Thursday, July 8, 2010

Life Coaching

生涯教練達人Meet a counselor who helps people change their futures. 來認識這位協助人們改造未來的諮商顧問 Helping people change their lives. by Simon Stopps

This month Studio Classroom talks to certified life coach Cinda Columb, M.A. With over 15 years of counseling experience, Columb offers workshops and seminars and helps groups and individuals increase their productivity and achieve their goals. She currently operates "Successfully Ever After," a counseling service in Minneapolis, Minn., USA.

SC: What is a life coach?
CC" A life coach is a trained specialist who works with people that want to improve their lives in specific ways.

SC: How are life coaches different from therapists?
CC: A life coach focuses on the present and moves forward by helping clients identify their goals, aspirations and dreams. The idea behind coaching is that there is nothing wrong with the client but that the client desires an even better life. Coaching has a broad focus and looks at one's entire life: health, relationships, career, spirituality and how they all fit together. In therapy the assumption is that there is something wrong that prevents a person from functioning normally. Therapy focuses on healing and correcting past problematic behavior. In therapy, you look back to determine what brought you to a place of disorder in your life.

SC: Why do people go to life coaches?
CC: There are many reasons people go to life coaches. Many clients want to change their occupation, find healthy relationships, deal with stress or deepen their self-understanding.

SC: What kinds of people can benefit from coaching?
CC: Anyone who wants to try new patterns and form new habits in their life can benefit from coaching. People who are open to new possibilities and prepared to do what is necessary to reach their goals benefit most.

SC: What happens in a typical life coaching session?
CC: I do a number of coaching "exercises" to get an accurate idea of a client's strengths and values. Questions are also a critical part of coaching. A simple question can have a long-term effect on a person's lifestyle. In every coaching session, I listen intently and repeat aloud the exact words I heard from the client. People often respond with enthusiasm and praise me for the wisdom of my words. I tell them I am simply saying their own words back to them.

SC: What results can people expect form life coaching?
CC: People who achieve their goals experience more peace of mind, satisfaction and success in life. Ideally, coaching helps people shift to a higher level of performance and achieve desired results more consistently. I often compare coaching to dropping a stone in the middle of a pond-it's amazing to watch the ripples move to the edges of the shore and sometimes even beyond.

People who achieve their goals experience more peace of mind, satisfaction and success in life.
peace of mind-
peace-not being worried about anything.
Clarence finds it difficult to have peace of mind about investing in this global economic recession.
Ever since Helen has started attending church regularly, she has experienced peace of mind.

Vocabulary Tips
therapist-復建師,治療師 therapy-治療.
*Cindy is an experienced physical therapist.
* A speech therapist.
*Susie attended the group therapy session this morning. 參加了團體治療課程..
*Her aspirations to become a writer slowly faded after she got married.
*He has strong political aspirations.
disorder-失序, 也指"心理,或生理"上的失調. dis-是"否定"的字首. order-次序,秩序,良好得很狀況..
*The company was in a state of disorder after they announced the bankruptcy.
*She suffers from an eating disorder.
critical-關鍵性的,極其重要的。very important, can not without it.
*The patient is now at the critical stage of treatment, so he needs to be hospitalized.
*Bank funding plays a critical role in this merger.
intently-認真地,專注地 listen very careful, listening or watching with full attention.
*The kids watched the puppet show intently.
*The students listened intently when the teacher taught the new formula.新的方程式,公式。
ripple-漣漪,波紋,一陣陣 (鼓掌聲)it creates a small wave on the surface of the water when a stone drop in the pond.
*The kid threw a big stone into the lake and watched the ripples spread across the water.
*Ripple of applause ran through the audience during the circus.
ripple effect-漣漪效應,連鎖反應。
*The negative financial report caused a ripple effect on the stock market.

Chat Room
place "PH.D. , M.A., J.D., M.D., C.P.A." after the name. indicated the credential of the title or position. 學位或証照的縮寫..放在名字後面.
M.A.-Master Arts
J.D.-Juris Doctor-法律博士
C.P.A.-Certified Public Accountant.註冊會計師.
M.D.-Medical Doctor.醫學博士
B.A.-bechelor of Arts degree. (usually not placed after the name, because it's too common.)學士學位。
M.L.S.-Master Library Science
metaphor- 隱喻All the world's a stage.
simile-明喻All the world is like a stage. add " as" or "like" in the sentence
analogy-比喻, 不直接囘答more complicated, such as:
What is the life being working in the library?
answer is : It's like a kids in the candies store.


gallery1978 said...

It is good copy paste work.

Unknown said...

Most of the life coaches will touch on both personal and professional issues, as they are commonly related. Negative coping mechanisms and negative patterns used in your personal life are almost always used in your professional life. A coach can identify these trends and help you develop ways of overcoming these patterns that kill your potential.