Thursday, January 3, 2013


Cool facts about snow
你所不知道的雪 - 有關雪的一些酷炫事實.

What is 15 inches wide, eight inches thick and made of billions of water molecules? If you guessed the world's largest snowflake, you are right? Most snowflakes are very small and are less than half an inch wide. However, a snowstorm in Fort Keogh. Montana, on January 28, 1887, produced this record 15-inch snowflake. 

What some parts of the world never see snow, the white stuff permanently covers about 10 percent of the earth's surface. For snow to fall, the temperature must stay very cold. Snow forms when the water inside a cloud freezes.

Snowflakes are groups of ice crystals that fall from a cloud. Many people believe that every snowflake is unique. However, scientists have discovered two snowflakes that look exactly the same. In addition, snow is not really white - it's clear! Different factors in the environment can also make the snow look blue, green, yellow or even pink! With all of the different colors and designs, snow really is a work of art!

Grammar Gym:
For snow to fall, the temperature must stay very cold.
Enphecised the "snow" so put snow at front sentence.
This phrase has two parts :
Part A: for something to happen.
Part B:  the something else must be happen.
For Mary to make her special cake, there must be something important to celebrate.
For the package to not be late, you must mail it before tomorrow.

Vocabulary Tips:
*These defensive weapons cost billions of dollars.
billion + aire = billionaire -拥有十亿以上资财的人,亿万富翁。
million - 百万。 billion 的千分之一
million + aire = millionaire -百万富翁。
permanently - stay that way for good, not change. 长期地,固定不变地,
* Brenda was permanently crippled by the accident.
permanent (adj)-永久的。固定不变的。
* a permanent address.-
permanent (n)-烫发。
in addition - (副词片语)另外,除此之外还有。。。, 附加的。also , more.
*Not only can I earn money working in this restaurant, in addition, I get free dinners.
work of art - 艺术品。创作,文章作品,设计等,如艺术般的作品。绝妙的作品。
art -艺术,
*The Christmas tree at the Johnson's is a work of art.
*The playwright's witty dialogue is a work of art.
*The landscape, rock and waterfall at Yosemite National Park is work of art.

Language Tips:
snowflake -雪花。
You're not a unique snowflake. 有人认为他自己独一无二的,很特别的人,你可以对他说--此话。。。。。
flake -不可靠,不负责,靠不住的人。
He is a real flake. 有人放你鸽子,你可说:他真是个靠不住的人。
flaky (adj)-靠不住, 不负责的。
flaky person - not able to count on, not reliable person.
snow day - too much snow on the ground during the snowing day, unable to drive on the road, school get off because this reason, everyone able to stay home.

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