Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Innovative Eco-friendly Products

創新環保產品 From a toilet to a TV, new technology comes in all shapes, sizes and prices 從馬桶到電視機,新科技產品形形色色,尺碼齊by Joe Dunn.

Below are some of the most innovative products that will save you lots of cash in the long run.

Dual-flush toilets
Did you know 40 percent of indoor water usage is flushed down a toilet? That's right - 55 billion gallons of clean water are sent down the pipes each day. Dual-flush toilets use different amounts of water for solid and liquid waste. Anywhere from 30 to 50 percent less water is flushed in addition to the $100 or so dollars saved each year.

Steam dishwashers
Steam dishwashers help save on that water bill. Steam models can use up to 33 percent less water than the standard dishwasher. What's more, studies have shown steam dishwashers clean dishes better than their counterparts. some models even offer owners the ability to customize the wash intensity for an upper rack of wine glasses and lower rack of crusted pots and pans.

Wireless charging
Allowing the charge of up to three devices plus one USB port on brands like Powermat, wireless models offer speeds equivalent to or greater than the manufacturer-provided chargers. In addition, these models incorporate an auto-shutoff feature when charging completes. Products charge while they rest on top of the charging mat. They come in handy during traveling when only a car charger or single electrical outlet is available.

LED light bulbs
LED is the newest alternative to the current, energy-efficient fluorescent light bulbs. But unlike fluorescent bulbs, LED lights contain no traces of the toxic element mercury. They are even found to be 5 percent more efficient than fluorescent and possess a life span of up to 50,000 hours! Purchase costs may be high, but only LEDs can say they will still be glowing 20 years from now.

LCD is nothing new- liquid crystal display was first discovered as a technology in 1888. But these days, LCD is the standard in energy-efficient TVs. The past year offered up numerous improvements that are determined to save watts and bucks. For one, human presence sensors prompt the TVs to shut off after 30 minutes when no one is in the room. Additionally, illuminating backlights dim and brighten depending on the lighting present in the room. To cut off power completely, just flip a switch on the back panel to avoid paying for that energy use spent in "sleep mode." All of these are just some of the many ways LCD has once again redefined efficiency.

Anywhere from 30-50% less water is flushed in addition to the $100 or so dollars saved each year.
"anywhere from 30-50% less water"
"anywhere from ....."
Talk about the amount of something that you are not sure exactly number, you can use this phrase. "anywhere from... less (more) something."
We moved anywhere from 50 to 60 boxes yesterday.
I'm not sure exactly how many people were invited to the party; it was anywhere from 30 to 40 people, so we need to be prepared.

Vocabulary Tips:
*Charles enjoys his dual role as a CEO and a father of three kids.
*Brenda has dual citizenship. She's Canadian but also has a French passport.
counterpart-相對應的事務,或同等級職位的人. "counter"-有"對抗"之意
*Our vice president will have a meeting with his counterpart from the company we are going to sign a contract with.
equivalent-相等的,或相同的 "equi"-"相等"之意.
*Mark is going to another company to do a job equivalent to the one he has now but with a higher salary.
equivalent "to"-和某個對象相等用""
*One US dollar is equivalent to 30NT dollars.
alternative (n)- replace 代替品,取代,替代方案,非傳統選項。alter-字根有“其他”之意。alternative "to" something. 取代某東西
*Natural herbs can be an alternative to medicine for treating colds.
*Green tea is a healthier alternative to coffee if you need caffeine.
life span -使用期(時間),壽命,年限,life time, last a certain period of time.
span - 一段期間或時間。
*The life span of an adult butterfly is only one or two weeks.
*The life span of this kind of battery is twice as long as the regular ones.
*The smoke sensor goes off if someone is smoking in the bathroom on the plane.煙霧感應器發出響聲。
*A heat sensor can detect the presence of human beings or animals. 熱能感應器能察覺出。。。存在。
flip a switch-change the switch.

Chat Room:
frugal-節儉,節省.to avoid the waste.
He is very frugal person. 很節儉的人
frugal spending 節省,精打細算的,不浪費的=thrifty節約 =economical(經濟的) penny-小錢,美金"一分錢"
if "over frugal" is "penny-pinching"-小氣鬼,stingy
Penny-pinching=小氣鬼,stingy.is very negative. pinch-緊抓不放,手緊握不放.
"penny-wise"- care to deal even small sums (amount) of money.
she is penny-wise. 省小錢的,在小事上精明不浪費的
"frugal" and "penny-wise" both are virtue, positive comment on someone.
penny-pinching is very negative way when you talk about someone is penny=pinching.
Save watts and bucks-省電又省錢
buck (哩語)-美金一塊錢,
Can I borrow a buck? 能借我一元嗎?
I'd like to make an extra buck. 。。想多賺些錢
pass the buck-推脫責任,怪罪別人,推卸責任給別人。
the buck stops here-會起責任來,責無旁貸,不會把責任推給人,把責任擔起來。
一個有擔當負責任的人會說“the buck stops here

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