Thursday, January 31, 2013

The American Bald Eagle

America's national symbol draws crowds
美國白頭鷹 - 美國的國鳥吸引眾人觀看.

On a cold winter morning, I boarded a bus in Tennessee's Reelfoot Lake State Park. Thousands of tourists visit the park each year because of its unique beauty and interesting history. The lake was formed in 1812 when a very strong earthquake struck. Because official records weren't kept then, no one knows exactly how strong it was. But two things are certain. The landscape was changed completely, and Reelfoot's 18,000-acre lake was formed.

Winter's guests of honor
On this day, though, everyone arrived to see something other than the lake - the bald eagles. During the winter, hundreds of eagles fly south to Reelfoot Lake from the northern U.S. and Canada. They're searching for water where they can get their daily supply of fish Eagles eat one half to one pound of food a day, and fish is their favorite. Most of the visiting eagles will fly north again when spring arrives. But for a few shot months, tourists flock here to see America's national bird.

Did you know?
The bald eagle is one of America's largest birds of prey and has keen vision, spotting objects a mile away.
The birds mate for life and usually return to the same nest every year. Their nests, some of the world's largest, are often cone-shaped. In the spring, the female will lay one to three eggs. Then she and her male take turns warming the eggs and guarding the next.

It is believed that at one time there were half a million eagles in North America. By 1963, though, their numbers had dropped to 417 nesting pairs in the lower 48 states. There were many causes, but the major reason was the use of the pesticide DDT. In 1972 the U.S. forbade the pesticide, and bald eagles now number around 9,800 nesting pairs.

While bald eagles are no longer endangered, there are still laws that provide protection for them. People everywhere hope this proud bird will fly free in the skies for many years to come.

Grammar Gym:
It is believed that at one time there were half a million eagles in North America.
"It is believed that" - Here does not have exactly number, no one really physically count it, whatever the number is talk about just a guessing. If you going to say something you are not knowing the exactly, just guessing or heard from other people saying, you may use this language pattern.
It is believed that this bakery was the first one to sell this special kind of cake.
It is believed that the hero in the story came from this town.

Vocabulary Tips:
tourist - people who are travel and visit different places. 观光客。
*The town attracts thousands of tourists every weekend.
tourism -观光业,旅游观光。
landscape - the place where you are has mountain, river, tree, grass and flowers..景色,风景。
*The photographer loves to shoot landscapes of different deserts.
*The rugged landscape of the mountain was breathtaking.陡峭景色。
guest of honor - people whom you invited to join the event, you want to honor them.贵宾,主客。
*The doctor was invited to be the guest of honor of this award ceremony.
*The ambassador is the guest of honor at tonight's banquet.
flock (n) - a large group of people or something.群,人群 。
*Flocks of tourists waited for their buses outside the park.
flock (v) - to come in a large group.聚集,群聚。
*Sport fans flocked outside the auditorium asking for player's autographs.
draw a crowd - you do something to attract people come. 吸引大众。
draw - draw pictures with a pen.
strike/ stuck - hit. 受创。受到袭击。
vision - sight, seeing ability. 有“看见”之意。视力。
*Jane's vision improved a lot after she began wearing eyeglasses.
*My dad has 20/20 vision.
vision - 远景,洞察力。
*Hank is a man of vision.远景,洞察力
keen - precisely, sharp, exact.
keen vision - very sharp vision can see far.
cone - round shape, large at the bottom, the top is narrow to the point.圆锥形,圆锥体。
*a cone-shaped roof 圆锥形屋顶。
*The driver of the car that had broken down put cones on the road as a warning sign.圆锥筒。
forbid -禁止( forbade 过去式, forbidden过去分词 ) -stop something happen or stop someone from doing something.。
*Tanya's parents forbade her to go out on weekdays because of her falling scores.
*The company forbids employees from making personal phone calls.
protect (v) -保护,警戒。protect for someone or protect from someone or something.
protection (n)- to keep someone or something safe.
*The software provides good protection against most computer viruses.
bird of prey - a specific type of bird with keen vision.
mate for life -being faithful to their mate. Eagles are pairs up for their rest of life. Human is faithful to their spouse. We will not use "mate for life on human.
pesticide - a chemical that kill pests.
guard - watch and protect.
endangered species - species is facing extinction. 将要绝种的种类。 endanger-危险,危害。
extinct (extinction) - no more, disappear.

Language Tips:
national symbol :代表国家的象征物。如国花,国旗(早年国旗只是都用在战场上,直到后期才作为和平的表征。
American bald eagle -美国白头秃鹰-是美国国家的象征物。
national symbol: 也可以广义的把代表性建筑物用来作为国家的象征物,如:U.S.A's statue of liberty, China 's Great Wall are also national symbol.
national anthem :国歌 is a national symbol.
the American bald eagle -白头鹰其实全身连腿脚都是毛,头上并不秃。他们成对的建筑他们的窝,有时因为树枝不够粗壮,难以承受窝的重量而折断,鹰巢坠楼而毁,他们就一次次的重新再来。因为i白头鹰的天生具有不屈不挠的精神,以及他们天性的精,准,快的捕食手法,加上他们的精壮体格,能掠食,捕捉与他们身体相同重量的掠物。美国以此来作为美国国家的象征,代表。
bald -秃头。
bald eagle - 秃鹰但是the American bald eagle 并不秃。

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

U-KISS: Conquering the World Music Scene

These K-pop stars have a global audience in mind
U-KISS:征服世界樂壇 - 這些韓流巨星想要贏得全球聽眾的喜愛.

Amidst the many successful Korean boy bands, U-KISS is rising to the top - at home and abroad. U-KISS stands for "Ubiquitous Korean International idol Super Star." a fitting name for this world-famous group. They were created by NH Media and got their start in 2008. A little bit pop, dance and R & B, U-KISS sound is modern and catchy. Their first single was "Not Young." an unusual title for a group in their late-teens, and early 20s. But age wasn't a problem for the members of U-KISS; in 2009 their single "Man Man Ha Ni" spurred them on to success. They've been famous ever since.

An international star
From the beginning, U-KISS was created for an international audience. Although the seven members are all Korean. U-KISS was a joint project between Korean and Japanese media groups. And the members have a skill most other K-Pop  bands don't possess: They're multilingual. Several of them have lived and studied overseas. Among them, they can speak Korean, English, Japanese and Mandarin, thus winning them a wide audience in Asia.

Going global
International fans are important to U-KISS as the group has demonstrated throughout its career. In 2011 the members spent three months in Japan preparing for the release of their album Neverland to Japanese audiences. They worked on choreography that Japanese fans could identify with. They also learned Japanese so they could sing and rap in their audience's native language. In 2012 their Japan tour attracted 25,000 fans. The group has also toured in the Philippines, and two members were featured in a TV drama in Thailand.

In 2012 U-KISS became the first K-pop group to hold a fan meeting in Cambodia. They began the day by making a surprise visit to a school on the outskirts of Phnom Penh. There they played with the kids and passed out baseball equipment. Then they held a meeting for their Cambodian fans. Five thousand people showed up, including the prim minister of Cambodia and his family!

U-KISS will continue to tour and perform internationally as their fame grows. Korea may be their home, but they sing for a worldwide audience.

Grammar Gym
.....the members have a skill most other K-pop bands don't possess: they're multilingual.
": " - after ":" have more information wants to give out or there are some reasons given.
There is a reason why John doesn't want to go into the pool : He can't swim.
Trent and Ashley make the announcement yesterday : they're finally getting married!

Vocabulary Tips:
amidst -in the middle of something, among.在什么什么之中。
*My missing mobile phone was finally found amidst piles of books.
*Amdst many contestants, Renee stands out as the most talented.在许多参赛者中。。。
*A deer admist the flower bed. 在花田中。
spur on - press on, push from behind. 激励,鞭策。刺激。
*spurred / spurring -
*The rise of the stock market spurred on the real estate market.。。。刺激房市。
*Spurred on by the success of their previous album, the band will release another album next month.
join (adj)- 联合的,共同的。
*U-KISS was a joint project between Korean and Japanese media groups.
*The joint project of the two companies was a great success.
join (n)-关节,结合点。
*The joint of his left knee got hurt when he went hiking.
possess - to have.拥有。具有。
*Annie possesses a keen sense of fashion.
possession (n)- what you have. 财产,东西。
*The man was charged with illegal possession of weapons.被控非法持有武器。
conquer - overcome, win the challenge.
Love conquers all.
rise to the top - oil came out of water to the top. or rise above it.
Good students raise to the top.
abroad - not home, oversee.
ubiquitous - see it anywhere.
fitting - just right. is appropriate.
catchy - very easy to catch, easy to pick up and sing.
multilingual - many languages.
multi - many.
lingual -language.
going global - to reach to the whole world, all nations. 迈向全球化。
go - 朝向某方向,或方位进行。或是变为,成为。
*The company has decided to go international next year.
*Frank started going gray when he was only in his mid-30s.
choreography -编舞。(重音在'o')many dancers dancing together.
*The choreography of the dance was very unique.
choreograph (v) -重音在第一音节。编舞
choreographer (n) -编舞者。
*The dance was choreographed by an award winning choreographer.
outskirts - not the center, is outside. the outside surrounding area of the city.城市外围,郊区,市郊。
*The factory was built on the outskirts of Chicago.
fame - became famous.(不可数名词) 名声。享誉。
famous - well known.有名的。
*a famous violinist.
show up - be there, be the place you said you will be. 出席。
identify with someone - understand, something in common. 认同,体会。
hold meeting - have meeting.
hold - hold something with your hand. or to have something.

