Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sitting Alone

How should you treat an unpopular student?
一個人坐 - 你該如何對待不受歡迎的學生?

Mary and Jane are eating lunch in their school cafeteria.

Mary: It looks like Sally is sitting by herself again today. Let's invite her to eat with us.
Jane: I think our table is full.
Mary: We could pull up a chair and make some room.
Jane: Yeah, but people might notice and think we're friends with her.
Mary: What's wrong with that?
Jane: She's so weird.
Mary: If we sit with her, people will think we're weird, too, and won't want to be friends with us.
Jane: I don't think everybody will quit being our friends just because we're nice to her. But if we invite her to join us, we may never get rid of her! But if we invite her to join us, we may never get rid of her! She'll tag along with us all the time.
Mary: What do you have against her?
Jane: Well, she's unpopular. She's not very pretty, she's painfully shy; she doesn't excel in any subjects, and she doesn't belong to any clubs.
Mary: Maybe she just feels nervous around people she doesn't know. She might be less shy and more willing to participate if someone reached out to her a little bit.
Jane: Maybe. But why does that someone have to be us?
Mary: Why not us? If I were Sally, I'd want someone to befriend me. Woulds't you?
Jane: I guess so, but I don't think we're doing anything wrong by not befriending her. We're not mean to her, and not going out of our way to talk to her is understandable. We can't be best friends with everyone.
Mary: Maybe not, but we can show compassion to one person. It's not that hard to have one more friend.
Jane: We're already pretty busy. Where will we find time?
Mary: We can invite her to join us when we're with our other friends - like to a party or something. And we have lots of time to chat between classes.  Besides, if we get to know Sally, we'd probably discover things about her. She might be really interesting and fun to be around.
Jane: Well, the bell rings, lunch is over anyway.
Mary: I guess it's too late for her to sit with us today. But maybe I'll invite her to hang out with us at the mall on Saturday.
Jane: Ah.... I don't think I'll join you, but have fun.

Grammar Gym:
"what do you have against her?
"To have against someone/something"
What do you have against foreign films?
She has something against sweets.
I have nothing against that person.

Vocabulary Tips:
unpopular -不受欢迎的。 "un" -有“否定”之意, “popular” -受欢迎的
*Increasing taxes is an unpopular proposal but it will solve the problem.
*The movie star used to be unpopular in high school.
weird - odd, strange, not normal. 奇怪的,怪异的。
*The homeless guy's weird behavior is kind of scary.
*Security followed this weird looking guy to see what he was up to.
get rid of - throw away. (事)丢掉,丢弃。。
*We have to get rid of the junk in the garage. It takes up too much space.
get rid of -(人)摆脱,甩掉某个人
*Irene finally got rid of the guy who was following her.
tag along - go with. Can I tag along? Do you mind I tag along? (when you go with them and you are not belong to their group, you can polite ask)
tag -跟从,随从。跟在后面。
tag along -跟从,紧跟。
*Pamela loves to shop, and she wants her husband to tag along.要她先生跟随。
tag along (with)- 紧跟
*Promise you'll let me tag along with you when you go out. 答应我一定要带我去。。。
make room - make a space for purpose. Always can make room for a snack. (or something)
painfully - not feel comfortable.
painfully obvious - very obviously, why can't you just get?
painfully slow that make me feel uncomfortable or don't understand it at all.
excel - very good at something. What do my  excel?
befriend - be friend with, be friend to. -to befriend .....和某人做朋友,像朋友般友善,和善。
*I was befriended by a lovely old lady on my flight home.
*I love to befriend people from different backgrounds, I can learn many things from them.
compassion - a kind of love.怜悯,同情。"com" -“一起”之意 , "passion" -热情
*The girl's heart was filled with compassion for the starving kids.
*The doctor shows great compassion to his patients.
besides - there is more than just mentioned, something more add to it. 除此之外。。还有。
*Besides, if we get to know Sally, we'll probably discover things about her."
discover - "dis"- separate 有“分开”之意, cover - 遮盖。拿去遮盖,即“发现”
*The scientists discovered that the plant's leaves can soothe muscle pain.发现
hang out - spend time with friend outside the school or work. 一起玩,一起做事情 (活动)
hung out - hang out 的过去式。
*Richard and his buddies love to hang out at his place.
*After school we usually hang out at the cafe' for a while.
going out of one's way - someone has a plan to go somewhere but he/she make extra effort or do extra thing  for you.
* I hope you didn't going out of your way to do this for me.
* If it is not going out of your way, would you take this with you to upstairs.
understandable - able to understand.

Language Tips:
Two types of people at the party:
wallflower -壁花,形容不会与人打交道,没有男朋友,被人拖来参加,只安静的坐在角落里的女孩。
social butterfly - 社交花蝴蝶,喜爱交际,与人聊天。(有正面的意思,也有负面的意思)
Latin is dead - 拉丁语也消失。不再被重视了或使用。但是在某些文章里,还是有人使用拉丁语,如:
status quo -现状,原来的状况。
maintain (keep) the status quo -保持,(维持)现状,原来的状况
maintain the status quo-
keep the status quo -
the status quo - 用"keep", " maintain" ,status quo现状,原来的状况时,要加“the”
persona non grata - 不受欢迎,通常在国际外交上,不受欢迎的意思。。

Taking  note of study "Studio Classroom"

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