Tuesday, August 20, 2013

How to Raise an Elephant

The Jumbo Foundation aims to help large orphaned animals
收容大象孤兒  - 金寶基金會以協助大型動物孤兒 為宗旨。

Think about caring for a baby. Mothers can tell you all about the considerable amount of time it takes to feed, change, comfort and care for a helpless infant. Now what if that infant is an elephant calf? Instead of weighing 3 to 4 Kilograms at birth, he weight 100! And he needs to be fed every two hours, 24 hours a day for four years! Would you want to take on that kind of responsibility? jenny Webb did. She lives in the Africa country of Malawi.

She took in Moses when he was a week old after his mother was killed, probably by poachers. No one else would take him in as elephants are very expensive and time-consuming to care for. But Jenny was willing and said, "humans caused this problem so humans must fix the problem. "She spent as much time as she could caring for Moses. She also hired two employees to be with him during the day so he wouldn't be lonesome.

She works as the Director of the Malawi Division of Food Products.  To help with the costs of caring for Moses Jenny started the Jumbo Foundation Elephant Orphanage. It's the first organization of its kind in Malawi. The foundation will take in other orphaned large animals. "Our orphanage is not only for elephants but all large animals like hippos, buffalos, rhinos, as no one will take them in, " said Jenny. the foundation's goal is to care for the orphaned animals and prepare them to be released into the wild.

Jenny quickly learned that an elephant baby needs more than just a special formula every two hours. Elephant mothers provide not only food but also shelter under their big bellies. elephants can get sunburned, and Moses didn't have his mother's large size to protect him. He needed sunscreen and creams applied to his skin every day. A blanket was tied over his back during the day to protect him from the harsh African sun. Moses needed company, especially at night, so Jenny would sleep next to him on a mattress on the floor.

When Jenny took in Moses in February of 2012, she believed he had only a 20 percent chance of survival. Without the immunities he'd get in his mother's milk, Moses frequently got sick. Thankfully, veterinarians and people from the Elephant Orphanage Project in nearby Zambia helped out a lot. But sadly in November 2012, he got severe diarrhea and could not get over it, and Moses died. Jenny and her many friends continue to mourn the little elephant who touched their lives in such a special way.

"Elephants are very sensitive and pick up on your emotions, if you are sad they comfort you, if you are stressed they are tense, if you are ill they are loving." Jenny said. At the moment, the Jumbo Foundation has no elephants to care for. But as elephant poaching remains a serious problem, Jenny will no doubt take in more orphans in the future. What Jenny learned from caring for Moses will help her when the next orphan comes along.

Grammar Gym:
At the moment, the Jumbo Foundation has no elephants to care for.
'At the moment' - right now.
At the moment, the restaurant is full and we will have to wait an hour.
The manger is not here at the moment but will return to the office this afternoon.

Vocabulary Tips:
infant - newborn to one year old baby. 婴孩,幼儿。
*Parents need to learn how to interpret the signals their infants send.
infant (adj) -婴儿的,幼小的,幼期的。
*The expecting couple went shopping for infant clothes.
poacher - a person who illegally hunt and kill animals. 不合法的狩猎者,盗猎者。
*the poachers were arrested and prosecuted.
poach - illegally hunt or kill endangered animals.不合法的狩猎,盗猎。
*many endangered animals have been poached because they can be sold for good prices.
time-consuming : something need to take a lot of time to do it or finish it. 消耗时间的,耗时间的。
consuming/consume -消耗
*Sorting all the files in the computer is a time-consuming task.任务
*Rehearsing a play is time-consuming and it requires a lot of patience.排练演出
lonesome - feel lonely, need some company around. 寂寞,孤单渴望需要朋友的。
lonely - a sad feeling that you feel alone.感到寂寞,孤单的。
*Jake felt really lonesome when he first transferred to the new school.
lonesome (adj) -荒凉,人烟稀少的。
*We drove on a lonesome road.
calf - baby animal, baby cow, baby elephant.
take in for  something - provide a shelter, food and care for it.
orphanage (n) - a place to keep and care for human or animal whom does not have parents or animal has father but no mother. 孤儿院,育幼院
*Bobby was brought up in an orphanage.
*Claire was sent to an orphanage when she was just a baby.
orphan (n) - a child or an animal has no parents or mother.孤儿。
*Nathan became an orphan at 10 when his parents died in an accident.
rhino ( rhinoceros) (n) - a big animal similar to cow but has a horn on their face. 犀牛。
*the rhino suddenly charged toward the tourists' truck. 冲向。。
*Many rhinos are killed because their horns are valuable on the black market. rhino多数加s
formula (n) -配方奶。
*Mandy hasn't decided on which formula to give her baby.
formula (n) - (数学)公式,工程式。
*The newly developed mathematic formula won the professor a Nobel Prize.
shelter (n) - a place that provide protection from rain and wind or dangers. 护庇,庇护。遮掩。掩蔽。
*We used a big tree as our shelter during the rain.
shelter (v) - We use a big tree to shelter us from the rain.
shelter -(n) -护庇,避难所,护庇所。
*They are going to use the funds to provide food and shelter for homeless people.
harsh - difficult, challenge, not simple or easy.
harsh storm, harsh punishment, harsh typhone,
harsh words- 说话说得很重很不客气,很严酷的。
immunity - something in your body that can defend and fight for you, keep you healthy.免疫力
*Stress and lack of sleep can lower your immunity to disease.
immunity -豁免,免除。
*The witness will get immunity from prosecution if he's willing to testify. 作证
veterinarian (n) (short for vet) - animal doctor.兽医
*Several vets were sent to the affected poultry farm.
veteran -退役军人。
Hank is a veteran of the Persian Culf War.
pick up on something ( pick up your feeling) 对某事的了解,注意到 (了解,注意到对方的感受),
pick up on -can sense what you feel even you didn't say a word.了解,注意到。
*Alice is a very reserved person. Only close friends can pick up on her feelings.
*Alex and Nancy are great partners on stage. they pick up on each other's jokes.
tense  (adj) -紧张,紧绷。
*The tense atmosphere in the meeting made everyone very nervous.
tension (n) -情绪或局势的紧绷。紧张的情绪。紧绷的局势,情势。。
The tension between the two countries affected their stock markets.
no doubt - no question about it, it definitely will happen.
survive - to live, to stay alive.
to get it over - it not bother you any more.
severe - really extreme, not simple or easy to deal with.
server weather - means the weather is extremely hot or cold, not easy to deal with.
mourn - to express your sad feeling about something that is gone.

Life is all about learning, constantly learning from our mistake or from our pass experiences or something new.  

Language Tips:
'white elephant' - (俚语) spend a lot of money on useless things. 指‘又花钱又没有用的东西。如花大钱但是不卖座的电影片。

not only.....but also ................, 用于强调‘一个重点,加上第二个重点,尤其是but also 之后所提出的部分往往是出乎读者想象以外的。
not only....一个重点之后还有。。。 (用的事介系词片语.-
not only.....(用的是介系词片语.。。。"but also" -(也要用介系词片语.-)
'but also' or 'but' or 'also' - is the same as but also.
but all large animals like hippos, buffalos, rhinos.
sympathy/ empathy -同情心/同理心。
pathos - emotion.感情,情感。
sympathy -对人事物所产生的悲天悯人的情怀,而愿尽所能得去给与对方帮助。
empathy - 针对那个人,站在对方的立场上,设身处事的为对方着想的去了解对方的感受,感如身受的为对方着想,去接受对方。如put yourself in his shoes。

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