Friday, August 30, 2013

Quvenzhane Wallis

Happy 10th birthday to this rising young star!
天才童星葵雯贊妮.華莉絲    -  祝這位竄起的小明星十歲生日快樂!

Most actors search for years to find the ideal role that will make them famous. For quvenzhzne Wallis, however, the role found her while she was still in kindergarten!

Opportunity came knocking
The young girl, known as Nazie, from Houma Louisiana, was living the life of a normal 5-year-old. Then one day her mother received a call from a friend. The friend reported that a movie director was auditioning young girls to star in his movie.

The caller thought Quvenzhane would be perfect for the role, but Mrs. Wallis wasn't sure. It was true that people always said her daughter had a special gift. But nazie's parents considered her just a normal, active imaginative child.

When Mrs. Wallis asked her daughter if she would like to audition, Nazie said yes. They went to the library where auditions were being held for the movie Beasts of the Southern wild.

It turned out to be a trip that would change Nazie's life forever. Director Benh Zeitlin immediately saw the special quality in Nazie that others had seen. He chose her from among 4,000 others who had auditioned for the role of Hushpuppy.

It was Nazie's first acting role and Zeitlin's first full-length film. In the film, Nazie plays a courageous little girl. She tries to save her dying father and her neighbors. Audiences fell in love with. Beasts and especially with its young star.

The film won awards at Utah's 2012 Sundance Film Festival and France's Cannes Film Festival. Zeitlin was pleasantly shocked, but the praise didn't stop there. The film continued to receive many more awards.

In addition, it received four Academy Award nominations, including one for Bet Actress. The nomination made 9-year-old Quvenzhane the  youngest actress to ever be considered. Een though she didn't win, movie offers still came pouring in. Audiences got just a taste of quvenzhane's  talent as Hushpuppy. And now they are anxious to see more from this talented, young actress.

Grammar Gym:
but the praise didn't stop there.
(something) didn't stop there. - something does not end but continues on.
Tiffany had a lot of problems at work, her computer broke down, she lost her files and got yelled at by her clients and her boss, but her problems didn't stop there.
On her birthday, Annie's friends took her out to breakfast and gave her lots of presents; but the surprises didn't stop there.

Vocabulary Tips:
ideal (adj.) - something very wonderful, perfect, always dream for it. 理想的,最佳的,完美的。
*This apartment is ideal for newlyweds.
*Frank is the ideal person to take the position.
ideally  (adv.) - 理想地。
*The car is ideally suited for families.
audition (v) - people go to try on the roll for a movie or a commercial. 试镜 , 为何而试镜用for。
*Dancers from around the country came here to audition for the musical.
audition (n) - 试镜。
*The audition only took me three minutes.
imaginative - very creative, think different with others.
imagine (v) -想象
*The author's imaginative stories attracted many readers' attention. 富有想象力的,富有创造力的。
imagination (n) -想象力。
beast  (n) - big animal that very wild. 野兽。
*The lion is the king of beasts. 兽中之王。
*The aboriginals used fire to keep the beasts away from them. 原住民。
*The football player worked out so much that he was as strong as a beast.
immediately - right away, do it quickly.立刻地,马上地
*When Wesley got his girlfriend's call, he rushed out of the door immediately.
immediate -立即,马上。
*Immediate action must be taken to stop the chaos.混乱。
courageous (adj) -勇敢的,有勇气的。
*It was courageous of you to go inside the burning house to save the boy.
*Your decision to study abroad is courageous.
courage (n) -勇气。
*Derek didn't have courage to ask Molly out.
pour in - 'pour' -倒。 倾倒,倒水。此指“大量的涌入”。
*She poured some hot water in the cups.
taste -尝试,品味。
*Fan letters poured in after the band released their first album.
*Audiences got just a taste of Quvenzhane's talent as Hushpuppy.
taste - short enjoyment or experience. 短暂的尝试或体验。
*the camping trip was the boy's first taste of freedom.

Language Tips:
Quvenzhane Wallis - 1960 年后,非洲裔的人常用非洲语言,或回教,或阿拉伯文化来为小孩命名,不同于一般的美英国家的英文名那么耳熟名详,通俗化。
"ough" - sound out at least 6 different ways, such as:
though - even though.
thought - think.
through - pass over.
rough - not smooth.
cough - sound come out from mouth when you chock.
bough - (n), sound (bou) - a main branch of a tree.
All "ough" are sound not the same from each. 英文并不是都是很有规则的。

Notes taking of StudioClassroom.

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