Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Do You Want A Dog?

Owning a dog can be fun, but it's also a lot of work
想養狗嗎? 養狗雖然充滿樂趣,卻也很花工夫.

Terry: I just love dogs. I think I want to get one.
Carol: That's a pretty big decision. Why do you want a dog?
Terry: I've always loved dogs. When I was a child, our dog Scooby went everywhere with me.
Carol: Dogs make great pets because they're so loyal to their owners.
Terry: You know I live by myself and sometimes I feel lonely. A dog would be good company.
Carol: Some dogs are good at defending their owners, too. Since you live alone, it might be helpful to have a dog that will bark and scare away burglars.
Terry: Plus, I could take the dog on walks. It would get me out of the house.
Carol: That's good exercise for both of you! I definitely need motivation for more exercise. Caring for a dog would help me with that. I love seeing people walk their dogs in the park.
Terry: Some of the owners let me pet their dogs, but of course, I always ask first! Many dogs are friendly and social. That's another reason I want a dog - I'd like a cute, cuddly companion that makes people smile!
Carol: But dogs are a lot of work, too.
Terry:  Yes. Owning a dog isn't all fun and games. Cleaning up after them - and keeping them clean - can be a chore.
Carol: I've heard that some dogs shed a lot. And some bark a lot and chew on your things.
Terry: True. They can really get into trouble. I'll need to train my dog well! I know it will take time and commitment.
Carol: And you need to take the dog's happiness into account Your're not planning to get a big dog, are you? Your apartment isn't that large. And a friend told me that her dog was unhappy because it was confined all day.
Terry: A small dog would be happy in my apartment. Definitely not a big one! I do work, but I plan to go home to walk it at lunch.
Carol: That's good. Also, don't forget how much it costs!
Terry: I'm thinking about adopting a dog from the animal shelter.
Carol: Adopting a dog is fantastic, but you still have to pay an adoption fee. Then there's food, toys and trips to the vet.
Terry: I haven't thought much about the cost. I guess I still have a lot to consider.

Grammar Tips:
A dog would be good company.
company - business organization.
Mike works for a toy company.
company - one to be with.
The job is not so difficult when you have agreeable company.
Would you like to have some company or would you rather go there by yourself?

Vocabulary Tips:
loyal -faithful, commit and show love to something or someone. 忠心的,忠实地。
*Martha is a loyal friend.
loyal to -忠心的,忠实地对那个对象用“to ”。
* Ricky remained loyal to the company, even though other workers left.
defend -fight for, fight against, protect.防御,防护,保御。
* These soldier will defend their homeland against enemies at all costs.
offend - feeling bad, hurt, wound. 冒犯,触怒,受伤。
* I felt offended by your harsh words. 我被冒犯或受伤了被你严苛的话。
cuddly (adj)  - very cute, make people like to hug, pet, wrap around it with hands and arms. 令人想要去拥抱的,或是可爱的。
* the cuddly teddy bear is my son's favorite toy.
cuddle (v) -  hug, wrap around it in arms.很亲热地去搂住拥抱
*Jennifer loves to cuddle her cat.
a lot of work - 很费工夫的。
commitment and responsibilities - 承诺和职责。
burglar - theft. 小偷。
Vet - veterinarian.
take something into account - 考虑到某件事。
*As the owner of the company, I have to take the employees' best interests into account at all times.
*When we make the decision, we'll take into account your suggestion. 作决定时会考虑你的建议。
confine -使受限制,使受局限。" to " - 限在那个范围confine at certain area.
*Please confine our discussion to  our original agenda. 讨论仅限于原定的议题。
*Luckily, the spread of the disease was confined to only a small group of people. 只限于小部分的人。
confine -卧病。
*George was confine to bed for weeks after surgery. 手术后。。。卧病(在床)
adoption (n)-收养,领养。
adopt (v) -收养,领养。
* The single mom decided to put her child up for adoption. 让人去收养,领养
*The adoption was kept secret until the child became an adult. 小孩领养的事。。一直保密直到小孩成人。。
chore - job or a piece of work need to be done regularly in our daily living, it's important, small job but have to do, most of them are not very present. 令人不愉快但又是不能不作,必须做的日常琐碎又麻烦的事。
shed - hair or skin came off from human or animal. A lot of hair fall off from dog.掉毛。(人也会掉头发)
chew - bite something and destroy them into small pieces with tooth. 咬

Chat Room:
to bark: 喊叫。
Bark the wrong tree -古时,打猎,狗总是跟着主人追猎物,猎物躲到树上, 狗看走眼,对着(动物)不在其上的树叫喊。意即:找错对象,弄错对象,白费精力。
every dog has its day. (idiom) - encourage people has his turn (day), his day will come, don't feel so bad.
Don't worry. Every dog has its day. Just keep on trying. (here "dog" is not a "lowly" 低下,不好的话 word, it will not offend people)
clean -清洁
clean/clean up- 清洁/整理。
clean - clean things that are dirty. 清洁干净。
clean the floor. (floor has not take care for a week, full of dust.) 打扫地,擦地板。
clean up - clean things that are messy. need to put all items back and organized. 整理,归位,弄整齐。
clean up the room.- 整理房间。把房间弄整齐。
clean up after someone - 在某人后面整理。整理或收拾某人留下的脏乱残局。
clean up after..../ pick up after...-跟在后面整理/ 跟在后面收拾。
parents always clean up (pick up) after their little children.
cleaning up after them can be a chore.跟在(狗)后面收拾,整理是一件麻烦又不能不作苦差事。

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