Friday, June 21, 2013

Mumford & Sons

Meet the Gentlemen of the Road
蒙福之子樂團 -來見識蒙福之子樂團.

If you haven't heard Mumford & Sons, get online now, and they will blow your mind. Check out the songs "the Cave" or "I Will Wait." Done? Maybe now you have an idea of how an infectious sound can spring a young British band to amazing heights. The group earned two 2013 Grammy awards, and in 2012 their album Babel had the second highest new album sales. But Mumford's four unrelated members offer more than that they invite you to join them.

The Mumford Family Tree
They make fans feel at home and strive to make their music accessible online, keep ticket prices low and tour as much as possible. "We're pretty intent on touring for the rest of our lives, really." claims Marcus Mumford, and they're already traveled around the U.S. 10 times. Their variety of locations also lets them grow the Mumford family tree, ranging from outdoor festival audiences of thousands upon thousands to smaller gatherings at indoor clubs. That's probably why throngs of American teens and British Prime Minister David Cameron, who requested they perform at White House, name them their favorite band.

Roots Across Borders
These London locals clearly have major followings in their home country and in the U.S. , but what is it that appeals to both? The reason might well be that their style takes its cues more from American flavors than British. Folk and bluegrass tour companions and recording in Nashville, Tennessee, America's country capital, may have won them their Best Americana Album Grammy nomination this year. At the same time, you can find allusions to Shakespeare, The Odyssey and the Bible in their music - there truly is something for everyone.

If they would claim anything about their style, it might be summed up in this, "We're more about people than music." They don't even like the distinction between band and audience but would rather that bother be considered as one whole, one family. For now, Mumford & Sons just want to keep up their energy, their creativity and the relationships they've found on the road. "I feel like we've got a lot more to say. We haven't said a third of it, a half of it, an eighth of it yet." Marcus says. This writer, for one, can't wait to hear more.

Grammar Gym:
"This writer, for one, can't wait to hear more."
" for one " - one example out of many.
Many people weren't impressed by the speaker, I, for one, think his talk was too long.
"one " - we also can use on when we talk about thing and situation.
My day just din't go smoothly, for one, I overslept and was late for work.
I don't think you should take that job; for one, the pay is so low and the hours are horrible.

Vocabulary Tips:
blow one's mind -surprised people, blow people's mind, out of people's thinking.让人吓一跳的,使人惊讶不已的。 'blow' -吹
*The movie's special effects will blow your mind.
*The circus performance really blew the audience's mind.令观众叹为观止的。
infectious - infect, body get infected, became sick.传染的,具有传染性的
*This highly infectious disease was finally controlled.高度传染的疾病。。。
*The patient is infectious and is already isolated. 这具有传染性的病人。。。隔离。
infectious -Florence, catch people's heart. refer to music can be infectious, catch you that make you want to hear more. 有感染力的。
Kelly's optimism is infectious.。。乐观很有感染力。
intent -determine to do something. 下定决心,或是一心想要的。
be intent on something (noun, v+ing )
*Peter is intent on winning the championship.
*Sherry is intent on opening her own business.
throng-  intensely pack of groups of people. 一大群的。
*Throngs of fans fathered outside the stadium to see their favorite players.
throng -蜂拥,涌向。。
*Loyal customers thronged to the store to buy the latest version of the iPad.
Something of Son = something of Co., something of company. (some other state saying)
check out something -check something out, look up, something to look at.
amazing heights - from nothing (no body known to well known) every house knows about them.令人难以想象的高知名度。
ranging from.....  to ......- to describe all kind of people, all ages. 范围从。。。到。。。。
folk- here refer to 'a type of music - folk music(民谣).'大家的,通俗的,民间的。
*Ellen learned folk dancing from her grandparents. 土风舞
*The lyrics of the folk songs are so melancholic. 民谣歌曲的歌词 好悲伤的
folk -人们,大家 (很口语的)
*These folks are from New Orleans. 这些人来自。。。
allusion (n) - 暗指,言及,引喻,引述。间接的提及或引喻。
allude (v) -imply.
allusion to - 间接的提及或引喻什么,暗示什么。要接“to”。
*The novel is full of allusions to Hemingway's work. 有。。影子。
*Jason made no allusion to the reasons for his resignation. 任何动态或理由
sum up (v) - summary (n), summarize, say a long story in a short way.
summed up -make it shorter.简而言之,概刮而论。sum -总计,总结。
*Debra summed up her vacation with her parents in one word: 'Miserable.' 悲惨
distinction -difference,separate from...分别,区别或差异,
*There are obvious distinctions between a professional actor and an amateur. 业余者
make a distinction - make a difference from ...做区别,做差异,有不同。
*The company makes no distinction between genders and racial backgrounds.性别,种族,背景
might will be - only a possibility, not truly sure..
cues -take in advise, suggestion...
country - here is not refer to a name or a place. here is refer to a type of music called " country music in American"
capital - refer to the country music source from.
Americana - any thing related or refer to America.
about - really care about that things. is the main meaning or goal of something.
this writer - if you don't want to let other reader to know that you wrote the article, not show your name, you  can write " this writer" instead of you.
for one - one example of many.

Language Tips:
go on tour / go on a tour -中间只差一个字,但意思大不相同。
go on tour -巡回(演出)
go on a tour -有专员陪同讲解的导览。。
Mumford & Sons go on tour to preform their music.
tour guide / travel guide - 注意二者意思差很大。
tour guide -指(人),导游
travel guide -指(书)旅游指南
the Garden of Eden -伊甸园(圣经中提及的)现指‘任何美好的地方。’
Goliath -歌利亚,出自圣经旧约,大卫杀死巨人歌利亚的故事。现引喻‘任何一个巨人,或巨大的组织,公司等。
The Good Samaritan -出自圣经新约中有关一个商人被人打伤,好心的Samaritan 带他去旅店疗伤并且照料他的典故。
a good Samaritan - 现指“任何一个行善的人。”
Armageddon -圣经新约最后一卷提及的世界末日时的一场大战。现被引用为‘任何一场大的战争或大的患难。

Note taking of StudioClassroom

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