Language Tips:
New Kids on the Block -街头玩童合唱团。(60年代熟知的)
boy band -男孩乐团。80 代才开始流行的称呼。
Jackson Five -早期的男孩乐团。
Backstreet Boys -早期的男孩乐团。
the British invasion -英国入侵。早期,美人对英国的乐团由喜爱十分着迷。
hallyu - the Korean wave. 韩流,刮起韩流,美人对韩国的电视剧或乐团十分着迷。

Saturday, January 26, 2013


What should you do when a friend betrays you?
被出賣! -  當你發現被朋友出賣的時候,該怎麼辦?

Sara comes home to find her sister Kelly looking very upset.

Sara: You look miserable, Kelly, What's wrong?
Kelly: I told Veronica a secret, and she told it to everyone in school. Now all my classmates are talking about it and me!
Sara: That's awful! One time last year, I told my friend a secret. That's awful! One time last year, I told my friend a secret, and she posted it on Facebook for everyone to see.
Kelly: What did you do about it?
Sara: I knew a couple of secrets about her, so I started spreading them around our class. I'm sure you know something about Veronica that you could use to get revenge.
Kelly: Yeah, I do know some of Veronica's secrets but if I tell them. I'll be just like her. I don't know if I want to stoop to her level.
Sara: But she has been a terrible friend. Do you really want to keep being nice to her?
Kelly: Well, it is the right thing to do, Besides, if I remember right, your plan  to get revenge backfired.
Sara: Well, yes, a lot of our mutual friends did get mad at me and I developed a reputation for gossiping.
Kelly: That's why I don't know if trying to get revenge will help.
Sara :Well, you have to do something. Otherwise Veronica will keep taking advantage of you and telling your secrets.
Kelly: I don't know if I would say she's taking advantage of me. She probably just forgot that I told her to keep it secret.
Sara: That seems very unlikely. This is not the first time you've come home upset that Veronica betrayed your trust.
Kelly: Yeah, maybe you're right but I don't want to confront her. It might hurt our friendship.
Sara: So what kind of friendship is that? I know you don't like conflict, but you should still talk to her. You need to discourage her from doing this kind of thing in the future.
Kelly: Talking to her might help, but it also might make her really mad.
Sara: Why should she get mad? She's the one who's out of line! She needs to know you're upset. Not to mention, she owes you an apology!
Kelly: Thanks for the advice. I need to think a little bit more about how to handle this.
Sara: So, what was the secret anyway?

Grammar Gyms:
Not to mention, she owes you an apology!
"not to mention" - in addition to,  plus..
Roger didn't want to go running because he was lazy. Not to mention, it's raining too.
Let's not have seafood for dinner, it's expensive. Not to mention, some of us are allergic to seafood.

Vocabulary Tips:
miserable - feel terrible.悲惨的,难过的,痛苦的,很糟糕的。
*Richard has been miserable since he quit his job.
misery -痛苦或是不幸。
*These abandoned children live in misery.
revenge -pay someone back.报仇,复仇。
get revenge on someone for something -为某事而对某人复仇(向某人报仇)。
*The prince got revenge on the bad queen for trying to poison him.
avenge - help someone get revenge.
stoop to someone's level -lower yourself to go to the lower level.
stoop - lower your body and leg to go lower.半蹲。弯腰曲身。自甘堕落的去做某事。
squat - bend your knee completely let  your hip close to the ground.全蹲。蹲下来。
*I don't think Daniel will stoop to stealing. 我不信。。。自甘堕落的去偷窃。
mutual - both sides of the party.共同的。双方的。共有的。相互的。
*One of the secrets of a happy marriage is mutual respect.
*Their relationship was built on mutual interests only.
spread - spreading, spreading the butter on the bread, spreading the news, spread the gossipy.
It's a right things to do - it is may not enjoyable or present or you want, but you know what is the right thing to do. Someone near you didn't know he drop the money on the floor, you pick it up and returned to him. this is a right things to do.
Kelly's friend betray Kelly, to be still nice to her friend, it is a right thing to do for Kelly.
reputation for something - something that you get known by people.
take advantage of someone (negative)- 占人便宜,欺骗某人。占人好处。
take advantage ( positive) -利用其好处,优势等
advantage -好处,益处。利益。
*William used to take advantage of his friends, and he ended up losing them.
confront - to approach them and talk to them, share you feeling to discourage them to continue. not fight with them. 勇敢面对,勇敢对抗。
*Karen finally fond the courage to confront neighbor who was always stealing her newspaper.
*I get so nervous when confronted with strangers.面对陌生人会变得很紧张。
owe someone an apology - 欠某人一个道歉。
out of line - not doing what the boss told to do or do something that not been told to do.言行举止不当的。
*Victor was out of line when he quarreled with his teacher.
*Peggy was way out of line when she got mad at her boss at the meeting.
not to mention - 更不要提,更不要说
*Jack works day and night because he has three kids. Not to mention, he has to take care of his parents, too.
unlikely - does not seem that way, probably not true.
betray vs. betray one's trust - 
betray : you feel betray., someone betrayed you. You feel bad but not as bad as "betray one's trust."
betray one's trust - point out that the person who you trust and he/she says they would not do and do it to hurt you.  You feel hurt very bad.
discourage (v) - want someone not do it anymore. 不鼓励,叫停。阻止。
discourage (adj)- fell discourage when they lose the game. 灰心。

Language Tips:
well - not "noun", not "verb", not "adverb", not "adjective," is so called "particle", like "so", "yet", or "still" .... is language oil to keep the conversation or sentence smooth. is a connection of two sentences, make it more comfortable and smooth. is particle, conjunction, sentence connector and interjection.
particle -语助词。
conjunction -连接词。
sentence connector -句子连接词。
interjection -感叹词。
Well, it is the right thing to do. (所以说嘛,就是。。。)
Well, yes, a lot of our mutual friends did get mad at me and I developed a reputation for gossiping.
italic -斜体字。
italicize -使用斜体字。 常用italicize 来代表可以独立存在的事物名称, 如书名,小说,报纸,电影,电视剧,或交通工具等名字。
Why should she get mad? 说话的(特别强调或加重)语气

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Stores Attract Shoppers With Technology

In-store displays are becoming quite an attraction
利用科技吸睛的商店 - 店內的展示愈來愈吸睛!

Some storeowners think shopping should be more fun and convenient. That's why they're introducing high-tech displays in their stores.

Wall of virtual shoes.
Some Adidas stores now feature adiVERSE-the  Virtual Footwear Wall. The wall is actually a huge touch-screen panel with 3-D images of Adidas shoes. Shoppers can select from nearly 8,000 pairs of Adidas shoes. That's more than any store can hold!

Interactive makeup area.
Macy's has added Beauty Spot, an interactive station, to a few of its department stores. By touching the screen, shoppers can learn about every makeup brand in the store. After choosing items, shoppers print out their orders and buy them.

Grocery store robots.
Shoppers who visit the real, -Future Store in Tonisvorst, Germany, can meet Ally and Roger, Both robots, called "Innovation Guides," have cameras for eyes and can roll around the store. They explain the store's technology to shoppers and guide them around the store.

With high-tech attractions like these, stores will keep shoppers coming back for more.

Grammar Gym:
There's more than any store can hold!
There's more (something) than  + noun + (can / could) + verb.
She has more clothes than any girl could wear in her lifetime.
It's no wonder nobody wants that job - long hours, low pay with risk of diseases - that's more than any person can handle!

Vocabulary Tips:
attract - get your attention, get your interesting. 吸引,引起注意。
This new online game attracts many players because of its interesting designs.
attraction - 吸引力,或是吸引人的东西。
"Space Mountain" is one of the most popular attractions at Disneyland. 太空山。最受欢迎的游乐区。。
panel -flat board. solar panel.平板,面板,控制板。
*The TV screen's panel is made in Japan. 平板荧幕。。。
*The sound system's control panel is controlled by two engineers.  控制板 。。。
makeup -化妆,化装。脸部化妆。
*Benjamin is a very famous makeup artist in New York.化妆师
*Sherry wear a lot of makeup.。。。脸上上了浓妆。
put on -把妆上在脸上。
*Helen spends only 10 minutes putting on her makeup.只化了10分钟时间就把妆化好了。
grocery store -食品杂货店。
grocery or groceries -食品杂货,较多用多数表示。
*Ray stopped by a grocery store to get some milk on his way home.
* I bought some groceries in the supermarket.
high- tech : refer to electronic, very advanced.
virtual - not actually real, but is there.
touch screen - 触摸荧幕。。
interactive / interacting - people response to each other, they contact each other.
innovation / invention -
innovation - a kind of new idea, some creative idea.
invention - something never exist before,  is created by someone.

