A look at the
fast, exciting sport of fencing. 你也可以當劍客!
fencing has come a long way in the last few hundred years. Even today the sport contines to change and develop. Wheelchair fencing, for example, has become a popular sport at the Paralympics. In general, fencing requires good footwork and balance. Since fencers in wheelchairs have limited movement, they need to have excellent sword skills. As a result, wheelchair fencing's swordfights are very fast and exciting.
People often associate fencing with rich people and private schools. That's because fencing has long been popular at top private schools and universities. But fencing is also starting to appear in community centers and public schools. In many places, fencing clubs are always looking for new members. They often offer classes for beginners, and many provide equipment for those who can't afford to buy their own.
Fast and fun, fencing is a great way to get some exercise. So grab a sword, and give fencing a try!
Vocabulary Tips:
blade -刀片,刀锋。
*The razor blade is already dull. 刀锋顿了。
*The sword's steel blade is sharp.
*The ice-skate's blades were chipped during the hockey games. 刀片缺了一角,或是掉了一块。
defensive -防守的,防御性的。
*Congress cut down the defensive weapons budget.
defensive -防御性强的,袒护。
*Gina gets really defensive whenever someone criticizes her son. 非常的袒护。。
aggressive -攻击性强的,或是有侵略性的
*Tommy's aggressive behavior at school got him into lost of trouble.
aggressive -积极的,进取的。
*To be a good sales representative, you have to be aggressive.好的业务代表你作风必须要积极。
balance (n)-(不可数名词)平衡,平稳。
*The kid lost his balance and fell off the chair.
*Kay grabbed my arm to keep her balance.
balance (v)- 保持平衡的
*It's not easy to balance work and family.
university -大学,综合几个学院在一起的大学,颁发学士,也颁发硕士,博士的学位。 "veri" -“转变,转换”之意。
*Harvard University.
University / college -用意思。用义。,但是"college" -是"university"里的一个学院。
afford - 的,有足够条件去做某事,或去尝试某事。you are able to pay for it.
*I don't think I can afford another car.
*We are running behind schedule so we can't afford to lose any time.
affordable -负担得起,可以负担得起的。
*Affordable childcare.
grab - 抓住,拿住,握住。
运动 运动。
I fight tooth and nail to get that policy changed. 我拼老命才争取到了把这制度(条款,政策)给修改了。
equipment -设备,器材(不可数n)不加 "s"
camping equipment.- 露营装备。
"piece, pieces" when we talk about more equipment, not add "s" after "equipment.
The only pieces of carrying equipment have are sleeping bag and backpack.
camping equipment = camping gear.
gear -设备,器材。(不可数n)不加 "s"
fishing gear -钓鱼的渔具。
rain gear -雨具
sports gear -运动器材。
gear - 有齿轮的。(车)排档。(可数n)加 "s"
The car only has four gears.- 有四个排档。
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