Monday, April 1, 2013


April showers bring May flowers
四月大解密 - 四月雨帶來五月花

During April in the northern hemisphere, flowers bloom, and the world comes back to life after a long winter. Some think this month's name comes from the Latin word aperire, meaning to open, referring to the opening of flowers. And April's name says much more as well.

A - Arbor Day, a holiday that celebrates and encourages planting trees, fails on April 26 this year. J.Sterling Morton, a pioneer on America's frontier, was passionate about nature and proposed this holiday. It was first held in Nebraska on April 10, 1872, and has since spread throughout the U.S. 

P - Practical jokes are common on April 1 - April Fools' Day. People play tricks on each other, and some companies even join in. The BBC once reported a story about farmers harvesting spaghetti from trees, and Burger King advertised a left-handed hamburger.

R - Rain is common in many places during April, a fact that gave rise to the old saying: "April showers bring May flowers."

I - International Guitar Month falls in April along with National Humor Moth and National Stress Awareness Month.

L - Loyal love and innocence are represented by the daisy, April's flower. And April's gemstone, the diamond, represents everlasting love.

Grammar Tips:
Rain is common in many places during April, a fact that gave rise to the old sayings: "April showers bring May flowers."
"to give rise to " - to be the cause of something.
*The unfortunate car accident gave rise to the current set of traffic safety rules.
*William's experience studying overseas gave rise to his passion for traveling.

Vocabulary Tips:
bloom (v)- open up. blossom .开放,开花。
*Cherry blossoms bloomed all over the hillside.。。。。樱花含苞盛开。
bloom (adj) -大量,大量出现。繁荣,兴旺。
*The country's economy has bloomed in the past decade. 。。。经济篷孛发展
bloom (n) -花朵。
*The tree was covered with white blooms.
frontier - at the edge of something, new discover. 边境,边界,前线。 front -前面。
*The frontier between the countries is heavily guarded by troops.边境,边界
*There're just a few stations on the northwestern frontier.边境,边界
awareness - to be awareness of something, to know something is going on. 察觉,觉悟,意识。
*Recently, there has been an increasing awareness of teenage on-line game addiction.上瘾。
aware -know. 察觉到的。
*I'm quite aware of the risks I'm taking.
innocence - pure and no guilt.天真,纯真。
*You can still see a child's innocence in his eyes even though he may be over 30.
*The lawyer successfully proved that his client is innocent.
innocent 无辜的,天真的,清白的。

Language Tips:
Arbor Day -植树节。
national holiday -国定假日。(放假,不用上班)
holiday -假日,例假。(虽是假日,但不是国定假日,有的要上班)
bank holiday - (英国)银行假日,(银行放假不上班)
vacation (美国,加拿大 )- 休假。
I want to go on vacation - (美国,加拿大 ) 我要去休假。
holiday -(英国及其他说英语的国家)休假。
want to go on holiday.(英国及其他说英语的国家) 我要去休假。
international -whole world, every countries in the world, not just one country.国际
national -one country, within in one country.国家

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