Language Tips:
round (n)- 修园整。即把数字减缩成整数,让人容易读或看。
round up to 80, (number is 78, 79..)
round down to 70. ( number is 71, 72, 73...)
round number - 四舍五入,把数字变为整数。
* When you not give an exactly number, you need to use "about," or "near", or "almost" the front of the number.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Taste of Austria

Austria offers mountain fun for everyone
奧地利之旅 - 人人喜愛的奧地利山間娛樂.

Tiny, landlocked Austria may not be big, but packed within its borders lie wonderful sights and experiences. Picturesque villages dot the slopes of the famous Alps. Exquisite palaces, line castles and fortresses invite visitors to wander through them and imagine days long past.

Spending time in Vienna, Austria's elegant capital, is a pleasure. Magnificent Saint Stephen's Cathedral rises up grandly in the heart of the city. Step through the large doors and admire the beautiful interior. Then climb the 343 steps of the south tower for a bird's eye view of the city.

No one can visit Vienna without stopping in at the Hobsburg Palace. This imposing palace was the winter residence of the Habsburg rulers until 1918. Today it's home to the Spanish Riding School and its dancing white horses, the Vienna Boy's Choir and the Austrian president's office. Visit the Imperial Apartments for a taste of a very royal lifestyle. Then make time to amble around Schonbrunn Palace, the summer residence of the imperial family. After that, take a break from royal life, and visit a Vienna coffeehouse to enjoy some great coffee and delicious pastry.

The music of Mozart and the melodies of The Sound of Music pervade the charming city of Salzburg. Its well-preserved old town is alive with splendid gardens, Baroque churches and a medieval castle. Visit Mozart's birthplace, which is filled with all manner of music, portraits and old keyboard instruments and violins. The creative genius spent most of the first 20 years of his life in Salzburg. High above the city looms the Hohensalzburg Fortress. If you hike up to it, you'll be rewarded with an amazing view.

The sound of Music fans will enjoy the Sound of Music tour, which includes visits to the mansion and wedding church as well as a beautiful stretch of those famous hills. Be sure to hear some of Salzburg's beautiful music for yourself. The city hosts more than 2,000 classical performances annually in its churches and palaces.

Just east of Salzburg lies Austria's lake district. The loveliness of the area will take your breath away. Visit the tiny village of St. Wolfgang. Swim in the clean, clear lake water. Then take the Schafbergbahn, a steam-powered cogwheel train, up the nearby mountain for spectacular views over the lake below.

Head west to Innsbruck, the world famous ski resort. In winter, you can ski to your heart's content since Innsbruck is surrounded by more than 100 mountain lifts leading to marvelous ski runs. In spring and summer, the area is a haven for hikers who come to enjoy the Alps' varied landscape. This could be anything from a leisurely walk through meadows to a heart-pumping trek up rocky slopes. 

Visit the Alpenzoo to get a look at animals like wildcats, owls and elk that make their homes in the Alps. If your trip falls between April and October, enjoy some local folk fun with an evening of slap dancing and yodeling at one of Innsbruck's hotels.

If driving up a spiral mountain highway captures your imagination, you'll find such a road near the village of Hall. When you reach the top, take a 20-minute hike to Walderalm, a group of dairy farms where cows graze in meadows in the clouds. Enjoy soup, sandwiches and very fresh milk as you gaze at the valley spread out below you.

Austria's history and hospitality can be enjoyed in a few days, a week or a lifetime.

Grammar Gyms:
If driving up a spiral mountain highway captures your imagination, you'll find such a road near the village of Hall.
When you talk  an object, a kind of something, you can use "such"
We need a secretary who can speak Spanish and Russian, but where can we find such a person?
You want a part-time job with a full-time pay? There is no such job!

Vocabulary Tips:
dot -园点,小点。此指“点缀,布满。”。
*The field is dotted with wild flowers. 布满
exquisite -very pretty. great. 精美的,极致的,极度的,绝妙的。。
*The designer's exquisite taste is undeniable。 设计师绝妙的品味是无庸置疑的。。
*Sally bought this exquisite antique vase at an auction. 精致的古董花瓶。。。。从拍卖场上。
imposing (adj)-something big and impressive, you cant' miss or ignore it.雄伟的,状观的,令人印象深刻的。。
*The imposing view of the canyon really touched me.。。。雄伟状观的景观。。。感动
*The family lives in an imposing mansion. 。。。气势雄伟的豪宅
amble - walk around with no direction, take time and relax, not hurry. 从容漫步,很悠闲的走。
*Grandpa and grandma love to amble around their neighborhood.
*We ambled along the reek. amble后面要加介系词。
make time (make some time) - find sometime from a busy schedule day.
a taste of something - get a little of experience of something.
* a taste of home. (when you homesick)
* a taste of heaven. (a great feeling.)
landlocked (adj) -  the place or area not close to ocean or lake.
picturesque - picture-like look.
elegant / elegantly - fine, classy and very beautiful.
bird's eye view - see as birds can see from a high place.
pervade  (v) -spread through out. 弥漫,遍及。
*The article is taking about how violence pervades the media.
pervasive (adj) -普遍的,弥漫的,遍及的,浸透的。穿透的。
*The pervasive influence of pop culture is seen in most teens。在十多岁的孩子身上看到流行音乐文化的穿透性影响力
loom- 隐约可见。隐约逼近。not clear showing or high above, grand, big.
*A ship loomed out of the mist.
loom large -事态变得严重。
*As the exam loomed large. Patrick got more and more nervous. 越来越逼近。
*cloud loom above. 云层笼罩上空。
Be sure to hear some of Salzburg's beautiful music for yourself.
for oneself -为自己。
*Eric kept the sticker for himself. 存留贴纸给他自己。
for oneself -自己亲自体验某事件。
I suggest you taste the ice cream for yourself.自己亲自品甞ice cream.
spectacular - imposing。壮观的,壮丽的。 "spec" - see有“看见”之意。,
*The spectacular magic show attracts thousands of people every week.
reward - get back something from what you did.
medieval - (me-di-' e (i)val) -中世纪。
creative genius - 发明天才。
all manner of something - a lot of something (books, toys, computers)
haven -  wonderful place.乐土,避难所。
*The bordering countries provided safe havens for the refugees.
*The club is a haven for jazz lovers.这俱乐部是   爱好者的乐土。
*My room is my little haven.
trek (n) - long and difficult journey, long travel.长途辛劳的旅行,或长途辛苦步行
* We were so exhausted after the trek to the campsite.长途辛苦步行到营地已是疲惫不堪了。
trek (v)-长途辛劳的旅行,或长途辛苦步行
trekked / trekking-
*We trekked along the river bank.沿着河畔缓慢(辛苦)而行。
spiral (adj) - a shape circle down or going up. a kind of emotion up and down, or slide down in circle.
*You can see the spiral shaped spring of the mattress from the side.
spiral (adj) - 盘旋的,螺旋的。螺旋式的上升或下降。
A downward economic spiral. 不断恶化的经济。
hospitality -好客般热情招待/接待你,供你吃住等。
*We were very impressed by the hospitality of our host and hostess.
hospitable (adj) - hospitable person.
(v) to your heart's content - just do it until your heart is fully satisfied.
A hospitable person tell me: eat that until your heart's content, and make yourself at home. ( nice:))
varied (adj) - there are a lots of things are going on.
variety (n) - 多样化的。多种类的。
folk vs folks -
folk - refer to culture things.
folks - refer to people, those folks stand by table.
folks - slam word for "parents".
yodel (n) -岳得尔歌词, 反复用真假嗓音互换唱歌。
yodel (v)- vi/vt。 用岳得尔歌词调唱, 反复用真假嗓音互换唱歌
leisurely walk - relax walking, amble.
capture one's imagination - you think of it often, it stays in your mind for long.
graze / gaze -
graze - cows or animals eat grass.
gaze - stare on it, intent, look. deeply look. (因吃惊或有兴趣而)目不转睛。凝视。
* gaze deeply into someone's eyes.
dairy farms - milking farms.

