去做某事。
concentrate - pay attention.
reveling- show, disclose. 透露,露出,揭露,显露。
stand up for someone - support someone. 支持,护卫,捍卫。
suicide- intent to kill one's self.
consider -think about.

Chat Room:
limit "to" - 上限 limit to five books. Bullying is not limited to a single country or culture.
limit "by" - 被(因)什么而受到限制。limit by law. limited by the size of the tank
limit "in"- 受限,limited in space, limited in number,limited in weight 空间上,数字上,重量上受限。
drop- 放下,滑落,掉落,下降,grades drop 成绩退步。
"drop it" - 口语用法,叫人“打住”,“到此为止,别再提了” drop means "stop"
"drop the ball" - making mistake. making unforgivable mistake.(球场上)掉了球,到手的球,失手把球掉了, 意即“失误,失职,犯错”,尤指“ 犯下不该犯的错”。

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