Friday, January 24, 2014

Don't Forget Your Vitamins

Is it really beneficial to take vitamin pills on a regular basis?
怎樣吃最健康 - 定期服用維生素丸劑真的對人有益嗎?

Christopher and Shelly are chatting at they leave the office after work.
Christopher: I'm hungry! Do you want to go to the burger place and get something to eat?
Shelly: Sure. But I need to stop at the drugstore first. I need some vitamins.
Christopher: Why do you want to waste your money? Vitamin pills don't really help you.
Shelly: Chris, that's not true! Actually more people should take them because they play a vital role in good health.
Christopher: How?
Shelly: Many people don't eat healthy food and don't have a balanced diet. So a vitamin pill can provide some of the missing nutrients.
Christopher: I read, though, that it's better to get all your nutrients from food, not from pills.
Shelly: That's right. But a lot of people eat like you!
Christopher: What does that mean?
Shelly: Your diet consists of fast food and soft drinks. That's not healthy!
Christopher: Well...even if I wanted to take vitamins, it's too confusing with so many to choose from. How would I know which one to take?
Shelly: Check with your doctor.
Christopher: Why.
Shelly: For instance. Vitamin A is good for your eyes, Vitamin C helps your body heal, and Vitamin D strengthens your bones. And the list goes on. Your doctor can help you figure out what you really need.
Christopher: Maybe. But I still don't want to take too many pills.
Shelly: Well, a good start would be a multi-vitamin. It has lots of vitamins and minerals in it.
Christopher: I used to take multi-vitamins as a kid.
Shelly: Many kids do since they don't eat right.
Christopher: Which brings us back to may point that people should eat right. They need a healthy diet. Taking vitamins and other supplements is not a good substitute for a healthy diet.
Shelly: I know. But people don't always eat what they should. You're hungry- and where do you plan to go and eat?
Christopher: A burger place. But burgers are a good source of protein. Your body needs that.
Shelly: Burgers don't contain many of the necessary nutrients for your body.
Christopher: OK, then let's go and eat salad.
Shelly: Just take vitamins. That's easier. And vitamin pills are more concentrated, too.
Christopher: You get lots of each vitamin in a pill. But too much of one kind of vitamin isn't good for you.
Shelly: True. Too much of some vitamins can cause problems. But the amounts in multi-vitamins are just fine.
Christopher: Maybe. But I'm still hungry.Let's get something to eat at the Salad Palace.
Shelly: OK, but I'm still going to stop at the drugstore first.

Grammar Gym:
"And the list goes on." - the speaker could say more or give more examples, but choose not to.
Old Mr. Lee always complains whenever he's sick: The weather is either too hot or too cold, his back hurts, his allergies are bothering him- and the list goes on.
There's always so much to do during the holiday season: Presents to buy, decorations to put up, parties to plan, activities to attend - and the list goes on.
"Which brings us back to my point." - what was just said matches or supports a point that the speaker has mentioned earlier.
Everyone seems to think this project is worth doing. However, people are worried about spending too much money which brings us back to my point of needing to choose projects that are not too costly.
There are so many places that we can go and visit when we're in Rome which brings us back to my point that if we want to make the most of our time there, we need to plan carefully.

