Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Bananas - Nature's Super Food!

香蕉—大自然的超級食物!A banana a day may keep the doctor away香蕉不但有益心臟,讓你更好眠,甚至還能擦亮鞋子喔!Bananas can help your heart, improve your sleep, and shine your shoes! by Pamela Osment

What food item comes in its own biodegradable container, requires no cooking and tastes delicious? Bananas, of course! For these reasons and many more, bananas, the world’s most popular fruit, have become known as “the perfect fruit.”

Nature’s best
Bananas, which contain large amounts of vitamins and minerals needed by the body, represent one of nature’s healthiest food choices. In fact, bananas have three times the amount of vitamins A and C found in apples. The tasty fruit also contains five times more protein than an apple. But the health benefits don't stop there. Bananas are packed with potassium, a mineral crucial to helping human hearts function correctly. Research also confirms that potassium helps control high blood pressure. A medical college in India found that eating two bananas a day lowered one's blood pressure by 10 percent in one week!

This important mineral also aids in muscle movement and digestion and is good for the kidneys. It can also help maintain bone strength. All this can be gained through one little fruit-the banana!

Aids the body
Bananas also contain lots of vitamin B6, a very beneficial vitamin for humans. Among its many advantages, B6 assists the blood in carrying oxygen throughout the body. Without enough of this essential vitamin, the body can develop a condition called anemia. As one of the largest natural sources of B6, bananas provide approximately 20 percent of the recommended daily amount.

This delicious fruit also represents an excellent source of fiber; therefore, many doctors recommend it children with stomach problems.

Soothes the mind
Bananas provide not only physical benefits but also mental and emotional benefitsw. Bananas contain tryptophan, a well-known compond in foods that helps lift our mood. Also because tryptophan aids in sleep, eating a banana before bed helps us rest better.

Shines your shoes?
The next time you want to polish your shoes, reach for a banana skin. SOme people insist that the inside of a banana peel produces a great shine on your shoes! Whether you want a healthy snack or a cheap shoeshine, look no further than nature's perfect fruit-the banana!

More Infomation
Some unusual uses for bananas:
* Make a face mask by mashing a banana into a smooth paste and apply it to your face. This will leave your face looking and feeling smooth.
* Remove dust from your houseplants by wiping down each leaf with the inside of a banana peel.
*Rub a mosquito bite with the inside of a banana peel to stop the itching.

But the health benefits don't stop there.
don't stop there=That's not all the health benefits。
*I overslept, so I missed my bus. And when I finally got to work, I was late for a meeting. But my problems didn't stop there.
*She is the founder of Studio Classroom and is the first foreigner to receive the Confusious Special Teacher Award, but her accomplishments don't stop there.

These plastic bags are biodegradable.
The company insists on using biodegradable packaging.
The milk containers were eco-friendly.环保的
container-容器,货柜 contain-容纳,包含。
The liquid is stored in an air-tight container.密封的容器
a container ship-货柜船
protein-蛋白质Athletes need diets that are high in protein。
Tofu is a good source of protein and can be a healthy replacement for meat.
mineral-矿物质make by nature。
recommended (adj)-建议的,被推荐的recommand- 推荐
*Don't ever exceed the recommended dose of medicine.
*Mark is a highly recommeded lawyer.
fiber- 纤维(各类的)
*This raincoat is made with artificial fibers.
*The police found good evidence left in some fiber at the crime scene.
dietary fiber- 膳食纤维
*Whole-weat bread provides more dietary fiber than white bread.
polish-腊(n)maxy substance. (v)shining shoes. 磨光,擦亮。润饰,使经验。
*Alice took a lot of time polishing her speech 润饰

Chat Room
pack 充满,拥挤,塞满的意思 put large amount of something.
pack with suitcase-装箱
packed (adj)-挤满了,塞满了,拥挤的
pack into-they pack into a small car.挤进,挤上
pack in (v)-挤进一个地方,把那塞暴。
pack on-add or gain
packed on some pound 加了数磅
rescue aid救援=rescue relief 救援(救援工作,救援振灾工作等)
student aid=financial aid 助学金,给于学生的援助。

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