Friday, September 4, 2009

The American School Environment 美國校園走透透

What goes on in American classrooms? 美国教室里是什么模样?
by Ruth Devlin

September has arrived, and students are going back to school. What goes on in American classrooms? Well, they are often student-centered, and sometimes students even help make the class rules. Students don’t just sit and listen to lectures but are often involved in class discussions. These discussions help them discover facts and give their opinions.
The physical layouts of classrooms vary. Initially, student desks stand in rows. During the year, desks may be arranged in one big circle or put into small clusters. This allows students to work on projects in small groups.

Elementary school classrooms contain special learning areas. A corner may have a rug, soft chairs and many books where students can go to read. Or there may be a science corner for projects. Most American teachers have their own classrooms. In junior high and high school, the students change classrooms but the teachers stay put. This allows the teacher to decorate the classroom according to the subject being taught.

Conversation A
Hi, Laura, I'm home!
I just dropped off Amelia at my sister's house.
It was nice of you to pick your niece up from school and take her home.
That's what uncles are for! But I had to take Zelda too.
Who is Zelda?
Zelda is the class guinea pig. Since Monday's a holiday, someone had to take Zelda home.
And Amelia volunteered.
Naturally, You know how much she loves animals!
I think it's great that her class has a pet. It teaches the kids about responsibility.
Yes, I know my sister is glad.
She's glad the guinea pig goes back to school on Tuesday!
Conversation B
I had on interesting day.
What did you do?
At lunchtime, I went to the high school to talk to one of the teachers.
It must have been hard to get into the parking lot.
It was. Kids were piling into cars and heading out for lunch.

So the school has an open campus.
I guess so. But the cafeteria was also full of kids eating. And some kids were also eating in the halls in front of their lockers.
Was anyone studying?
Yes. The library was full of kids.
Good. Then high school is still a place to get an education!

That's what uncles are for! (That's someone or something is for. (function)
That's what neighbors are for!
You should go talk to one of the teachers at the counseling center. That's what they are for!

lecture (n)-is a long talk, a speaker or teacher give it ...讲演.
We sat and listened to our science teacher's lecture on animal behavior.
physical (adj)-referring to something you can see or touch.
The physical arrangement of the chairs and labels looks pretty crowded.
*Inaccurate usage of the gears might cause physical damage to the vehicle. 不正确的使用车排挡
physical exams.体检
physical layouts-桌椅排列 physical-物质的,实质的,实际的布局设计.也指身体的
initially (adv)-Steve initially wanted a new car but he finally bought a used car instead.开始,起初
*He was initially just a bus boy who washed dishes, but now he's the owner of a restaurant.
*Initially, people had doubts about the new policy. Now they accept it.
Dad decided to stay put at the cafe, and we continued shopping.
The little boy wouldn't stay put, so his mom had to follow him around.
volunteer (v)-自愿去做或担任某种职务.参加某种团体用for,自愿做某事to+动词
Kendra volunteered to wash all the dishes after our family dinner.
*Carl volunteered for the army during World War II.
*Gina volunteered to accompany her classmate to the school nurse.
naturally (adv)-自然地,天生地,这儿指当然,不用说地,of course
I love chocolate, so naturally, I ate two pieces of that chocolate cake!
*Molly is naturally Bland.
*Singing comes naturally for Jasmine.
*Naturally we want our employees to work in a comfortable environment.
campus-Our school is on a beautiful campus with lots of modern buildings.
locker (n)-储物櫃lock-锁
Janice keeps all her books and notebooks in her locker at school.
*We put our luggage in a locker at the train station before we started our city tour.
*locker room- 体育馆或健身房内有储物櫃的更衣室
cluster-a group of same kind that have very close.
stay put (idiom)-Don't go anywhere; jut stay put!留在原地不动。
open campus-allow students go out for lunch.

Chat Room
the bigger picture-更大的图案,视野。
school bus-校车
ride care, bicycle. wear uniforms-public school is not required but private school does.
parochial school-教会学校
Kids are participate more but they still have guide line to fallow. respect the rule, keep the rule.
extracurricular activities-放学后的课外活动
outside curriculum-超越课业外的 curriculum-课业,课程
varsity sport teams-校队。try out-参加甄选。

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