Vocabulary Tips:
vital - 至关重要的。极其重要的。不可或缺的。"vit"-有‘生命’之意。
*The witness gave vital information about the suspect to the police.
vital "to" someone.-对谁很重要用"to"
*Exercise, a healthy diet and sufficient sleep are vital to one's health.
nutrient (n)-营养物,养分。
*The soil is rich in nutrients which are essential for plants.
*Calcium and iron are the nutrients that expecting moms need most.怀孕的母亲们。。
nutritious (adj) -有营养的。
*Mom's food is not only nutritious but also tasty.
consist - contain, with.-包含,含有。
consist of - with what use "of", consist of. consist and of always go together.
*The conference consists of seminars and workshops.
*The job consists of traveling and making presentations
*The board consists of twelve members.
strengthen -加强,强化,巩固。 "strength "-力量。
*the structure of this old church needs to be strengthened.
*Security procedures for our computers were strengthened to protect the bank's data.
diet - eat and drink of normal food. 饮食。
balance diet- 均衡的饮食。
healthy diet- 健康饮食。
on diet - eat and drink certain food and watch the amount of calories and volume take in. I am dieting, I am on diet. 节制饮食。
too many choose from - there are many something for you to choose from.
substitute -替代,代替的人或东西。
substitute for - 代替for 某个人或某样东西。
*We need to find a substitute for tonight's performer. He called in sick today.
*Yogurt is a good substitute for sour cream because it is low in fat.
protein -蛋白质。
*Athletes need to eat a high protein diet to build their muscles.
*Soybean milk is rich in protein.
*White meat such as chicken and fish are good sources of protein.
contain -包含,含有,容纳。
*Burgers don't contain many of the nutrients your body needs.
*The energy drink contains a Vitamin B complex and vitamin C.
container - something that can contain things.容器。
airtight containers -真空容器。
concentrate -集中,浓缩。
*Most of the country's population is concentrated in the coastal areas.
concentrated (adj) -浓缩的,集中地。
concentrated juice.浓缩果汁。
*We finished the project with concentrated effort.全神贯注的。。
multi- something - "multi" - more than one, many. multi-color, multi-task, multi-Vitamins.
multi task - 多重的工作项目。"task" -工作事项。
*Mom is a multi-task position, she need to do a lot of things at the same time.
used to do something as a (something) kid, student.....-when you are as a kid you were doing something.
a good source of something (education, entertainment....)
too much of something can be bad for you - something is good but when you take too much it will be not good for you, may hurt you.
*Water or salt is good for you, but if you take too much or too quickly, it can be bad for your health.
just fine - it's okay, not bad.
supplement - extra, add to it.
regular basis - routine, daily basis, weekly basis etc.

Language Tips:
take medicine - not "eat medicine" -吃药。
take -有“摄取,接受,服用“之意。
drink soup - if the soup is in a cup or thermos. use "drink"喝汤,汤盛在杯子里或保温杯内,美国人说drink soup。
eat soup - I eat my soup with my bread (bread deep in the soup) or use utensil to bring food into our mouth.  食物要用汤匙,叉子 或手等从碗里取出放入口中的,美国人才说“eat ”。
burger place - a place serves hamburgers.
burger - refer to hamburger or cheeseburger in U.S.A. contains beef.
chicken or fish inside instead of beef we call " chicken sandwich, or fish sandwich" we don't call "chicken burger or fish burger" in U.S.A.
hamburger (countable noun) - refer to hamburger.
I want a hamburger.
hamburger ( uncountable noun) - refer to ground beef sales in supermarket. 碎绞牛肉
ground beef - grind beef to become ground beef. 碎绞牛肉。
grind -研磨。
ground - grind -研磨的过去式。

Notes taking of Studioclassroom

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Industries to Watch

Exciting things are happening in these five industries
獨領風騷的亮點產業 - 這五項產業正有著令人興奮的發展.

While news about the economy isn't always good, there are some unmistakable bright spots. Whether you're interested in investment or a future career, these five industries are worth watch.

Wearable Computers
From desktops to laptops to smartphones, computers have steadily evolved into smaller and more portable devices. Now wearable computers, digital accessories that you wear, are becoming increasingly common. Smart watches, Google Glass and shoes with digital sensors are already on the market. And while these devices might not be able to replace your laptop, they are most certainly working with it to create a dynamic and mobile computing ecosystem.

Online Education
Online classes aren't new, but for many years they've suffered from a reputation of being not quite the equivalent of "real" courses. That's slowly changing. The cost of higher education is skyrocketing just as people need to gain new skills and update their current ones. This new focus on skills rather than credentials has manifested itself through the huge popularity of massive, open, online course (MOOC) providers such as Coursera, Undacity and EdX. And it doesn't hurt that those platforms provide courses from top universites such as Standord, MIT and the University of Pennsylvania.

Specialty Travel
The travel industry is growing, but it's also changing. People are flying more and renting more cars but spending less on hotels and restaurants. More of the travel business is moving online, and today's travelers are increasingly drawn to personalized, high-quality experiences. Services like Airbnb, which provides a platform for people who want to rent unused living spaces to short-term guests, are growing. So are companies that specialize in luxury or adventure travel to unusual places.