Language Tips:
thesaurus - 同义辞典,百科全书,宝库。
synonyms -同义词,类似物,象征性的名称。
magnificent, wonderful, exquisite, elegant, picturesque, fine, beautiful, pretty, nice...”.are all synonyms to describe a place,but the meaning is not exactly same and not perfectly inter exchangeable。 用同义字但用法与意义上还是略有些不同。
The loveliness of the area will take your breath away.
take your breath away -something is really great that surprised you. (figurative 用法) 叹为观止,惊叹不已。
take your breath away - you are not able to breathe. (literal 用法) 拿走你的呼吸,窒息。
word has figurative meaning and literal meaning.
figurative - 比喻,象征性用法。
literal -照字面上的,不夸张地。
literally -名副其实的。但有时此字被滥用,用来加强语气而变成“ really ”之意。
mountain climbing -登高山,有难度的且要繋戴重装备,绳索等爬高山 有挑战性和危险度的,且有专业登山知识的登高山。
mountaineer -登高山,有难度的且要繋戴重装备,绳索等爬高山,具备专业登山知识的登山家。
hiking -爬山,
hiking in the mountains -轻便的穿戴,上上下下在山中小径上 健走。
hiker -健行者。在上上下下在山中小径上 健走的人。

Friday, January 18, 2013

Getting Started

Things to think about before starting your own business
創業面面觀 - 創業前應該思考的問题。

Ben and Sandy Johnson have been talking about starting a business. But before they take the plunge, Ben decides to talk to his mentor, Uncle Bob.

Uncle Bob: Hey, Ben, how are things going?
Ben: Pretty well, Uncle Bob. Sandy and I are talking about starting a business, and worthwhile things I've ever done. What do you think?
Uncle Bob: I think that's great! Starting a business is one of the most challenging. What kind of business are you interested in starting?
Ben: Well, I've been thinking about setting up a little company that makes smartphone apps. But we're not sure I really don't know anything about starting a business.
Uncle Bob: It sounds like a business plan world be very advantageous for you.
Ben: But I have a business plan I just told you. I'm going to make apps!
Uncle Bob: No, no, Ben. That's a business idea. A business plan is very different.
Ben: How is a business plan different from a business idea?
Uncle Bob: Well, a business plan is a written document that lays out a lot of specific information about your business.
Ben: You mean like a description of one's products?
Uncle Bob: It includes that, but there's more to it. A business plan should be a strategic outline of what your are going to do, why and how you are going to do it.
Ben: I guess making a business plan would help me think through. I'm more worried about the financial aspects of starting a business, though. It can take a long time to make a business profitable. How will I keep the lights on?
Uncle Bob: Your business plan should help you with that in a couple of ways. First it should predict what your operational costs will be and how many sales you need to make your company profitable.
Ben: That would be a good indicator of how viable my business idea is.
Uncle Bob: Right, you will need a business plan if you are going to attract investors, get business loans or even government grants.
Ben: All right, but how do I go about writing a business plan ?
Uncle Bob: There are plenty of online resources to help you. Most libraries also have books that walk you through.
Ben: So If I write a business plan, what do you think the outlook for my business will be?
Uncle Bob: A good business plan will answer that question far better than I can Ben. Let's get some more coffee.
Ben: That sounds good!

Grammar Gym: to I go about writing a business plan?
" how to I go about + Ving +object.
If you don't know how to do something in detail, you can use this sentence pattern.
*How do I go about getting information for this report?
*How do I go about applying for this position?

Vocabulary Tips:
worthwhile - worth spending time to do it.  while is refer to time, worth-  has some value to it.值得做的。值得花费时间或金钱下去。
(It is worthwhile to exercise that very advantageous to you.)
*All the hard work proved worthwhile when we won the case.
worth - cost, value. 值多少价值。
* The watch is worth $2,000 dollars.
advantageous  (adj) - advantage, benefit. 有利的,有益的,有帮助的。重音在 "ta"。
 ( When you travel, the map is very advantageous to you.)
*It is advantageous to do market research before developing a new product.
document - written paper, but more official written info involves. 文件,公文。
* The documents related to this case were categorized as "Classified". 列为机密文件,(档案)。
*Tina sorted all her documents in alphabetical order.
strategic  (adj) - a strategy way to play or to do. 策略性的。策略的。战略上的。 重音在 "te"
* The strategic market planning proved to be very efficient.
strategic -战略上的。
* This island's strategic position make it well know around the world. 。。有战略上的位置而闻名全球。
How are things going on ?= What have you up to lately?= How are you doing?
sup = What's up? =What are you going on lately?=How are things going on ?
how is (are) something different from something?
(How is orange different from tangerine?)
lay out - give out.
written plan - write it down what do you want to do or plan to do.
aspect - a part or an ankle where you can view. 角度,方面。aspe 有“看”的意思
* When you design a new car, you always have to consider the safety aspect.考虑安全方面。
* You can look at the painting from different aspects.从不同角度来看这幅画。
viable - may apply可 适用, 可行的,可实施的。.
* The old pay roll system is no longer viable.
viable - 若是要说那方面可行,在viable前面加上副词。
*The health program is no longer financially viable.
think though - think over and over.
profitable -able to have revenue after deducted all costs.
grants (n)- money or fund for aid. 补助金,补助款。
Government grants - a specific fund set aside by Government to help people in special purpose.
*The project receives grants from various foundations.-
grant (v) - to give, to provide, to approve.给与,准许,准予。
* My boss granted my request for an extended leave without pay.
outlook - expectation of future.前景,展望。
* The general outlook for our company is better than our competitors.
*The economic outlook of this country is bleak. 暗淡。
keep the lights on - have to have enough electric for lights to keep on, not end of it. It means "to have money to run the business."
investor (n) /investment (n) /invest (v):
investor- someone who is investing.
investment - money or asset or knowledge or health... that you put time, money, energy to work and expect a better return.
invest -put something to work.
walk through -step by step explain to you, carefully and slowly to help you finish the task.

Language Tips:
take the plunge - 跳入水中。决心一试。(站在海边的峭壁上一跃而下。下定决心,大胆尝试,如婚姻,事业,投资,参加竞选等。)
plunge -由高处向下快速衝跳。
look before you leap - 向下跳之前先做评估。深思熟虑以后再做。
company /organization/ Association/ corporation....公司行号。都是集合名词对公司行号的称呼。。。
collective nouns -集合名词。
it/they - 代表全体的一个时 it ,用/ 代表整体时用they.
it - (U.S.A.) 美式用法,或是在美国大多是用单数来表示。。
they - (England )英式用法,或是在英国大多是用多数,复数表示

Thursday, January 17, 2013

A Lesson in Culture

I found a foreign land in my home country

上一門文化課 - 我在家鄉發現了異地

I've had many opportunities to experience living in a foreign culture, but my first experience came in an unexpected place - my own country. When I was 20, I got an internship in New York City. It was my first time to live outside of my home state of Texas.

With my move north came culture shock. I grew up in a big city in Texas. But it was no comparison to the tightly packed Boroughs of New York with their 8 million residents. My new home was in Time Square, a hub constantly filled with traffic, noise, people and lights, I was used to life at a relaxed pace; New York moved fast. The saying is true - this city never sleeps. I had to adjust.

My first reaction was fear. Fear I would fail at my new internship in the 54-story office building. Fear of getting lost on the subway. Fear that the locals wouldn't have patience for my frequent moments of confusion. My anxieties ranged from reasonable to ridiculous. But I faced my fears and kept trying.

I learned quickly never to assume a New Yorker speaks English and to be respectful of lifestyles that were new to me. New York is home to people of all walks of life, from all corners of the world. My coworkers were Polish, Colombian, Puerto Rican, Greek and Armenian, to name a few. I ran errands to a shop where all the male employees were Orthodox Jews and wore their hair in traditional curls. I spent hours wandering Canal Street in Chinatown - the closest I'd ever been to an Asian country.

By the end of my internship. I was a little older, a little wiser and sick of big city life. I hated the skyscrapers, tourists and the high price I had to pay for a cheeseburger and fries. But I had grown, too. I was quicker, smarter and more independent. I knew I would miss that feeling of having the world right at my doorstep. But it was good preparation for the life of travel I'd soon begin.

Grammar Gyms:
Fear I would fail at my new internship in the 54-story office building.
Fear of getting lost on the subway.
Fear that the locals wouldn't have patience for my frequent moments of confusion.
Repeat wording because the writer wants people to know how much fear she is facing.
This past month has been really crazy for Jan and she is tired.
*Tired of all the work she has to do.
*Tired of taking care of the bills at home.
*Tired of being yelled at by everybody.

