Friday, January 11, 2013

Look Your Best!

Try these ideas to help you look better in your clothes
穿出你最好的一面! - 試試這些點子,讓你穿衣服更好看.

"Does this make me look fast?" We've all heard this question before and have probably asked it ourselves. But why are we so concerned about the clothes we wear? The answer is simple. We want to look our best, so we worry that our clothes don't flatter our bodies. There is good news, though! By wearing the right clothing, you can hide those less-than-perfect trouble spots.

Problem areas
"Short legs":
Few people have long legs like a model, but short legs can appear longer. Create an unbroken line by matching your hose to your shoes. Wear black shoes with black hose. By matching them both to the bottom of your dress, you'll create an extra-long line. High heels and pointed-toed shoes also make legs look longer.

"Muffin top"
Fat around the middle can spill over your pants, causing a "muffin top." Avoid this by staying away from pants that are too tight or too low. Instead, choose pants that fit above your hips and close to your waist.

"Too thin"
Clothes made from thick material add weight to a thin frame. Wear clothes that fit well, or you will appear even thinner. Bright colors also make your body look fuller.

"A big tummy"
Choose tops in a material that doesn't stick to you and isn't too tight. Two-piece sets and loose-fitting low-waisted dresses disguise a large tummy.

"Large bottom"
Stay away from tops that are too short and have large designs. Hip-length tops and flared pants move the eyes away from the hips.

"Thick thighs"
Avoid perfectly straight pants, which put the focus on your hips and thighs. Instead, choose flared pants, which lengthen the leg and make the thighs look slimmer.

"Big arms"
Choose three-quarter-length sleeves that stop below the elbow, the thinnest part of the arm.

"Wide ankles"
Never wear shoes that fasten at the ankle. They make your legs look shorter and your ankles and legs look wider.

No one has a perfect body. But you can make yours look great with these simple clothing tricks.

Note: We should not just pay attention on the outside appearance, the inside appearance is more important. But the good outside appearance help you gain confidence that help you to fell good about yourself, and easy to build up a better inside appearance of you.

Grammar Gym: can hide those less-than-perfect trouble spot.
less-than-perfect - not so good of something, if we say something not so good, people may not like it. so we use a nice way by saying " less-than-perfect." instead of not so good.
*A less-than-ideal design.
*A less-than-stellar performance.
*A less-than-helpful suggestion.
Pay attention: If after the "Noun" we don't need to add hyphen between words. 

Vocabulary Tips:
concerned (adj) - 担心的,挂虑的。
concern -使关心,使不安。
concerned + about + object.
*Ted is very concerned about his test results.
flatter - say something or do something to someone to make someone fell really good about. 奉承,谄媚。flatter -here mean “使某人看起来更好看。”
*The perm really flatters Cindy. 烫发使Cindy 看起来更好看
*The picture doesn't flatter Wilma. She looks much younger in person.
spill - something come out of something.溢出,洒出,溅出。
* Milk Spilled from the glass.
*Fat around the middle can spill over your pants...挤凸出的腹部赘肉。
spill out - coming out of the boundary. 溢出某个范围。
*Avoid this by staying away from pants that are too fight or too low.
stay away - 远离,逃避。
stay away from - 要远离,逃避的对象。
*The doctor advised Alex to stay away from caffeine.
hose - something for leg, it's long with thin material. hose-单数,复数拼音相同,不加“s”
stocking - long socks.
hose/stocking/ socks - 裤袜(丝袜)/长袜/袜子。
high heels shoes - shoes have long heels.
frame (n) - the outside of something, eye-glass frame....骨架,框架。框子。
*Larry's small frame made him look younger than his peers.小骨架...同侪,同年纪的。。
*The wooden door frame needs to be replaced.木头门框。
*a sliver picture frame.银照片框。
disguise - to cover or to hide something, wear something or change something that people would not recognized you.伪装,掩饰。变装。
*Blessing in the disguise - bad things go on in your life,but at the end has a good result.
*She tried to disguise her freckles with a thick foundation.-
*The secret agent disguised himself with a wig.
length -长的,长度。
lengthen -加长,延长。 "en"-有“使如何”之意。
*Molly got her son's pants lengthened by a tailor.裁缝。
*Irene decided to lengthen her stay at her parents' (house).延长留在。。时间。
fast (adj)- firm, not easy to move. very tight.稳固的。
fasten - "en" added after "fast" -tightened. to connect well. bugled up, clicked to something. 繋牢,扣紧,扣住,
*fasten your seat belt.
*Please make sure your seat-belt is securely fastened.
*The boat was fastened to a post.繋在柱子上。
trick - a snick y way, extra skill. trick someone to do something, or for doing thing ( for you).
trick or trade.
half length sleeve or three-quarter length sleeve.
flare - wide and lose.
flare pants - the pants has wide bottom, we sometimes say "bell bottom pants"
tummy - stomach.

Language Tips:
clothes/ clothing -都是指“衣服”
clothes (n) -可数名词。前面要加数字,后面要加“s
clothing (n) -不可数名词,前面不可以加数字,后面也不加“s”。用“how much”
How much clothing should I bring?
number of clothing we will use " item or article" to talk about it.
item / article -
I'm wearing three items of clothing.
clothes - clothes always 复数, 用"how many"
How many clothes should I bring?
Watch! it's always clothes, not cloth.
I'm wearing a lot of clothes.
Wear some light clothing.
Wear some light clothes.
thin / skinny -瘦,
thin - (比较正面)瘦。细长的。
skinny - "skinny" is thinner than "thin".瘦得皮包骨, 瘦。(有负面的意思,但通常可用在小孩身上)。
This child is very skinny.
This skinny child......

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