3-D Printing
This technology has already had a big impact on small businesses that focus on specialized work. Now, its influence is growing. NASA, for example, plans to put a 3-D printer on the International Space Station. And with corporate heavyweights like General Electric, UPS and Staples throwing their support behind the technology-3_D printing is an industry to watch.

Health and Wellness
An important part of living a high-quality life comes from being healthy. As a result, businesses that focus on providing products and services that promote health and wellness are booming. Moe importantly, the industry is proving to be very robust- it even thrived during the economic downturn. It's also very versatile with everything from health clubs to supplements to fitness apps prospering.

Grammar Tips:
"And it doesn't hurt that those platforms provide courses from top universities such as Stanford, MIT and the University of Pennsylvania."
"it doesn't hurt" - "doesn't hurt" - no feeling of pain.
"it doesn't hurt " - it is an advantage, not bad at all.
Darren doesn't want to quit his job. The pay is good, the location is convenient, and it doesn't hurt that his company sends him to Hawaii every year.
Henry likes his new class. The teacher is great, the classroom is new, and it doesn't hurt that the girl sitting next to him is very cute.
"And with corporate heavyweights like General Electric, UPS and Staples throwing their support behind the technology- 3-D printing is an industry to watch."
"With (noun 1) like (examples of noun 1) -(subject) + (verb).
With (children-friendly dishes) like (chicken nuggets, and pizza) - (this restaurant) ( is) sure to please young picky eaters.
With (classic songs) such as ( "Amazing Grace" and "Silent Night") - (the choir's performance) this evening will certainly (delight) the audience.

Vocabulary Tips:
equivalent -同样价值或相等的东西。'equi"-有‘相等“之意。
sensor -感应器。 'sens'-“感觉,感应”
manifest -显示,表示,证明,展现。
manifest (adj)-明显的,显而易见的。
suffer from a reputation of something - hurt from being a bad impression.
specialty -特性,特点,特殊项目。
*One of the restaurant's specialties is its mouth-watering appetizers.
specialty travel -个性化的旅游。照某人的要求条件特定的。
specialize -专门从事,专攻。
specialize in -专门从事,专攻于in 某个领域。
*The designer specializes in luxurious evening gowns.
*This chef specializes in French cuisine.
corporate -公司,企业。
*Oliver's team is in change of corporate finances.
*The charity campaign successfully promoted its corporate identify.
corporate -全体的(员工),公司全体的,共同的,共同拥有的。共有的。
*Creating a positive working environment should be our corporate responsibility.
robust -坚固,强壮的。
*The company's products are robust and durable.坚固而耐用。
*Even though Grandpa is already 80, he's still robust and energetic.坚固而活力充沛。
bright spot - many things are bad, but there is some good things.
from something to something to something else.- from one thing to another to something else, from desk computer to Laptop to smart phone.
on the market - things is available to be sold.
something is on the market - something that is for sale.
wearable - put on your body, you carry it.
short-term - a short period of time, a few days, one or two weeks.
long-term - a long period of time, a few month, a half year.
....more ....but....less - the new promotion sold more products but make revenue less than last quarter.
weighted - refer to some big companies that  powerful, large, and a lot of influence to people and industries.
quality life - live in full and comfortable life with good health.

Language Tips:
emphasize -加强语气,强调
While news about the economy isn't always good, there are some unmistakable bright spots.
英文要讲的道地,不但要有大量的字,辞彚,正确的发音及文法。还要会活用加强语气词。如"are " 来强调“有”,“还有”。
While news about the economy isn't always good, there are definitely some unmistakable bright spots.
definitely”- 来强调,“不但有”,还“确定是有的”
She has an MBA but she wants to be a medical doctor.
定冠词 a / an 的用法以发音为准,字首发“母音”的,不管字首拼音是子音或母音,都用an
an hour -
an MBA - "M" 发‘am",法母音, 虽是字音拼音,也要用“an“

定冠词 a / an 的用法:以发音为准,字首发“子音”的,不管字首拼音是子音或母音,都用a 。
a uniform 
a university.

Notes taking of Studioclassroom

Winter Accessories

Discover this season’s hot new looks
冬季酷炫時尚風 - 一起來探索本季熱門的全新裝扮.

