Friday, October 19, 2012

Fight Germs the Natural Way

Some medicines don’t come from a doctor 天然抗菌法 .有些良藥不需要由醫生開 給你.

No one wants to be sick. We try to avoid it by washing our hands, eating a healthy diet and taking supplements, but we're not always successful.  When we do get sick, we usually reach for over-the-counter medicines. If those don't work, we head to the doctor in hopes of getting some antibiotics  These important drugs kill bacteria, but unfortunately they also reduce our natural ability to fight disease. Over time, overuse of antibiotics not only affects our health, it also leads to bacteria that are resistant to the drugs, making them all the harder to kill.

The solution? Cut back on prescription antibiotics, and try some that nature has to offer.

Garlic -
Used as a medicine for thousands of years, garlic kills a wide range of disease-causing microorganisms. It also helps prevent heart disease and may even help to reduce fevers. This amazing plant may even help boost your immunity Garlic is used a lot in cooking, but heat destroys its medicinal effects. The best way to consume garlic is to eat it slightly cooked, raw or to take it as a supplement.

Oregano oil
Oil of oregano can be rubbed on the skin to treat itches and skin infections. The herb also fights sinus congestion and can ease an upset stomach. Oil of oregano, however, does not come from the common cooking spice. The oil comes from a different species of oregano.

Records show that ancient Egyptians used honey for its antibacterial properties around 4,000 years ago. A 2009 study done in Australia showed honey to be a very effective antibiotic.
It killed every bacterium it was tested against, including one that was resistant to 13 different antibiotic drugs.

Green tea
One of the ingredients inherent in green tea effectively kills certain kinds of oral bacteria. Green tea has many other health benefits as well, such as the ability to break down excess fat in the body. Add this natural antibiotic to you daily diet and be sure to swish it around in your month first.

People swear by this sour pickled Japanese plum as a flu remedy because it kills viruses. In addition, it is helpful in curing food poisoning and other digestive ailments. The Japaneses actually say " An umeboshi a day keeps the doctor away!"

Grapefruit, brown Orion  also are very good nature food to help you fight with flu. 

Grammar Tips:
Cut back on prescription antibiotics, and try some that nature has to offer.
"cut back on" - to reduce or to decrease.
Exercise more and cut back on junk food.
I plan on cutting back my work hours so I can be with my family more.

Vocabulary Tips:
antibiotic - a medicine that to kill the bacteria in your body.抗生素。 "anti" - resist.反抗。
bio -related to life.与生命有关的
*The doctor prescribed a 3-day course of antibiotics. 三天期的抗生素。
*Claire is taking antibiotics for her ear infection.
overuse -use it too often or too much. 过度使用。 "over"-过度的, "use"-使用
*The singer overused her voice and now is resting to recover.
*The overuse of authority can cause rebellious behavior among teens.
immunity -ability to fight all the bacterial in your body to help you keep healthy.免疫力,抗体。
*Molly's immunity is weak. She gets sick very often.
*Regular exercise and positive thinking can increase your immunity against many kinds of diseases.
antibacterial - against bacterial. 抗菌的。anti -against.
bacterial -bad element that cause people sick.细菌的。
*The doctor recommended Steven to use antibacterial face wash for his acne.
*Nancy uses antibacterial baby wipes to clean her daughter's hands.
swish - move around, there is a sound come out. (here means that  move the tea liquid quickly around inside of your mouth, (make tea water circling around in your mouth) to get teeth protect.摆动或挥动,同时发出刷刷的声音。
*The horse is swishing its tail to get rid of the flies. 。。刷刷的挥动。。赶走苍蝇。
*Lin swished the ball through the hoop.。。刷刷的投进蓝框。
*The cleaning lady swished the curtains to let the sunshine in. 。。。哗啦啦的拉开。。
ailment -a fancy way to say "sickness." 病痛。
*Alan doesn't have any serious diseases, but he has suffered from respiratory ailments for years.呼吸器官的。。
*Lack of sleep can cause minor ailments.
Umeboshi- plum that pickled
pickled - vegetable or fruits processed with vinegar set  for a long period of time became sour taste.
supplement - refer to vitamins, that help you to keep healthy.
boost - strong lifted
species - a kind of , that related each other but different kind.
property - it can do something, it is make up of something that can serve for some purpose.
sinus (sai-nu-s) (n)-refer to nose, mouth, eye, ear etc that open space in your head.囊,经脉囊,下陷处,弯曲部,海湾。
congestion-混杂,拥挤,过剩,充血。air not clear, has stuff not supposed in it.

Chat Room:
all the better = even better. “更好”的意思。
all the harder = even harder. “更。。。
all the more = even more.
all the faster = even faster.
all the better is different from all the best.
all the best - you hope good things happen to someone.
I wish you all the best. 用于写信结尾的祝福语,客套话。
That's all the better. 。。。更好。
Moving to America helped me learn English all the faster.。。。更快。
Overused antibiotics not only affects our health, it also leads to bacteria that are resistant to the drugs, make them all the harder to kill.
all the harder to kill -更难杀死病菌。
swear -发誓。
Do you swear? 你发誓?
swear -宣誓。
swearing-in ceremony -宣誓就职典礼。
 to be sworn in -宣誓就职。
swear off something - 某样东西。
He is swearing off drinking.他发誓戒掉喝酒。(戒酒)
swear by something -(很口语的)指非常相信,信任或推荐某样东西。
People swear by this sour, pickled Japanese plum as a flu remedy.
swear -骂粗话,脏话。
Please don't swear.-请别骂脏话。

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