Friday, February 11, 2011

Training New Staff

訓練新人Training new people correctly takes time and energy 正確地訓練新人就能節省時間和力氣by Joan Yu

Training someone to do a job can be harder than doing the work yourself. It's hard partially because people vary in their approaches to a task. But mostly it's because people's working paces and styles are very different.

In the last three months, I have trained two new members in my group. I have to say these have been the longest three months I've had at work. my philosophy of training is to teach someone how to fish instead of just giving him or her the fish. But human nature makes people want a shortcut to get a job done. They prefer that (taking shortcut) to (instead) taking the time to understand why things are done in a certain way. Their desire for a shortcut is my biggest frustration in training. I try my best to explain the "whys" of a task so the new people understand how to solve a problem on their own. That way they can it themselves in the future.

When I begin to instruct someone, I first give the big picture of the project and where our group fits into it. Next. I set up daily, weekly and monthly agendas and goals. These help new people understand what we need to accomplish by the end of each training section.

But people can be so impatient with all this step-by-step training. They get the gist of a project and immediately begin to think of ways to make the process better. I tell them that before they do that, they probably should understand why things are done the way they are.

I've learned two important lessons through my experiences in training people. One is that everyone is different; I can't force others to learn things my way. If I do, I will be frustrated all the time. The second is not to micromanage but leave room for the trainees to grow. Who knows- they might come up with newer and better ideas. Isn't that why companies like to hire new blood?

Grammar Tips:
They prefer that to taking the time to understand why things are done in a certain way. "to prefer A to B" - to think A is better than B.
"to prefer A to B" - is to prefer A instead of B. like A more than B.
I prefer taking the bullet train to going by plane. (prefer to take train instead of plane)
Haley prefers the French cafe to the Japanese restaurant. (Haley likes the French cafe better than Japanese restaurant)

Vocabulary Tips:
partially-部分地 partial -部分的
*The house was partially renovated修復,裝修
*Mark admitted that he was partially responsible for the delay.
*The company is partially owned by the government.
*Many young people nowadays adapt the philosophy of "live now, pay later." 承襲先享受,後付出的人生觀。
*The company's philosophy of management is very human-based. 管理理念是相當人性化的。
frustration-挫折,失敗。 frustrate-咀喪, 阻撓。在謀事上感到挫折 用“at
*Despite all the frustrations, Simon is determined to get this deal. 不顧所有的挫折。執意。。
*Charles expressed his frustration at not being able to help. 在不能給與幫助上表示他的挫敗感。
instruct-指導,,或訓練。也指“吩咐,指示” struct-有“建造”的意思
*All the students were instructed in the use of the school website.
*My boss instructed me to collect information about our competitors. 吩咐
gist-the gist要點,重點,主旨。always go with "The", add "the" at front of "gist"
*Sarah gives the gist of the new of the day to the boss every morning.
get/catch the gist of something - 掌握重點
*After a while, I think I got the gist of what the speaker wanted to express.
micromanage- 上司對什麽事都要管,連小細節事都要過問。(有負面之意)micro-微小的
*Larry was criticized by his employees for micromanaging. He leaves them no room to express their own thoughts. 被批評
impatient- not have patient.
trainee, employee, payee.

Chat Room:
training new staff-訓練新的職員
staff -(不可數集合名詞)一個組織的全體職員或是所有的工作人員.
staff member -一個員工,不能說是一個" "
on the staff -在職的,屬於一個組織的員工.
She is on the staff of Studio Classroom-
employee-受聘的,受僱的人, (可數名詞),一個員工
faculty (不可數集合名詞)- 指“學校裏的全體教職員。
give the big picture of the project. 大方向
big picture-大的圖畫,人看大幅的畫,若是站得太近,很難看得清楚整幅的畫,即看不清大局,大方向,大局面。
Look at the big picture-請以大局為重。
big-picture person-以大局為重的人,富顧全大局,專注于大方向,以大局着想,從大方向出發的人。
detail-oriented person- 非常注重細節的人,很仔細,很周全,處處設想周到。。的人
事情要做的好,做的成功,一定要有big-picture person and detail- oriented person 倆种人

The standard way on the job training in U.S.A. :
1, Demonstrate the task.
2, Review the task.
3, Demonstrate the task again.
4, Let the worker doing the easier part of job.
5, Help the worker perform the entire task.
6, Let the worker doing the job while you watch.
7, Let the worker do the job with no supervision.

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