When Old Man Winter blows in, we often start looking for our warmest clothing. But in our effort to stay warm, we shouldn't forget about fashion. In fact, the fashion industry has introduced some beautiful accessories and colors for the 2014 season!

This season's gloves not only keep your hands warm but also can be a beautiful winter accessory. Elbow-length gloves haven't been popular since the 1960s, but they're back. They're being paired with coats, dresses and pants. Leather and real fur are just a couple of the material they are made of. To update them, some gloves have been given long side zippers.

The popular new looks for scarves are flower designs, animal prints and exciting winter colors. Men and women alike will enjoy this season's scarves in fur and lightweight wool. If you can buy only one new accessory this winter, make it a scarf.

Warm winter fashions
Fur headbands are nice and practical because they guarantee warmth and look pretty. This season you'll even see them worn around the neck like a fur collar or scarf. Real fur is enjoying popularity once again, but fake fur can be just as soft and warm. It's also a much kinder choice for the animals.

Hats are trendy this season with lots of designs for men and women to choose from. Both will enjoy berets, caps, turbans, knitted hats, fedoras and more. With such a wide selection to choose from, you'll find one that's right for you.

Winter's hottest colors
During the winter months, nature often lacks color, but 2014's fashion colors are rich and bright. Shades of green, from dark to very light green, are popping up in fashion shows. Deep blue, beautiful purple and rich red also make the list for exciting winter colors! This season, no matter what you wear, do it in style!

Grammar Gym:
"But in our effort to stay warm, we shouldn't forget about fashion."
"In our effort to....we shouldn't ......" - something important you should done, you shouldn't forget something else.
"In our effort to " , "We shouldn't " - try work hard for something. 。。。shouldn't do something else.
In our effort to encourage people to save trees and use less paper, we shouldn't be printing too many leaflets and flyers ourselves.
In our effort to meet the deadline, we shouldn't compromise the quality of our work.
"Hats are trendy this season with lots of designs for men and women to choose from."
" (subject) + (verb) with lots of (something) to choose from. "
(The language center) will be (open) this summer (with lots of courses) for community members (to choose from).
(The restaurant) ( has) a new menu (with lots of seafood dishes) for guests (to choose from).
(The ice cream store) (offers) fifty different ice cream flavors (with lots of toppings) (to choose from).

Vocabulary Tips:
*As the editor of a top fashion magazine. Chloe dresses like a model every day.
fashionable  (adj) -流行的,时髦的。
*The star's fashionable hairstyles are imitated by his fans.
*He bruised his elbow while mountain climbing.伤,受伤。
*The athletes wore elbow pads to protect themselves during the game. 护肘。
*The elbows of this suit jacket are worn through. 外套的肘部磨穿了。
update -最近的,更新,使现代化。
*The company decided to update the equipment in their factory.
*David is updating his schedule.更新行事厉。
*We'll keep you updated. 告知最新消息。
zipper (n)-拉链
*The zipper on that little boy's jacket got stuck.
zip (v) -拉拉链。
*Don't forget to zip up your jacket! It's cold outside.
accessory - something extra to match your clothing.
Old Man Winter - refer to very cold winter.
Not only.....but also....- there is one more good or bad thing and more to talk about it.
pair (something) with (something) - to match, go well with something.
in fashion / out of fashion - is popular/ not popular, out of trend.
alike - two different things are like.
fake - look like real but not real.家的,仿冒的。
*The fake watches were sold at the same price as the genuine ones.仿冒
*The birth certificate was proved to be fake.证明是伪造的。
fake (n) -骗子。
*This guy said he's an artist from France, but actually he's a fake.骗子
knit - 编织。
*Grandma loves to knit and sew.
knitted/knitting- 编织
*Wilma spent the whole weekend knitting sods for her grandson.
knitted (adj)  - a hand-knitted sweater.手工编织的毛衣。
rich (adj) - wealthy, here refer "abundance, strong in something."富有的,此指“强烈,饱满,浓郁的”。
*...but 2014's fashion colors are right and bright.色彩以强烈,明亮为主。
*Rich and glossy red is the theme of this name brands' winter collection.
rich (adj) -饱满,浓郁的
*This sauce is rich and tasty.这酱汁时有浓稠又美味。
style -风格,品味。
*This fashion designer's styles are highly recognizable.
in style -流行的,成功的,别具风格的。
*Sandra Bullock is always dressed in style whenever she appears in public.
brighten someone's day -make someone feel good and have a happy day.
to push the limit of something - to make most out of something. try all you can.
trendy - describe something that is hot (popular) right now.流行,趋势,潮流。
pop up - suddenly appear, appearing unexpected.
no matter what - don't care at all. whatever happen will not change or effect his plan.