Vocabulary Tips:
internship -实习的工作,医生的实习阶段。
*Victor completed his internship at the county hospital.
*Joshua got an internship at Microsoft.
intern (n)-实习生,实习医生。
culture shock - 文化冲击。experience something that you are not used to, not very pleasant experience.
culture - 文化,shock -冲击。
*When we first moved to the States, we went through quite a culture shock.
constantly - always, happen often. 不断地,时常地。
*Sherry is constantly checking her cellphone.
constant (adj)-持续的。
*His constant nagging really annoys me.
confusion - not sure, someone tell you this and reality is another. 混乱,困惑
*There was a lot of confusion about who was the head of the project.
foreign - something new you never know or try or outside the country. 外国的,陌生的。
no comparison - can not compare at all, totally different.
tightly packed - very packed, no room between. 拥挤。
hub - crowd, a lot of going on.
moment of something - not always happen,  it happen for a short period of time.
many moments of something-
range - a lot of space between something to another.
respectful (adj)-尊敬的,尊重的。
respect -尊敬。
*You need to be respectful of other people's opinions.
disrespectful -dis + respectful, - not respect. 不尊重的。
errand - common daily work. 差事,
do errands or run errands. 办差事,或是[跑腿做事。
*The boss just sent her secretary out on an errand.
*I have to run some errands for my mother this morning.。。。 我必须为我母亲跑腿办些事。
at one's doorstep - it means that go any where or do anything is very convenience just right in front of your house. 离自己很近。触手可及的地方。
doorstep - the front area of the door.门階。
*When you enter the world of the internet, it feels like all the info you need is right at your doorstep.
preparation (不可数n)-准备
*My experience as a server was good preparation for running a restaurant.
preparation (可数n) -预备工作。
*Mom is really busy with preparations for my sister's wedding.
walk of life - lifestyle and background. (people from all over the world has different living style and background.)
all corners of the world - every area, every parts of the world.
just to name a few - there is a lot, just say or name a few.
curl -curly (adj) -卷曲的,卷的。
sick of - tire of, not want to do it anymore.厌倦。
I hate that - not really enjoy or like it. 讨厌,不喜欢的。
compound words - two word put together to make a word, such as skyscrapers, doorstep, lifestyle, cheeseburger, Chinatown, popcorn......just to name a few.

Language Tips:
urban - 城市。都市
urban families -城市,都市家庭。
suburban (adj) - sub+urban =都市外圈的近郊。
suburbs (n)-都市外圈的近郊。都市外圈有很多的近郊区域,多用复数。。
The suburbs - 整体统称“都市外圈的近郊” 在前面加上定冠词"the"。
rural -乡村,小镇。
rural area -乡村,小镇地区。
megacity - huge, giant city with more than 10 million people live in there.巨型都市,人口至少在1千万人以上。 (全世界只有27个,15个在亚洲)
assume/ presume : 假设,猜想。
assume - wild guess. 乱枪打鸟,没有任何证据的猜测。
I learned quickly never to assume a New Yorker speaks English. 学会不要随便猜测每一个。。。说英文。
presume -educated guess.依据经验,知识所做的猜测,或是有一定依据才做的假定。例如:看到一位男子无名指上戴有戒子而猜他是已婚的男士。(猜测依据知识及经验,习俗而假设的)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Basketball Terms

Learn the language you need to be the best you can be
籃球術語一把罩 - 學習讓你成為箇中高手的術語.

Every sport, including basketball, has its own special words and terms. Knowing these terms will help you understand the sport better. If you are playing the game, they will also help you cooperate with other players.

The basketball court
Basketball courts are divided in half by a midcourt line. In the middle of this line is the center circle where the game begins with a jump ball. Each end of the court has a basket and a three-point line. 

When players throw the ball into the basket from behind that line, they score three points. If they shoot the ball from anywhere in front of the line, they score two points.

The area under each basket is called the key. Since the key is sometimes painted a different color, it is also called the paint. At the "top" of each key is the free-throw line. 

Players stand behind this line when shooting free throws or foul shots if there has been a penalty. 

Getting the ball
When the other team has the ball, your team wants to stop them from scoring. You can do this in several different ways.

In man-to-man defense, each player on your team has someone from the other team to defend. In a zone defense, each person on your team defends one area of the floor.

Scoring points 
One of the easiest offensive plays is the give-and-go. In a give-and-go, you pass the ball to a teammate. Then that teammate passes the ball back to you so you can score.

If you want to be like Jeremy Lin, you need to master the pick-and-roll. In a pick-and-roll, a teammate picks or screens you from a defender. This lets you get away from the defender and score a basket.

Communication is important for any team. Try using these basketball terms the next time you play.

Grammar Gym:
In the middle of this line is the center circle....
describe a big area, from one part to another... we use this pattern.
There was once a very old castle. In the middle of this castle is a magical fountain.
Walk into the museum and you will see a big status. At the bottom of the status is a famous quote.

Vocabulary Tips:
cooperate - work with other people. 一起合作
operate - work.
*The witness refused to cooperate with the police. 见证人拒绝。。。
cooperation (n)-合作
*The project requires close cooperation of both companies.
court -球场
* a tennis court -网球场
* a badminton court -羽毛球场
court -法庭
*The defendant showed up in court at the last minute.
score (n)-分数, score (v)-得分。
*This player scored 9 points in the first quarter.得了9分。
*Rita scored 17 out of 20 in her spelling test. 20分满分得了17。。。
penalty - when you do something wrong in sport game, or when you do something wrong, there is something you need to pay for it.处罚,犯规,或因犯规而另对方有优先权。。。
*The penalty kick gave the opponents the lead. 罚球让对手领了先,占了优势。。
*The referee awarded a penalty shot.裁判判决罚球。
term - specific word or language in certain field or area.
be the best you can be - try your best, do your best.
midcourt line-the line is in middle court,  in the middle of the court.
center circle - there is a circle in the middle of the court.
free throw- penalty shot twice for two points.
foul - penalty shot once for one point only, then the ball turned to the opponent after the shot.
top - the highest the point.
"top" -quotation word,  is not really mean the highest point, is similar meaning of the high but just the top from the end.
man-to-man : 盯人,一对一的紧迫盯人,一对一的盯人打法。
*A coach gave the signal to play man-to-man.
man-to-man (talk) - 坦诚的,坦率的,开诚布公的(一般男性才会用到的)
*It's time for us to talk man-to-man.
defense -防守,防御。
*The team has very strong defense today. 。。。防御很强。
defensive -防御的。
* a defensive player.
offensive - attacking in a very aggressive way.进攻,
*Henry snatched an offensive rebound.
offensive -冒犯他人或不当的。
*The show contains offensive language.
offend (v) -冒犯他人或不当的。
master -精通,掌握。(精通而能运用自如)
*you need to master the pick-and-roll.
*She has fully mastered this newly developed software.
*French is a difficult language to master.
play (n)-球赛, play (v)打球 : play (v) this  play (n) you first need to know the play (adj) rule.

Language Tips:
court -大多是任何与网子,球拍有关的,小型的室内体育馆
tennis court-网球场。
baseball court -棒球场。
volleyball court -排球场。
badminton court -羽毛球场。
basketball court-篮球场。
field -室外,户外的运动场
soccer field -足球场,
rugby field -橄榄球场。
arena -本市罗马的竞技场,如今用来指室内大型的体育场。
stadium -巨大型的体育场。
stop / prevent -阻止,防止/预防,避免
I grabbed her hand to prevent her from falling. (阻止,防止/预防,避免什么,美式英语会用from )
I grabbed her hand to prevent her falling. (英式英语没有from )
stop someone to do something.
stop someone from something.
When the other team has the ball, your team wants to stop them from scoring. (美式英语要用from)
to stop them scoring. (英式英语省略from )

Friday, January 11, 2013

Look Your Best!

Try these ideas to help you look better in your clothes
穿出你最好的一面! - 試試這些點子,讓你穿衣服更好看.

"Does this make me look fast?" We've all heard this question before and have probably asked it ourselves. But why are we so concerned about the clothes we wear? The answer is simple. We want to look our best, so we worry that our clothes don't flatter our bodies. There is good news, though! By wearing the right clothing, you can hide those less-than-perfect trouble spots.

Problem areas
"Short legs":
Few people have long legs like a model, but short legs can appear longer. Create an unbroken line by matching your hose to your shoes. Wear black shoes with black hose. By matching them both to the bottom of your dress, you'll create an extra-long line. High heels and pointed-toed shoes also make legs look longer.

"Muffin top"
Fat around the middle can spill over your pants, causing a "muffin top." Avoid this by staying away from pants that are too tight or too low. Instead, choose pants that fit above your hips and close to your waist.

"Too thin"
Clothes made from thick material add weight to a thin frame. Wear clothes that fit well, or you will appear even thinner. Bright colors also make your body look fuller.

"A big tummy"
Choose tops in a material that doesn't stick to you and isn't too tight. Two-piece sets and loose-fitting low-waisted dresses disguise a large tummy.

"Large bottom"
Stay away from tops that are too short and have large designs. Hip-length tops and flared pants move the eyes away from the hips.

"Thick thighs"
Avoid perfectly straight pants, which put the focus on your hips and thighs. Instead, choose flared pants, which lengthen the leg and make the thighs look slimmer.

"Big arms"
Choose three-quarter-length sleeves that stop below the elbow, the thinnest part of the arm.

"Wide ankles"
Never wear shoes that fasten at the ankle. They make your legs look shorter and your ankles and legs look wider.

No one has a perfect body. But you can make yours look great with these simple clothing tricks.

