Friday, March 1, 2013

Whose Name?

People give their names to all kinds of things
摩天輪為什麼叫 Ferris Wheel? -人們以自己的名字為各種事物命名

Some people can never be forgotten. That's because their names become common words. As many as 50,000 words in the English language get their meaning form people's names. Some are real people, others are characters in books or stories. Often a new dish is given the name of its inventor.

The sandwich gets its name from the 4th Earl of Sandwich, John Montagu (1718-1792). He spent long hours working or gambling and didn't wish to stop  for a meal. He had his servants put meat between two slices of bread to eat while he worked. His friends began to ask for similar snacks, and the name "sandwich" came into common use.

Granny Smith apples are named for Maria Ann Smith, a grandmother. Born into a farm family in  1799, Maria married Thomas Smith at 19. They were persuaded by the British government to move to Australia. On their farm near Sydney, they grew apple trees. Their special variety of tart apple became know as Granny Smith.

The 14th-century Dutch fisherman Willem Beukelz began to pickle fish. His method of preserving fish spread, but British traders didn't pronounce his name correctly. Soon "pickles" became popular in many countries. The Chinese dish kung pao chicken (宫保鸡丁  ) was created in Sichuan province by Ding Boazhen (丁保桢 ). He served the spicy dish when he was governor of the province from 1876 to 1866.
After Ding died, people named the dish for him.

More than just foods take people's names. Many enjoy riding on a Ferris wheel, named for engineer George W. G. Ferris. He designed the first one for Chicago's World Columbian Exposition in 1893. Many places measure temperature in Celsius. Anders Celsius was a Swedish scientist. He invented a thermometer where water's boiling point was o degrees and its freezing point 100 degrees. After his death in 1744, the scale was changed to its present form. Scientific laws, diseases, sports terms and places around the world use people's names.

You can't escape them; they're everywhere!

Grammar Tips:
"He spent long hours working or gambling and didn't wish to stop for a meal."
writing patent as below:
(Someone) spends long hours (doing something) and didn't wish to stop for a (something else).
The artist has spent hours working on his painting and doesn't wish to stop for a break.
*Tom spent long hours writing his paper and didn't wish to stop for a snack.

Vocabulary Tips:
slice - small piece of something, cut into small piece or potion. 食物切成的薄片。
*I put some slices of ham on my sub. 潜水艇三明治。
slice(v) -把食物切成薄片。
*You need a sharp knife to slice the roast beef.
persuade - push, talk into..let them believed, encourage. 说服,劝服,劝说。。使相信。(into
*It was the great benefits that persuaded Sean to accept the job offer.
*Jonathan was persuaded to join this club by his friend.
preserve (v)-腌制食物,保鲜。
*Mom preserved the cabbage with salt and red chili power.
preserve (adj) - 保留,保存。(erv)-有“保存”之意。
*The historical building is well preserved so it's very beautiful.
governor (n)- American political name. political leader of a state. 州长,省长,首府的督統。
*The governor made a commitment to cut taxes in his campaign pamphlet.
govern (v) - in charge of something.统治,管理。
*The election will decided who will govern the country in the coming four years.
governor -the leader of a state. 州长。
mayor - the leader of a city or local市长。
engineer (n)- who knows how to operate the things (machine) 工程师。
a software engineer.-软体工程师。
a civil engineer -土木工程师。
engineering (n)-工程学。工程。工程式。
*The design of the bridge is a breakthrough in structural engineering.
scientific (adj)- something to do with science.科学的
science -科学
*It seems that there's no scientific explanation for this phenomenon.现象
*The use of animals in scientific experiments is banned in many countries.
gambling - put money or valuable thing to risk, believe there is some luck can win more.
name for him - name after him.

Language Tips:
"in" - location, a place.
"into" -  into a rich family, came into, born into ...出生在什么样的家庭,
He was born into a musical family
born into a farm family.
born with a silver spoon in his mouth. 含着银汤匙出生的,家境富裕。(美国的典故,是银汤匙,不是金汤匙)
omnipresent /ubiquitous - everywhere.
omnipresent - existing everywhere in all places at the same time. like " air", or "God".
ubiquitous - you find find it at every place, such like "taxi", "cellphone".
you can't escape them - you are stacked, not avoidable. they are everywhere.

Taking notes of study "Studio Classroom".

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