Language Tips:
the warmest clothing : 最温软的衣物。
clothing / clothes -衣服。
clothing - much clothing.  (不可数)用much。
clothes - many clothes. (可数)但clothes前不能加任何数字。且都用复数,不能用单数。
How much clothing should I bring?
article / item - 几件衣服要用article / item 来说。+ clothing.
I'm wearing three items of clothing.-我穿了三件衣服。
How many clothes should I bring? 腰带多少衣服。
Just bring some clothes.一些。
Don't bring a lot of clothes, just some light clothing。 不用多,一些轻软的(薄的)即可。
fashion shows :时装秀
runway/catwalk -伸展台。
runway -飞机的跑道,时装秀的伸展台。(一般指私人的,展示给少数特许观众, 但是现今catwalkrunway二者可互用。)
catwalk -时装秀的伸展台。(公开的,给大家观赏的)

Notes taking of Studioclassroom.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Benedict Cumberbatch

Just like his name, he’s one of a kind
千面英雄班奈狄克?康柏拜區 -人如其名,他是如此獨一無二.

Benedict Cumberbatch is an actor - simple as that. The story of his becoming one is not amazing or inspirational but really just natural. It's the daring choices of this unique individual that make him someone worth watching.

Choosing range, not renown
Cumberbatch challenges himself at every turn, playing hero (TV's Sherlock), villain (Star Trek Into Darkness and The Hobbit) or maybe both (The Fifth Estate). In this variety of roles, he has proved himself very capable at each but finds adjusting to fame much more puzzling. Cumberbatch jumped at the chance to learn the violin as Sherlock and asserted his ability to capture the dragon Smaug's motions as well as its voice.

However, when it comes to an obsessed fan tweeting his every move in his apartment, he's at a loss. And who wouldn't be? Fame is a weird one," he says, "People see a value in you that don't see yourself." It must be all the weirder for an actor like Cumberbatch, now 37, who worked for many years without instant recognition in public. With his experience, he knows as well as anyone that success is very possible without it. 

Choosing diligence
Even before Cumberbatch became a rather long and silly-sounding houehold name, the parts he played showed that he was a quality actor. In fact his first leading character on screen, after a couple years of TV work, came with Hawking, about the world-famous physicist in his younger years. He undertook extensive preparation for the role, including meeting Stephen Hawking and others with his disease, which probably contributed to his BAFTA nomination for the part. Hard work may be the primary reason that Cumberbatch is constantly cast as highly intelligent men, including TV roles Sherbock Holmes and Vincent Van Gogh.

Choosing excitement
But Cumberbatch wants no one thinking that he's like his brilliant characters, nor does he want to be stuck playing them forever. However, his mom says he is rather like Sherlock though he thinks that's probably because of his impatience rather than his intellect. Still, Cumberbatch's abilities show he possesses some intelligence, as well as being very adventurous, using extreme sports as a way to escape. After experiencing a terrifying carjacking, he used skydiving to recover from the shock, which makes sense considering his age at the time.

Choosing focus
Cumberbatch admits to a lack of concentration during much of his schooling. "I was always performing, doing silly voices. The teachers realized I could go one of two ways: be creative  or destructive." As it ended up, Cumberbatch went both ways, being creative on stage and destructive on the rugby field. No one was surprised that he took to acting, his parents being professional actors themselves, though they wanted him of inconsistent work. Cumberbatch considered studying law, which his parents encouraged, but took a gap year and taught English in Tibet first.

Choosing fulfillment
Upon his return, he launched into university theatrical programs for drama and classical acting instead of law. His parents' full support didn't come until they saw him in a play, and his dad said, "You're better than I ever was or will be." After finishing his education at 24, he plunged directly into theater, performing Shakespeare and other classic plays. From there it was awards, TV, movies and fame, but life experience is what really satisfies Benedict Cumberbatch. "I've seen and swam and climbed and lived and driven and filmed," he lists, "I really have lived five thousand time over."