Note: We should not just pay attention on the outside appearance, the inside appearance is more important. But the good outside appearance help you gain confidence that help you to fell good about yourself, and easy to build up a better inside appearance of you.

Grammar Gym: can hide those less-than-perfect trouble spot.
less-than-perfect - not so good of something, if we say something not so good, people may not like it. so we use a nice way by saying " less-than-perfect." instead of not so good.
*A less-than-ideal design.
*A less-than-stellar performance.
*A less-than-helpful suggestion.
Pay attention: If after the "Noun" we don't need to add hyphen between words. 

Vocabulary Tips:
concerned (adj) - 担心的,挂虑的。
concern -使关心,使不安。
concerned + about + object.
*Ted is very concerned about his test results.
flatter - say something or do something to someone to make someone fell really good about. 奉承,谄媚。flatter -here mean “使某人看起来更好看。”
*The perm really flatters Cindy. 烫发使Cindy 看起来更好看
*The picture doesn't flatter Wilma. She looks much younger in person.
spill - something come out of something.溢出,洒出,溅出。
* Milk Spilled from the glass.
*Fat around the middle can spill over your pants...挤凸出的腹部赘肉。
spill out - coming out of the boundary. 溢出某个范围。
*Avoid this by staying away from pants that are too fight or too low.
stay away - 远离,逃避。
stay away from - 要远离,逃避的对象。
*The doctor advised Alex to stay away from caffeine.
hose - something for leg, it's long with thin material. hose-单数,复数拼音相同,不加“s”
stocking - long socks.
hose/stocking/ socks - 裤袜(丝袜)/长袜/袜子。
high heels shoes - shoes have long heels.
frame (n) - the outside of something, eye-glass frame....骨架,框架。框子。
*Larry's small frame made him look younger than his peers.小骨架...同侪,同年纪的。。
*The wooden door frame needs to be replaced.木头门框。
*a sliver picture frame.银照片框。
disguise - to cover or to hide something, wear something or change something that people would not recognized you.伪装,掩饰。变装。
*Blessing in the disguise - bad things go on in your life,but at the end has a good result.
*She tried to disguise her freckles with a thick foundation.-
*The secret agent disguised himself with a wig.
length -长的,长度。
lengthen -加长,延长。 "en"-有“使如何”之意。
*Molly got her son's pants lengthened by a tailor.裁缝。
*Irene decided to lengthen her stay at her parents' (house).延长留在。。时间。
fast (adj)- firm, not easy to move. very tight.稳固的。
fasten - "en" added after "fast" -tightened. to connect well. bugled up, clicked to something. 繋牢,扣紧,扣住,
*fasten your seat belt.
*Please make sure your seat-belt is securely fastened.
*The boat was fastened to a post.繋在柱子上。
trick - a snick y way, extra skill. trick someone to do something, or for doing thing ( for you).
trick or trade.
half length sleeve or three-quarter length sleeve.
flare - wide and lose.
flare pants - the pants has wide bottom, we sometimes say "bell bottom pants"
tummy - stomach.

Language Tips:
clothes/ clothing -都是指“衣服”
clothes (n) -可数名词。前面要加数字,后面要加“s
clothing (n) -不可数名词,前面不可以加数字,后面也不加“s”。用“how much”
How much clothing should I bring?
number of clothing we will use " item or article" to talk about it.
item / article -
I'm wearing three items of clothing.
clothes - clothes always 复数, 用"how many"
How many clothes should I bring?
Watch! it's always clothes, not cloth.
I'm wearing a lot of clothes.
Wear some light clothing.
Wear some light clothes.
thin / skinny -瘦,
thin - (比较正面)瘦。细长的。
skinny - "skinny" is thinner than "thin".瘦得皮包骨, 瘦。(有负面的意思,但通常可用在小孩身上)。
This child is very skinny.
This skinny child......

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

It's About Time

Who doesn't need a little extra time?
 是时候了 , (相关语,也指有关“时间”的成语)- 誰不需要多一點點時間呢?

The professor always tried so hard. No question about that. He had tons of brilliant ideas - but they never worked. Time after time, he would dream up an amazing idea that was sure to change the world - and then it didn't. "The professor is going to change the world?" people joked "He couldn't change a light bulb. He couldn't even change the channel on the TV!" The professor ignored all the jokes people made. He wasn't about to give up. He knew that he was just ahead of his time.

One day, after teaching his classes at the university, the professor had some time on his hands. He decided to stop at a coffee shop and think. And think he did. He thought so hard that steam came out of his ears. Then, in the blink of an eye, an idea hit him. It didn't hurt much, but he did he did rub his head a little. "Of course!" he exclaimed. "A time machine!" He realized it was an idea that had come at the right time.

The professor's dream wasn't just any old time machine. his invention not only would allow people to go back in time or forward in time but also would create time. "Everyone always complains about running out of time, "he thought. "Why not make a machine that can create more time when you need it? Or stretch time and make it last longer? Or save time like putting it in a bank? (With interest!) He knew he had no time to lose. He was eager to create his world-changing invention.

His wife, Mildred, wasn't so sure about the professor's great idea. "It'll never work." she doubted. "You can't make time." The professor disagree. "Time is money," he explained. "If you can make money and save money, why can't you do the same with time?" Mildred complained, "The only thing you're doing with time is wasting it. I still think you're crazy, but only time will tell." She knew that the professor was determined to try out his idea, so she decided to keep quiet for the time being.

Out in his workshop, the professor drew lots of plans for his new time machine. he soon lost track of time. He created models and used clocks and times of every shape and size. He attempted every method he could think of. He tried reading books backward as a way to turn back the clock. He looked at a calendar under a lamp through his telescope - to see light years into the future.

Then he remembered the saying that time flies, so he threw his watch out of the window to see if it was true. He applied for a loan at the bank - he had heard about people living on borrowed time. Sadly, the banker wouldn't give him the time of day. Finally, he made an amazing discovery - a way to save time and give him lots of extra time. "I've got it, Mildred!" he exclaimed, "If I give up on my time machine project, I'll have plenty of time for other things!"

His wife smiled, "Well, it's about time!"

Grammar Gym:
He was eager to create his world-changing invention.
world- changing invention : an invention that changes the world. (too wordy)
object that does something: for example:
*fire-breathing dragons. - Dragons that breath fire.
*a money-grabbing idea. - The idea that making money.
*energy-saving solutions. - The solutions that save energy.

Vocabulary Tips:
time after time - again and again. all the time. time -here "一次,一回 " 即一次又一次。一再的。
*Time after time, Eric has promised to show up on time, but he is always late.
ahead of one's time - he is ahead of the time. 超越时代,走在时代的前端。
*The writer's style was ahead of her time, so it wasn't accepted by the critics.
time on one's hands - you have extra time to spare. 多余或空闲的时间。
*Wesley had some time on his hands this afternoon, so he went to visit his parents.
in the blink of an eye - in a very short of time. disappear very fast that you are unable to see it again. 一眨眼,一霎那的时间。
blink - the time period is short as you eyes just about to close and open.。眨眼
*In the blink of an eye, the thief took my purse and my luggage. 。。。小偷偷走了我的皮包和行李。
It's about time - you wait for long and just show up, you may say.....(Watch, it's informal, not polite.)
no question about that - understand it, agree.
is sure to (verb) - is sure to work this time. - is certain.
not about to do something - not going to do something. example: Not about to share candies with others or not about to ask someone something.
and (verb) he/she did - someone tried and did hard. example: She wants to run for something, "and run she did", someone wants to try something, "and try he did".
run out of something - something use up.  用完或耗尽某种物质。
run out of time - time use up, there is no time left. the time is passing you.没有时间了,时间耗尽了。。
*We'd better hurry up and leave, We're running out of time!我们最好赶快离开,没时间了。
have no time to lose - you have no time to spare, need to get's going.没有时间可以浪费。时间紧迫,不可拖延
lose - can't find, disappear. 失去
*Our flight could leave any second. We have no time to lose.时间紧迫,不可拖延,飞机(即将)马上就要起飞。。
have no something (n) to something (v) - you don't have something to do something.
* have no money to spend, have no car to drive, have no paper to write on.......
time will tell - over a long period of time, you can see it's come true or not.时间可以证明。
* Whether this treatment works or not, only time will tell.
for the time being - for now, this time right now. at this time.暂时,目前。
*I have't found a suitable place to live yet, so I am living with my parents for the time being.
*I can't stay long, but I can talk for the time being.
doubt - not sure, not certain.
stretch - make it longer, pull it longer. stretch a dollar that make a dollar more value, buy more with a dollar.
time machine can travel through time - travel through the past, or  all the way to the past to certain era, or travel through in the future.
not just any old something - should be very special, not just like something old or existing thing you know.
lose track of time - We forgot about time when we are doing some interesting thing.
track - record, something is there that you can follow or see it. 轨迹,轨道。
lose track -失去线索。
*I lost track of Nancy after we graduated from high school.
lose (lost) track of something.-
lose track of time -忘了时间。忘记了时间。
* We lost track of time and were late for the meeting.
turn back the clock - turn the clock needle back. 把时钟倒转(拨)回去。时光倒流。
* If I could turn back the clock, I would chase after my dreams no matter what.
live on borrowed time - 侥幸还活着。
borrow time - not your time, you use others. Your time is out, you use other's time.借来的时间。
*Nathan feels like he is living on borrowed time since he was diagnosed with cancer.
not give someone the time of day - not willing to deal or talk to someone, ignore people who you don't like.对人不理不睬。(不喜欢和某人说话。)
*Jack keeps asking Lucy to go out with him, but she won't give him the time of day.
light year -光年。
every shape and size - every ways.
throw something out of window (door) -
throw (threw ) watch out of window - "throw time away". watch tell times, watch refer to the time. Throw watch out of window, he just play funny.

