Friday, January 24, 2014

Don't Forget Your Vitamins

Is it really beneficial to take vitamin pills on a regular basis?
怎樣吃最健康 - 定期服用維生素丸劑真的對人有益嗎?

Christopher and Shelly are chatting at they leave the office after work.
Christopher: I'm hungry! Do you want to go to the burger place and get something to eat?
Shelly: Sure. But I need to stop at the drugstore first. I need some vitamins.
Christopher: Why do you want to waste your money? Vitamin pills don't really help you.
Shelly: Chris, that's not true! Actually more people should take them because they play a vital role in good health.
Christopher: How?
Shelly: Many people don't eat healthy food and don't have a balanced diet. So a vitamin pill can provide some of the missing nutrients.
Christopher: I read, though, that it's better to get all your nutrients from food, not from pills.
Shelly: That's right. But a lot of people eat like you!
Christopher: What does that mean?
Shelly: Your diet consists of fast food and soft drinks. That's not healthy!
Christopher: Well...even if I wanted to take vitamins, it's too confusing with so many to choose from. How would I know which one to take?
Shelly: Check with your doctor.
Christopher: Why.
Shelly: For instance. Vitamin A is good for your eyes, Vitamin C helps your body heal, and Vitamin D strengthens your bones. And the list goes on. Your doctor can help you figure out what you really need.
Christopher: Maybe. But I still don't want to take too many pills.
Shelly: Well, a good start would be a multi-vitamin. It has lots of vitamins and minerals in it.
Christopher: I used to take multi-vitamins as a kid.
Shelly: Many kids do since they don't eat right.
Christopher: Which brings us back to may point that people should eat right. They need a healthy diet. Taking vitamins and other supplements is not a good substitute for a healthy diet.
Shelly: I know. But people don't always eat what they should. You're hungry- and where do you plan to go and eat?
Christopher: A burger place. But burgers are a good source of protein. Your body needs that.
Shelly: Burgers don't contain many of the necessary nutrients for your body.
Christopher: OK, then let's go and eat salad.
Shelly: Just take vitamins. That's easier. And vitamin pills are more concentrated, too.
Christopher: You get lots of each vitamin in a pill. But too much of one kind of vitamin isn't good for you.
Shelly: True. Too much of some vitamins can cause problems. But the amounts in multi-vitamins are just fine.
Christopher: Maybe. But I'm still hungry.Let's get something to eat at the Salad Palace.
Shelly: OK, but I'm still going to stop at the drugstore first.

Grammar Gym:
"And the list goes on." - the speaker could say more or give more examples, but choose not to.
Old Mr. Lee always complains whenever he's sick: The weather is either too hot or too cold, his back hurts, his allergies are bothering him- and the list goes on.
There's always so much to do during the holiday season: Presents to buy, decorations to put up, parties to plan, activities to attend - and the list goes on.
"Which brings us back to my point." - what was just said matches or supports a point that the speaker has mentioned earlier.
Everyone seems to think this project is worth doing. However, people are worried about spending too much money which brings us back to my point of needing to choose projects that are not too costly.
There are so many places that we can go and visit when we're in Rome which brings us back to my point that if we want to make the most of our time there, we need to plan carefully.

Vocabulary Tips:
vital - 至关重要的。极其重要的。不可或缺的。"vit"-有‘生命’之意。
*The witness gave vital information about the suspect to the police.
vital "to" someone.-对谁很重要用"to"
*Exercise, a healthy diet and sufficient sleep are vital to one's health.
nutrient (n)-营养物,养分。
*The soil is rich in nutrients which are essential for plants.
*Calcium and iron are the nutrients that expecting moms need most.怀孕的母亲们。。
nutritious (adj) -有营养的。
*Mom's food is not only nutritious but also tasty.
consist - contain, with.-包含,含有。
consist of - with what use "of", consist of. consist and of always go together.
*The conference consists of seminars and workshops.
*The job consists of traveling and making presentations
*The board consists of twelve members.
strengthen -加强,强化,巩固。 "strength "-力量。
*the structure of this old church needs to be strengthened.
*Security procedures for our computers were strengthened to protect the bank's data.
diet - eat and drink of normal food. 饮食。
balance diet- 均衡的饮食。
healthy diet- 健康饮食。
on diet - eat and drink certain food and watch the amount of calories and volume take in. I am dieting, I am on diet. 节制饮食。
too many choose from - there are many something for you to choose from.
substitute -替代,代替的人或东西。
substitute for - 代替for 某个人或某样东西。
*We need to find a substitute for tonight's performer. He called in sick today.
*Yogurt is a good substitute for sour cream because it is low in fat.
protein -蛋白质。
*Athletes need to eat a high protein diet to build their muscles.
*Soybean milk is rich in protein.
*White meat such as chicken and fish are good sources of protein.
contain -包含,含有,容纳。
*Burgers don't contain many of the nutrients your body needs.
*The energy drink contains a Vitamin B complex and vitamin C.
container - something that can contain things.容器。
airtight containers -真空容器。
concentrate -集中,浓缩。
*Most of the country's population is concentrated in the coastal areas.
concentrated (adj) -浓缩的,集中地。
concentrated juice.浓缩果汁。
*We finished the project with concentrated effort.全神贯注的。。
multi- something - "multi" - more than one, many. multi-color, multi-task, multi-Vitamins.
multi task - 多重的工作项目。"task" -工作事项。
*Mom is a multi-task position, she need to do a lot of things at the same time.
used to do something as a (something) kid, student.....-when you are as a kid you were doing something.
a good source of something (education, entertainment....)
too much of something can be bad for you - something is good but when you take too much it will be not good for you, may hurt you.
*Water or salt is good for you, but if you take too much or too quickly, it can be bad for your health.
just fine - it's okay, not bad.
supplement - extra, add to it.
regular basis - routine, daily basis, weekly basis etc.

Language Tips:
take medicine - not "eat medicine" -吃药。
take -有“摄取,接受,服用“之意。
drink soup - if the soup is in a cup or thermos. use "drink"喝汤,汤盛在杯子里或保温杯内,美国人说drink soup。
eat soup - I eat my soup with my bread (bread deep in the soup) or use utensil to bring food into our mouth.  食物要用汤匙,叉子 或手等从碗里取出放入口中的,美国人才说“eat ”。
burger place - a place serves hamburgers.
burger - refer to hamburger or cheeseburger in U.S.A. contains beef.
chicken or fish inside instead of beef we call " chicken sandwich, or fish sandwich" we don't call "chicken burger or fish burger" in U.S.A.
hamburger (countable noun) - refer to hamburger.
I want a hamburger.
hamburger ( uncountable noun) - refer to ground beef sales in supermarket. 碎绞牛肉
ground beef - grind beef to become ground beef. 碎绞牛肉。
grind -研磨。
ground - grind -研磨的过去式。

Notes taking of Studioclassroom

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