Grammar Gym:
"However, when it comes to an obsessed fan tweeting his every move in his apartment, he's at a loss."
"When it comes to " - regarding, when a situation involves.
Sunny is usually careful with her diet, but when it comes to ice cream she loss control.
When it comes to choosing between his family or his work, Henry always puts his family first.
"a way to escape."
"escape" - find some way to be free and to run away.
"a way to escape " - a method in which a person can take a break from something that is stressful or very busy.
A lot of people like to put on headphones and listen to music as a way to escape.
Whenever Catherine has free time, she likes to read as a way to escape.
"No one was surprised that he took to acting"
"took to" - to take to, to really like "something".
"To take to + (verb-ing) :
While Lisa was at camp, she enjoyed all kinds of outdoor activities and really took to mountain biking.
" to take to + (noun) 
The new babysitter is very good, and it's no wonder the kids really took to her.

Vocabulary Tips:
villain -小说或戏剧中的恶棍,坏人,反派人物。bad guy in the movie.
*The villain in "Peter Pan" is Captain Hook.
*The actor played the villain in the film and got nominated for Oscar. 提名
assert (v) -显示,确定,确认。
*The boss asserted his authority by deducting people's salaries for tardiness.
assert -坚决申明立场。
*Derek is very shy. He needs to learn how to assert himself more. 坚持自己的立场。
extensive -广泛的,大量的,极大地。
*The team did extensive research before reaching its conclusion.
The hurricane caused extensive damage.
extensively (adv)-广泛地。
*This political issue  has been extensively discussed lately.
cast- 戏剧或电影的选角,分配角色。
*The actor was cast as a self-righteous lawyer in the film.
*The director cast the multitalented girl as the leading lady in the musical.
intellect -智力,理解力,聪明才智。
*Bob is humble even with such tremendous intellect.
intellect -拥有聪明才智的人。
*This intellect is highly respected by his colleagues.
carjacking -劫车,劫车事件。
*The driver was attacked during a carjacking.
carjacker - 劫车者。
*The carjackers were wearing masks, so nobody could identify them.
schooling - 求学期间。
destructive -具有破坏性的,有害的。 'de' -“向下“之意 'struct'-建造。
*The negative thoughts you're having are very destructive.
*The destructive power of a nuclear bomb is unimaginable.
inconsistent -不一致的,矛盾的, 反复无常的。 'in' -“否定”之意 'consistent' -一致的。
*Richard's inconsistent leadership confused his employees. 反复无常的领导方式。 
inconsistent with - 与什么。。不一样, 不符,用with”
*The witness's testimony was inconsistent with the other witnesses.
theatrical -戏剧性的。舞台剧的。
*This film is considered the best theatrical production of the year.
theatrical -戏剧性的,很夸张的。
*Martha is very theatrical when she gets emotional.
plunge - drop in, get deeply jump from cliff, not able to come back. 投入,掉入。
*The lifeguard plunged into the sea and swam toward the drowning child.
*Nathan plunged into the online shopping business after retirement.
jump at the chance- say "yes" when the chance it comes, take the opportunity, catch the chance.
stuck - trap, no escape from it.
possess - own, a part of you.
escape - leave the place where you are.
lock up - tied up.
contribute (idea, time, clothing, things and money etc.) - to give out something to people.
all the ...- all the weirder - how much more of people knows. well as anyone - he will know because he has experienced.
diligent / diligently - work hard.
lack of something - you need it but you don't have it.
lack of knowledge, lack of money, lack of wisdom, lack of information.
admit to....- something you did, you don't want to say it but you brave to tell people that it is you did it.
to take to something or someone - talk about something or someone you really enjoy or like.
focus - keep eyes on something.
upon - talking about what happen at a certain time.
obsess - 担忧,过度看重,着迷(常用被动语态)被什么迷住了用"with".
at a loss -have no idea, not sure what to do or what to say or what to response.  "loss" -丧失,损失。
at a loss for words- speak-less.不知道该说什么才是。
*He is at a loss. 不知所措。