Language Tips:
ton / tonne - (发音相同)
ton- 顿,2000 磅(美国地区使用的重量单位)也指“很多的,数量大的”
tonne = metric ton.公吨,公顿。(美国以外地区使用的重量单位)
I had tons of fun hiking in the mountain with my family. 
had tons of brilliant ideas -许多好点子。
Professor - 大学教授。(成为终生职正教授是一条艰辛的慢慢长路。)
Step 1. Ph. D - get Ph.D degree first. 博士学位。
Step 2. assistant professor -  then find a teaching job in university and teach. 助理教授。
Step 3. associate professor - work certain year to get promoted. 副教授。work at least 8 year to be tenure.
Step 4. full professor = tenure (ten-nure) -正教授,终生职教授,保证薪水及职位。终生职正教授不会被解雇。
time machine -时光机器。
time travel -穿越时光(回到过去或进入未来)

Monday, January 7, 2013


Shakespeare wrote in The Winter's Tale "that blasts of January would blow you through and through"
一月密碼 - 莎士比亞在《冬天的故事》寫道:「一月的狂風會吹透你全身」

J - Japanese New Year, Shogatsu, is celebrated from January 1 to 3. During Japan's most important holiday, businesses close and families gather together.

A -American National Pie Day is celebrated on January 23! Around since the ancient Egyptians  pies evolved over the centuries into the dessert. Americans eat today. In fact, pies have become so American that the expression "as American as apple pie" can be widely heard.

N - The northern hemisphere experiences its coldest time of year. Ice and snow cover the land in many places, and blizzards turn the air white. Many animals sleep day and night, hibernating until spring. In contrast, the southern hemisphere experiences its warmest time.

U - The undying love of a mother is symbolized by the pink carnation. Also known as dianthus and pinks, carnations of all colors claim the honor of being January's flower.

A - Australia Day on January 26 marks the British First Fleet's landing at Sydney Cove in 1788.

R. - Roman ruler Pompilius added January and February to the calendar in about 700 B.C. , making it 12 months long.

Y - Yellow and red are just two colors of the garnet - January's birth gemstone! The word " garnet" comes from pomegranate in Latin because scientists said the crystals resembled pomegranate seeds.

And there you have it - J A N U A R Y in a nutshell!

Grammar Gym:
And there you have it - JANUARY in a nutshell! -
And there you have it - that's it, that's all they say, (informal situation.)
*And there you have it - the five reasons why we should protect the environment.
*And there you have it - why everyone should own this new product.

Vocabulary Tips:
hemisphere - hemi-half 一半, sphere - circle. ball 球,球体。
hemisphere - half circle, half ball.半球体,半球。
the southern hemisphere -南半球。
the eastern hemisphere-北半球。
cerebral hemisphere -大脑的半球。
hibernation (n)-sleep through a period of time. 冬眠。
hibernate (v)- (使)冬眠。
*Brown bears hibernate in winter.
*Squirrels and hamsters go into hibernation in winter.
symbolize - something is represent something else.象征,(多用被动式)。
* The friendship between my best friend and me is symbolized by this pendant. 坠子
nutshell - nut's cover, small box.坚果的硬壳。
in a nutshell - so many to talk about, we just abbreviate it.概刮的说,简而言之,总而言之,简略的说。
*To put it in a nutshell, we lost the game.
*Well, in a nutshell, the couple broke up.
gemstone - one of kind of precious stone, a jewel.
undying - not stop, never end.
evolve vs evolution : evolve- change. evolution -is science that talk about change, (evolve).
in contrast - compare one thing to another, two are complete different.相反的。
dianthus (dai-en-thus) n. - a plant. 瞿麦属性。

Language Tips:
as American as apple pie -如苹果派那么的美国。
apple pie -苹果派,美国人最爱。
as American as baseball and hot dogs. -
Chevrolet -汽车公司雪夫兰。
Corvette - (Cor -vet) 雪夫兰公司出品的让人为之疯狂的跑车。
as American as the Chevrolet Corvette.- 就像雪夫兰跑车Corvette的美国

Friday, January 4, 2013


Making education fun
寓教於樂的BrainPOP - 讓教育充滿樂趣.

Pediatrician Avraham Kadar faced the challenge of explaining complex medical concepts to children he was treating. But, in 1999, he found a solution, and teachers have been reaping the benefits ever since.

Kadar created BrainPOP, an educational program consisting of brief animated videos in which a man named Tim and his robot friend Moby discuss various subjects. The videos fall into seven categories, engineering and technology, science, social studies, English, math, health, and arts and music. They cover over 500 topics, from historical figures to recent inventions, fostering interest in the subjects through humor and illustrations. BrainPOP's materials also include quizzes, activities, answers to questions and extra information about each topic.

BrainPOP can be used in the classroom or at home through the Internet, and it is now accessible everywhere through its apps for mobile devices. BrainPOP also provides resources for different groups: BrainPOP Jr. for younger students. BrainPOP Espanol for Spanish speakers and BrainPOP ESL for those learning English. Almost 20 percent of American schools have embraced BrainPOP, and its popularity is growing worldwide. Its website, apps and products have won multiple awards from magazines, websites and other organizations.

Why BrainPOP?
The reason for BrainPOP's popularity among teachers is simple: It works. A 2009 study conducted by SEG Research compared students who used BrainPOP to those who didn't. The BrainPOP users experienced more improvement in vocabulary, reading comprehension, language skills and science that the other students.

And the benefits of BrainPOP are not limited to native English speakers. One award-winning Canadian school with students from many linguistic backgrounds make BrainPOP available to all its teachers. They find it helpful because it integrates pictures into its presentations instead of relying solely on language.

Similarly, a school in the U.S for students with learning disabilities has found BrainPOP very effective at keeping students engaged and encouraging them to participate. Teachers said that BrainPOP's quick pace and humor helps students ignore distractions and continue to focus. The kids love the character Moby, a robot that cannot speak but communicates with facial expressions and beeps. Teachers think this may be because the students can relate to the robot's limitations. For more than 10 years, BrainPOP's fun, clear and educational materials have helped students learn -and enjoy it.

Grammar Gym:
They cover over 500 topics, from historical figures to recent inventions, fostering interest in the subjects through humor and illustrations.
@There is two part, part 1 leads to part II situation. - have a situation that make another situation happen,  add "ing" to verb after the first sentence ending.
Part 1: They cover over 500 topics, from historical figures to recent inventions.
Part 2: ...fostering interest in the subjects through humor and illustrations.
The bus had a flat tire. This made everyone late to work.
- The bus had a flat tire, making everyone lat to work. 
There was a big accident downtown. This created a traffic jam.
-There was a big accident downtown, creating a traffic jam. 

Vocabulary Tips:
reap -harvest from field. obtain.收割农作物。此指“收获,获得”。
* After many years research and developing his idea, Henry is ready to reap the benefit of his new products.
foster -take care of something in a short period of time. 培养,促进。
* A good parent-child relationship fosters the child's self-esteem. 培养
* High temperatures fostered the spread of the disease.高温促进细菌扩散。
accessible -you can get it easily.可利用的,可取得的,可使用的,可进入的。
*The mobile library make books more easily accessible for children living in remote areas.
embrace - hug. happy to accepted.拥抱。或“欣然接受”。
*The couple embraced each other before they parted.分别前.拥抱
*Tom embraced a golden opportunity to work abroad.“欣然接受
pediatrician(n)- children doctor.
face a challenge - something very difficult happen, you would like to try it. 面对挑战。
consist of ....- 组成,构成。。
*My room is consist of a bed, a table and chairs.
fall into (types, categories...) - come into。。。 分类成。。。
APP - application.
conduct -to organize and leading ...执行。
*This housing project will be conducted by the only government next year. 执行
conduct -behave.动作举止。
*He's old enough to be responsible for his own conduct.
comprehension - thoroughly understand. 完全理解,完全了解。
comprehensive - more than just one area, a lot of things or all the things of an area or in certain topic.
** comprehension and comprehensive are totally different meaning.
*There are three parts of this English test: listening comprehension, reading comprehension and composition.
find - discover, looking for something and you found.原本是“寻找”的意思,此指“发现”
*Irene found her new job fun and challenging at the same time. 。发现。。。有挑战性的同时又很有趣。
distraction -take attention away... opposite of focus. 使分心的事或物。
distract (v)- not concentrated, not focus. 使分心。使分神。
*Tina studies in the library to avoid any distraction. 避免被其他事物分心。
that works - that looks okay, or that look pretty good.
*That outfit works for party.
linguistic - something to do with language. relate to language or language background.
linguistics -talking about or refer about many languages or language backgrounds

