SC: What do movie critics do?
JC: I would say that a movie critic is someone who writes critically and analytically about films and measures a film’s artistic virtues. To do this effectively, a critic must have significant knowledge of film history and be able to place an individual film in its historical or cultural context. I think it’s important to emphasize that a good movie critic must also be a good writer. Film criticism is more than simply saying whether a movie is good or bad. It’s about writing in a way that captures the experience of watching the film in question.
SC: How do they do it?
JC: Most of the time, critics are invited to see films at press screenings held by the studios. These
screenings are generally held a week or two before the film opens to give critics time to file their reviews before the film's starts. However, it's been an increasingly common practice for studios to NOT screen a movie in advance, which is usually a pretty good sign that the movie is really bad. It there is no screening the critic has to go see the movie on the morning it opens and then publish a review as quickly as possible.
SC: How does one become a movie critic?
JC: There are all sorts of different doors leading into this profession. I became a passionate lover of film in my teens and soon developed a compulsion to write about them long before I decided to start doing it professionally. I reviewed films for my college newspaper and studied journalism, film and business. After graduating. I got an internship at Variety; eventually they hired me, and the rest is pretty much history.
SC: How have blogs and the Internet changed the role of movie critics?
JC: Enormously. For better and for worse, the Internet has democratized journalism, and that extends to film criticism as well. Nowadays anyone who sees a movie can post his or her thoughts on the web even if they aren't a particularly good writer or don't have the requisite film knowledge. That said, there are many excellent film bloggers and online critics who are adding their voices to the dialogue. Ultimately, that's what film criticism is about fashioning an ongoing dialogue among critics and their readers. I should also add that the Internet has made it much easier to dialogue with readers about my reviews.
More Info.
A good film critique could mean millions of dollars in revenue for a movie studio.
A negative critique could mean millions of dollars LOST. Knowing this, film studios work hard to persuade film critics that their movie is good. One way they do this is by sending film critics a press kit, which is basically a package containing the film's background information, flattering photos, and, often, a small gift.
For better and for worse, the Internet has democratized journalism, and that extends to film criticism as well.
for better and for worse
for better or for worse (idiom)-Whether the situation is good or bad, or whether the outcome is good or bad.
For better or for worse, always treat people with respect.
The Internet has democratized journalism in good ways and in bad ways, and that extends to film criticism as well.
critically (adv)-to find mistakes or fault or problem. think critically.批判性的,具有批评性或判别力的
Shane read the report critically and decided it was incorrect.
*As a researcher, Peter was trained to think critically.
*The author of this critically acclaimed novel is nominated for the Nobel Prize. 被提名
analytically-analysing the different part of the movie.
context-put something into context-put in to place of history or culture.
capture-catching, graping or holding a moment of picture.
suspect-commit a crime.
press-here is mean " media"
in question (idiom)-under consideration, 考虑中,讨论中的
The book in question has sold over 1 million copies.
* This issue might be important, but it is not the point in question right now.
*The interviewee in question is now waiting in the conference room.
screening (n)-The movie screening will be held this weekend.
file (v)-Charlene will file the story after she has finished the interview.
Passionate (adj)-乐诚 strong feeling, many emotion. full of passion.
Martha has been a passionate gardener since the age of seven.
compulsion (n)-strong motivation to do something, 难以抗拒的冲动,冲动。
I feel a compulsion to drink coffee every afternoon.
*She felt a compulsion to go to her boss' office and quit.
*He suddenly had the compulsion to tell everyone the truth.
journalism (n)-The ability to do research is very important for those who want to succeed in journalism.
requisite (adj)- 需要的,不可少的(n) 比需品,要素necessary.
Hanna hadn't completed the requisite courses, so she wasn't admitted into the program.
*She lacks the requisite skills for the job.
*All the requisite documents should be attached with the application form.
* A good map is a requisite for travelling.
fashion (n)-时尚,流行 (v)-形成,朔造
*He fashioned the clay into a vase.
*The director has fashioned a satisfying movie from this Jane Austin novel. 导演。拍成一部满意的。
enormously-huge, large amount , very big (changes)
democratized-refer to the system for every one has equal value, every one has equal saying or doing things.
Chat Room
movie critics-影评,critics批评者,挑剔,指责,评论家,
critics, critique
a critic writes a critique-critique (重音在后面)评论
constructive criticism-get advice from 。建设性的批评,帮助人家有更好的表现
the rest in history (idiom)-history is everyone know about the story--故事说到这,接下来的事,不用多说,大家都已知道了。
make history- Like Obama is the first African-American president of U.S.A.创造历史,做名留青史之大事
history in the making--伟大的事正在进行。是make history的现代式,正在创造历史。
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