Language Tips:
paparazzi -狗仔队。
The paparazzi and the fans were waiting for the star outside the fancy restaurant.
paparazzi -集合名词,用作(代表)多数时,前面要加上定冠词“The”。
The paparazzi -一群,一些狗仔队。
paparazzo- 单一的一个狗仔队。
stage name -艺名
Tom Cruise (艺名) -Thomas Mapother IV (本名)
Merrily Malone (艺名)- Norma Jean Baker (本名)
leading actor (role) / supporting actor (role, character)- 主角/配角,帮衬的。
superlative -文法中的最高级。重音在第二音节。
such as "fastest, shortest, smartest."
superlatives -指“毕业册上同学们选出的风云人物。
superlative section -风云人物一段,一页。
superlatives such as:风云人物们如:
"the most creative" -最有创意的人。。
"most likely to succeed" -最有可能成功的人。。
"most athletic" -最具有运动员相的人。。
"most theatrical" -最有戏剧细胞的人。。
"most funniest" -最诙谐的人。

Notes taking of Studioclassroom

Friday, January 17, 2014

Anything but Normal!

How one actor inspires normal people to do crazy things
挑戰國際尋寶遊戲! - 看看這名演員如何激勵正常人做瘋狂的事.

Actor and Twitter celebrity Misha Collins has a unique sense of humor. Ask anyone who's participated in the annual, week-long scavenger hunt he organizes. Called GISHWHES, or Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen, the event involves completing tasks for points. The tasks range from heart-warming - giving hugs - to just plain weird - making clothes out of cheese!

The 15-member teams supply photos or videos to prove they've completed tasks. Teams must provide exactly what's requested to get full points. If the list calls for a photo with a real Oscar-winning actor, the team must somehow find one. And the actor must be holding the Oscar!

Truly great and international
In 2012 GISHWHES set the world record for largest media scavenger hunt with 14,580 participants. To date, GISHWHES participants have come from 94 countries. Often teammates never meet, communicating only over the internet. Sometimes having teammates from other countries is a good thing. For example, when a task calls for visiting a museum in Spain, it helps to have a teammate who resides there!

Up, up and away!
Some tasks are like silly science experiments. Participants in 2011 were challenged to tie helium balloons to a Christmas tree and make it float. One team's tree flew so high that it made the nightly news report! Apparently, the tree was never seem again.

Spreading kindness 
Kindness is a theme that gets repeated a lot during the event. In fact, kindness is something that GISHWHES has in common with Collins' charity - Random Acts. The goal of that charity is to change the world, one random act of kindness at a time. Last year, GISHWHES and Random Acts worked together to improve the life of a wounded U.S. veteran and his family.

Risking embarrassment
Sooner or later, team members need to risk looking silly. Last year list required participants to appear in public dressed as robots and pirates. Some participants say there's a benefit to all of this joking around. As one participant wrote on Facebook, "I was pushed out of my comfort zone, and I learned a lot about myself and my community."

Grammar Gym:
"To date, GISHWHES participants have come from 94 countries."
"to date" - currently, up to now.
To date, this scientist has written more research papers than anyone else from the research foundation.
The new manager wants a detailed report of all that we've accomplished to date.
To date, the brand new theme park has received over a million visitors already.
Sooner or later, team members need to risk looking silly."
" to risk looking silly" -
'risk' - to make oneself be in a situation where there's a chance that something bad might happen.
" to risk + (verb-ing) "
Polly knew that if she took a second job she would risk not having time with her family.
Luis decided to report his coworker's dishonest behavior and risk getting called a snitch.

