Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Answer That Telephone!

How to say what you need to say on the telephone.
接電話啊! 如何在電話中說出 你該說的話

When the telephone rings and you know you have to answer it in English, do you get nervous? Maybe you do because you have to depend only on your ears to understand.  When you talk to someone in person, you can use body language to help interpret the meaning. In reality, though, you don't have to be fluent in English to use the phone. Let's try to calm those nerves by looking at some of the verbs you'll hear - or use.

People use the word call a lot. But by adding different prepositions, you get different meanings. You can call someone or call someone up to reach them by phone. They mean the same thing. When someone is not in, you call them back later. In England, you phone someone rather than call them. Or you phone them up. 

You can also ring or ring up someone. So call, phone and ring all mean to use the phone to get in touch with someone. When you are finished with a call, you hang up. If you need to interrupt a call for a moment or two, you can ask the other party to hang on or hold on.

Sometimes when the phone rings, someone may demand that you pick up the phone. That's the same thing as answering the phone. After you pick up the phone, the person may ask you a question. If you don't know the answer, you can promise to get back to them with the answer. That means you will find out the information and call them again.

If you are calling a business, sometimes you can't reach the person you wish to talk to. Then you can say. "I couldn't get through." Or a receptionist may answer the phone and say they will put you through to your party. Or, if the person is not available, you will be put through to voice mail.

By learning these phrases, you will find that answering the phone in English won't be so nerve-wracking.

Grammar Gym:
"Let's try to calm those nerves by looking at some of the verbs you'll hear...."
to calm nerves - to make someone feel not so nervous.
Before John went to take his test, he listened to some music to calm his nerves.
Tony brought Mina a glass of water to calm her nerves.

Vocabulary Tips:
interpret - 翻译,特别指口译。'inter' - 两者之间。
*Victor interpreted for his client during the negotiations.
interpretation (n) -翻译。
simultaneous interpretation. 同步翻译。
fluent -流畅的,流利的
*Frank, my American coworker, can speak fluent Cantonese.
fluent in -  in 在那方面 很流畅, 用‘in'。
*Lawrence is fluent in both French and Italian.
fluency (n) -流畅,流利。
*Fluency in English is one of the job requirements.
preposition -前置词,介系词。 'pre' -在。。之前, 'position' -位置,
*Theo has trouble using the correct prepositions in his writing.
*Many phrasal verbs contain a verb and a preposition. 动词片语
touch -接触,
get in touch with -与某人联络,联繋。
get in touch with someone -与某人联繋
*I will get in touch with her tomorrow.
*Many people now use Facebook or Twitter to get in touch with each other.
party -此指“ 当事人的一方。不是指‘派对”。
*Both parties agreed to negotiate on their prices.
*The conclusion of the meeting didn't seem to satisfy either party.
demand - ask, require.要求,请求。强烈要求。需求。
*The boss demands absolute loyalty from his employees.
*The people demanded the government's immediate explanation regarding the incident.
demand - 需求。
*The market demand is much greater than we expected.需求大于预期。。
receptionist - the person who usually sit in front of the desk to direct or answer or giving initial help.接待员。
*The hotel's receptionists are fluent in many languages.
reception (n) - 接待,欢迎。
*The speaker received a warm and passionate reception from the audience. 受到观众。。温暖又热情地接待。
nerve-wracking / nerve racking - 令人紧张不安的。
nerve -神经。
wrack - 折磨,使痛苦。
*The waiting before the auditions is so nerve-wracking. 试镜之前的等待。。。
*I will never forget the nerve-wracking experience of bungee jumping. 高空弹跳。

Language Tips:
phone -打电话(给某人)。(英国人常说,美国人比较少这么说)
phone someone up -打电话给某人
call -打电话(给某人)。
French fries (U.S.A.) = chips (English) 炸薯条。
chips - 薯片。(美国)
consistency - 贯彻性,持久性,一致性。(在一篇文章中,无论你用英式,或美式文法,选中一种,就要有一致性的贯彻到底。)
spelling reform: 拼音重组(整)
'gh' - such as laugh, through...
laugh - 微笑,发音与‘laff’较更贴近。
through -通过,借由。。发音与‘thru’较更贴近 .
you -  你。发音与‘yu' 较更贴近.

Notes taking of StudioClassroom

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