Monday, November 8, 2010

Special Tips

Grammar on the go:

I'm not sure how healthy it is.
I'm not sure-
if you don't agree with someone or something, you don't want to say the word to direct, you may say " I'm not sure...."
Instead of say "No, it's ugly" you may say "The color is nice, but I'm not sure if the style fits you"
Instead of say "You're wrong. He did not say that." You may say "I'm not sure if that's what he said."

Vocabulary Tips:
Do without it-
to be stress out by someone or to be stress someone out by something.
stress somebody out-讓某人承受很大的壓力。stress-加壓力,使某人緊張。
*The quarrel between Tom and his wife stressed him out so much that he couldn't even sleep.
*The new project was very time consuming and really stressed us out.
breed (v)-使繁殖,育種 (n) 動植物的品種
*Larry specializes in breeding (v) poodles.繁殖貴嬪狗的專家
*The researches spent years trying to figure out a way breed (v) the endangered butterfly species.
*My favorite breed (n) of dog is Labrador.最喜愛的狗品種是(拉不拉多犬)
vital- 重要不可或缺的。essential, critical, important. vit-字根是與“生命”有關的
*Capable employees are vital to a company's success. 非常重要的
*Strong will is vital for survival in such a competitive society. 堅強的意志力。。
wholesome-有益的,有益於健康的 good for your whole being.
*Mom's wholesome home-cooked meals are quite famous around the neighborhood.
*The new Disney movie is good wholesome family entertainment.
*The proposal aims to regulate the rise of oil prices.
*There are laws that regulate the usage of chemicals in household detergents.
*Greenhouse temperatures are regulated periodically to ensure the plants are healthy.
*The interior of the artist's studio was replicated in the museum.
*Picasso's artwork has been replicated by many.

Chat Room
wild animals-野生動物
the wild-野生的
take a wild guess-瞎猜的,亂猜一同的。
make wild accusations-不着邊際的指控。
Theme park-主題公園
aquarium-水族館,水族箱 aqua-水
petting zoo-給小朋友可近處觸摸動物的動物園(溫良的動物)
domestic animals-家畜.

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