Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Traveling on a Shoestring

Tips to spend less on your trips
低價旅遊 - 花少錢享受旅遊樂趣的妙方

These days when you go on vacation, you spend most of your money just getting to your destination! Travel is expensive, but don't stay home due to a small budget! Here are some ways you can cut costs and still enjoy a trip:

*** Travel during off-season if possible. Flights and hotels are significantly cheaper when tourism is low.

*** Choose a hotel that's a little farther from popular attractions. If you're staying several days, check out prices on hostels or vacation homes - both can end up being cheaper than a hotel in the long run.

*** Lock for deals on metro or subway passes for your destination. A day pass will pay for itself if you use mass transportation instead of taking cabs.

*** Plan your meals, and eat like a local. Don't waste money at expensive hotel restaurants or fast-food chains. Depending on where you stay it may be cheaper to by your own groceries.

*** Check online for special rates - if you're a student, a senior citizen, or traveling with children, you could qualify for discounts! A little research could save you a lot of money.

Whether you're backpacking alone or going on a family vacation, your trip doesn't have to break the bank. The key is to plan ahead and track what you spend. Then put the money you save toward your next trip!

Grammar Gym:
A little research could save you a lot of money.
(A little of something could save something else bigger. watch: there is no verb in the sentence.)
A smile could save you a lot of time and energy when you need to ask for a favor.
A quick phone call to confirm your flight could save you a lot of headaches at the airport.

Vocabulary Tips:
shoestring - strings to keep the shoe tight. thin, low cost.鞋带,(也指很便宜,或是低廉的)
on a shoestring - very small budget, thin like shoestring.一点点钱 或资金。
*He started his ice-cream shop on a shoestring. 他用很少的钱开了一家。。
on a shoestring -拮据
*The family lives on a shoestring 。。。生活得很拮据。
off -使离开。
off-season : 淡季,商业或旅游业的淡季,或是运动结赛季节。
* I bought my air conditioner during the off-season.
high season - 旺季。
*The high season rate of a double room costs over $200 per night.
pay for itself - really worth that much, get back the money what you spend. 回本,回收。
*It might seem like it cost a lot when you bought the vending machine, but it will pay for itself within one year.
*The TV commercial sure paid for itself. Sales tripled in a month. 电视广告很够本,者个月销售额增长了三倍。值回票价。
qualify - meet some requirement, or you have certain criteria or certain abilities.有资格,或使合格。
*The training will qualify you to do CPR.
*One people who have a bachelor's degree are qualified for this position.
these days - refer to the current time.
significantly - big different, cheaper, or faster or easier or more expensive etc.显著地。
attractions (n)- something attracting you, you can go and have fun.
hostel - a place for people to stay over night, there are many beds in a room, people need to share a room and one bathroom with others.
in the long run - for a long period of time, in future.
rate vs. price - rate: the cost for unit, or the way charge for the current time. price: dollar amount of the cost.

Chat Room:
senior citizen -资深公民。年纪大的公民。
senior -资深,前辈。美国人统称 “old person”,“ aged person” 为“senior”.

Taking notes of study "Studio Classroom".

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