Vocabulary Tips:
sense of humor -幽默感。 'sense'-认知,意识,概念,感觉。
*Irene's sense of humor made her very popular at school.
sense of direction -方向感。
*Patrick lacks a sense of direction, so he gets lost a lot.
weird -奇怪的,怪异的,不可思议的。
*Hank's weird behavior caught everyone's attention.
*The weird family next door never talks to the neighbors.
participants -参与者,参赛人。
*All the participants are required to work in teams in order to win.
participate -参与
*We hope everyone can participate in our discussion.
reside (v) - 居住,住。"s" "z".
*The elderly people who reside in this building formed a chess club.
resident (n) -居民
*The residents of this community are mostly young couples.
apparently -明显地,显而易见的,显然。
*Apparently, the team has no chance of winning today since their strongest quarterback got hurt yesterday.
*Eric is apparently one of the most popular teachers at our school.
random -随机的,任意的。
*During a random inspection, we found that the sausages contained excessive chemicals.
*Random samples were picked for analysis.随机的样本。。。被那去分析。
randomly -随意地
*During the research, interviews were carried out with randomly selected subjects.随意地抽出来的对象作访谈。
pirate (n)-海盗
*The pirate ship in the film is an actual boat.
*Pirates used to roam this region years ago.
pirate (v) - 盗用,舍得,剽窃,仿冒。
*Many name brand products used to be pirated in Asia.
comfort zone -舒适的区域,安全舒适的范围。 "zone" -区域。
*Studying in a foreign country really forced me to step out of my comfort zone.
float - carry away by wind or water.
spreading a cold- pass on a cold to other people, and other people pass on to more people
spread like wildfire -passing on very quickly, everyone knows in second.
kindness - do something make other people's life easy.
roam -区域,横行。
embarrassing moment - a time that make you feel bad and embarrassing.
sooner or later - some event will happen in future, maybe right away, maybe take a while.
benefit- good side of something.
range all kind of something, only able to list few.
just plain ...- simply, nothing else.
anything but something (normal) -anything but not do certain thing (normal).
week-long (adj), year-long, month-long, ..- refer to time frame.

Language Tips:
Some people suffer from acrophobia, or the fear of heights.
acrophobia -惧高症(学名)
or -或者,还是,此指“换言之”,常出现在深奥少见的字的字句中,用“or ”来加以解释前面句中提到的深奥少见的字含意。
GISHWHES or Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World has Ever Seen.
attend/participate- 参加。
attend a class -只是来上课,没有任何参与。not missing any class.
participate in class -动态的参与课堂上的活动。involve and active in class.
attend -静态的参与,出席。
participant -参与者,参赛者。
attendee -出席者。
attendant -服务员。
flight attendant -空服员。
gas station attendant -汽车加油站的服务员。

Notes taking of Studioclassroom

The Decision

I’m going to America!
交換學生日記:出發去美國, 我要去美國!

In ninth grade I was preparing for the Basic Competence Test for Junior High School Students. life was busy but not interesting. Then one day, my parents asked if I would be interested in attending an exchange program sponsored by Ayusa. This organization offers high-school students the opportunity to study abroad for one year. The students stay with host families.

So I obtained some information and decided this would be a great chance to improve my English. I could also experience different cultures and broaden my vision. But first I had to pass the SLEP ( Secondary Level English Proficiency Test). Then I had to fill out many forms and get a health check. That helps the families decide which student to host.

Ayusa helped with other procedures like fights. There was some fun during the process, too. For example, Ayusa held a prom. We practiced asking girls to dance. At first, we were all shy, but eventually everyone tried and had a great time!

Now, off I go!

Grammar Gym:
"At first, we were all shy, but eventually everyone tried and had a great time."
"At first we were all shy" , " Eventually everyone tried and had a great time.
" We can go to the beach to watch the sunset" , " we can drive into the mountains instead."
= "We can go to the beach to watch the sunset, or we can drive into the mountains instead."
"Timothy will handle the guest list, and Maurice is in charge of the food and decorations."

Vocabulary Tips:
competence - 能力,技能。
*Every new student is required to take an English competence test before the semester begins.
*Bob's professional competence in computer software is unquestionable.
broaden - 放宽,扩大,扩展。' broad' -广大的。辽阔的。
*The trip to Europe really broadened my horizons. 视野
*Brad's voluntary work in Africa broadened his life experiences.人生阅历。
procedure -程序,手续,步骤。 
* All of the procedures required to apply for college are quite complicated.
procedure - 手术surgery.
*This minor surgical procedure took only an hour.外科手术。
proceed (v) - continue going on. 进行。
*The meeting proceeded after the short break.休息片刻后会议继续进行。
eventually -最后,终于,终究。
*After months of practicing, Timothy eventually was accepted by team.
*Evan though the couple is apart now, they believe they will be together eventually.
host family - the family host you.
prom - promenade.

Language Tips:
You reap what you sow.-种什么收什么。几分耕耘,几分收获。
reap -收获,收取。收割。
sow -耕耘,撒种。

Notes taking of Studioclassroom