Sunday, June 16, 2013

Vacations Are Good for You

Taking a break may be the most important thing you do this summer
度假有益身心健康 - 今年夏天,休息也許是最重要 的事

Did you know German law gives all full-time employees 20 vacation days each year? Many European countries have similar laws. That may be because vacations serve an important function: protecting protecting people's health. 

Taking regular vacations corresponds to having a healthier heart. One study says men who miss vacations are 30 percent more likely to have heart attacks. Another looked at women who take vacations every six years or even less often. They're eight times more likely to have heart disease or heart attacks!

Other studies indicate that people who take time to relax usually have lower blood pressure. They also have lower levels of stress hormones and thinner waists! And let's not overlook the happiness that vacations bring . One survey studied people's feelings about spending money. Most were happier spending money on experiences like vacations than on possessions. Perhaps this is because they continued to share the memories with others.

Vacations keep you healthy, happy, and can help build relationships, especially if you take them with family. So what are you waiting for? Take one this summer!

Grammar Gym:
"They're eight times more likely to have heart disease or heart attacks!"
"more likely" - a greater possibility.
more likely to do something-
Kevin is more likely to watch a DVD at home than to go to a movie theater.
Smokers are more likely to get cancer than non-smokers.

Vocabulary Tips:
employee (n) - worker hired by someone. 雇员,职员。员工。employ (v) -hire people to work.雇用。
*Over 20% of our employees are part-time workers.
employer - someone is hiring you. boss.雇主,老板。
*Richard's employer sent him to the company's branch office in Japan.
correspond -relate to something.符合,一致。  "cor"-together.“有一起”之意。
*The statements from the witness and the victim correspond.
correspond to -和。。。一致。
*The patients' reactions to the treatment correspond to what the doctor expected.
*People tend to overlook small but important details.轻忽了微小但是非常重要的细节。
*Accidents happen when safety checks are overlooked. 被忽视,忽略了
overlook -俯瞰,眺望。
*Our suite overlooks a beautiful lake. 住的房间可以眺望美丽的湖。
possession -things you own. 所拥有的东西,财产。 'possess' (v) -拥有。占有。
*Robert lost all his possessions in the fire.
possession -拥有所有权。
*This hard disk is now in the possession of the police.归警方拥有。
serve - use for a purpose.
what are you waiting for - something is good for you, can don't do it. people may say to you.

Language Tips:
vacation days -休假。
personal days -事假。
sick days -病假。
PTO - paid time off. 将一个员工所有可请的有薪加存放在一起,要用时提前二星期先向老板或上司报备一下就可。
staycation - think about money spending and saving money, most people choice to stay home or in town to relax and enjoy their vacation..

Note taking of StudioClassroom

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