Language Tips:
historic/ historical -
historic -What is important in history. 历史上有名的,有历史性的。
historic house - call white house is historic house.白宫
historical -有关历史的或是根据历史的。。Something is relate to history or recorded in history.
historical novel -历史书。
historical figures -历史人物(有历史记载的,不一定很有名)
historical/historic - sometime exchangeable,
historical times or historic times. 古老的时期-此处historical and historic 通用
phrase: You reap for what you sow. ( So be careful for what you sow.)
native English speaker -母语是英文的人。
English speaker - 讲英文的人。
native -本地的,本土的。
native to America - 土生土长的美国人。
Native American - 美国的原住民是指我们俗称的“印地安人”。(少数民族被保护的)
mother tongue -母语。
mother country - 母国
mother land - 原居住土地,。
mother language is first language and is native language. -anything from your parents.


Thursday, January 3, 2013


Cool facts about snow
你所不知道的雪 - 有關雪的一些酷炫事實.

What is 15 inches wide, eight inches thick and made of billions of water molecules? If you guessed the world's largest snowflake, you are right? Most snowflakes are very small and are less than half an inch wide. However, a snowstorm in Fort Keogh. Montana, on January 28, 1887, produced this record 15-inch snowflake. 

What some parts of the world never see snow, the white stuff permanently covers about 10 percent of the earth's surface. For snow to fall, the temperature must stay very cold. Snow forms when the water inside a cloud freezes.

Snowflakes are groups of ice crystals that fall from a cloud. Many people believe that every snowflake is unique. However, scientists have discovered two snowflakes that look exactly the same. In addition, snow is not really white - it's clear! Different factors in the environment can also make the snow look blue, green, yellow or even pink! With all of the different colors and designs, snow really is a work of art!

Grammar Gym:
For snow to fall, the temperature must stay very cold.
Enphecised the "snow" so put snow at front sentence.
This phrase has two parts :
Part A: for something to happen.
Part B:  the something else must be happen.
For Mary to make her special cake, there must be something important to celebrate.
For the package to not be late, you must mail it before tomorrow.

Vocabulary Tips:
*These defensive weapons cost billions of dollars.
billion + aire = billionaire -拥有十亿以上资财的人,亿万富翁。
million - 百万。 billion 的千分之一
million + aire = millionaire -百万富翁。
permanently - stay that way for good, not change. 长期地,固定不变地,
* Brenda was permanently crippled by the accident.
permanent (adj)-永久的。固定不变的。
* a permanent address.-
permanent (n)-烫发。
in addition - (副词片语)另外,除此之外还有。。。, 附加的。also , more.
*Not only can I earn money working in this restaurant, in addition, I get free dinners.
work of art - 艺术品。创作,文章作品,设计等,如艺术般的作品。绝妙的作品。
art -艺术,
*The Christmas tree at the Johnson's is a work of art.
*The playwright's witty dialogue is a work of art.
*The landscape, rock and waterfall at Yosemite National Park is work of art.

Language Tips:
snowflake -雪花。
You're not a unique snowflake. 有人认为他自己独一无二的,很特别的人,你可以对他说--此话。。。。。
flake -不可靠,不负责,靠不住的人。
He is a real flake. 有人放你鸽子,你可说:他真是个靠不住的人。
flaky (adj)-靠不住, 不负责的。
flaky person - not able to count on, not reliable person.
snow day - too much snow on the ground during the snowing day, unable to drive on the road, school get off because this reason, everyone able to stay home.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Resolutions Worth Keeping

What New Year's resolutions do doctors suggest you make?
值得持續的新年新計畫 - 醫師建議你訂定什麼樣的新年新計划。

The start of a new year brings hope - hope for better health, more happiness and greater success. New Year's resolutions are a great way to pursue those things by eliminating bad habits and creating good ones. But which resolutions should you choose? According to a survey of doctors, here are some good ideas:

Get moving 
Exercise is one of the most popular New Year's resolutions - and one of the healthiest. Exercise helps prevent disease, improves memory, relieves stress and helps you live longer. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends 30 minutes of moderate exercise five days a week. Plan regular times for activities like walking, swimming, biking or playing sports. And don't hesitate to make small changes - even taking the stairs instead of the elevator makes a huge difference.

Sleep at least seven hours each night
Sleep isn't a waste of time; it lowers blood pressure, reduces stress and strengthens your immune system. And lack of sleep increases your risk of memory problems, headaches, heart disease, diabetes and obesity.

Watch your numbers
According to the World Health Organization's 2008 report, 29.5 percent of men and 25.6 percent of women in mainland China had high blood pressure. However, most of them didn't know it. Not knowing your blood pressure and cholesterol levels can be destructive to your health. That's because both of these numbers have been linked to dangerous medical conditions. Visit your doctor regularly to check on them, and ask whether you should monitor them at home as well.

Eat more whole grams
Replace refined carbohydrates like white rice and pasta with whole grains like wholewheat pasta, brown rice and whole-grain bread. This will lessen your risk of disease, improve your digestion and help control your weight.

Spend time with family and friends
Having close relationships with your loved ones isn't just an enjoyable experience. It also means you'll be less likely to suffer from colds, depression and problems related to aging. Work quality time with your family into your schedule, like any other appointment. Eat dinner together, play games and have real, sincere conversations. Healthy relationships will make you healthier- body and soul.

Grammar Gym:
Work quality time with your family into your schedule...
"do something A to make into B."
The doctor is busy in the morning but he can work you into his afternoon schedules.
The magician's performance was worked into the program at the last minute.

Vocabulary Tips:
resolution -set a goal and make some changes to have better self. 决定,决心。
*One of my New Year's resolutions is to study English at least an hour per day.
resolve- decided to do something。决定,决心
*Patrick resolved to quit his job and moved to L.A.
eliminate - to throw away, to get rid of. 消除,戒除。
*The infectious disease has not been totally eliminated yet!
*The ten teams ranked the last will be eliminated from the game.
moderate - not too much and not too less. not go over, not go less, just right.不过分的,适中的,适度的。
*Moderate pressure sometimes can help one progress rapidly.
moderate - mild, not too strong, not too week.温和的
*moderate economic growth.-温和的经济成长。
strength - power 力量。
strengthen - make it more powerful.强化,加强。字尾 加 'en' -有“使如何如何”之意。
*Their relationship was strengthened after working together.
*Sufficient intake of calcium can strengthen your bones.
hesitate- stop and think, afraid of.
make a difference - not the same.
reduce vs. relieve -reduce is make less, relieve is take away.
*Reduce amount what we eat. / Relieve stress what I have.
destructive - destroy. not good for you, 破坏性的,摧毁性的,毁坏性的,
*The scandal is destructive to the governor's political career.
destroy (v)-破坏,毁坏。
*The Bombing destroyed the whole city.
less -少,少于某一个分量或程度。
add "en" : 有“使如何如何”的意思。
lessen - reduce the amount of time or something.减轻,或变少。
*The new treatment successfully lessened the patient's symptoms.
weaken -变弱。
worsen -恶化。
It also means you'll be less likely to suffer from colds.
likely -可能的。
less likely - unlikely 比较不可能的。
*Compared to other candidates, George is less likely to get promoted.
depression -忧郁症。
depress -使沮丧。
*Fanny has suffered from depression for years.
depression - 意志消沉,沮丧。
*A trip to the beach brought Susan out of her depression. 脱离沮丧。
WHO - World Health Organization.
monitor - keep eyes on it and check on them. watch carefully. see it and check on.

Language Tips:
elevator / escalator -电梯/手扶梯 ( one is in the case / one is open air)
elevate / escalate -都有上升的意思。
moving sidewalk - 电动走道,是水平的,不是往上或往下的。
moving walkway -电动走道.
moving sidewalk = moving walkway. - often can be seen at airport.
control our weight - 控制体重。
control -控制
control his ship and crew - 指挥并控制他的船和他船上工作的人。
control your temper.-控制你的脾气,即注意不要乱发脾气。
control your tongue -控制你的舌头,是注意你的言语,说话不要伤到别人。
self-control - 自我控制。
under control - 全在掌握控制之中。

Encouraging and Reminding:

***A bad attitude or bad word can destructive your relationship.
***Our word come out of our mouth and our attitude should constructive.
***Think first before you speak.
***Control your tongue.