Monday, November 5, 2012

Surprising Uses for Salt

Salt can be used in some interesting ways .意想不到的鹽巴妙用 , 鹽巴有一些有趣的用途.

Pass the salt, please
How many times have you heard that? Salt is such a common part of our lives that we take it for granted. But in ancient times, it was hard to get and had great value. Some people believe it was one of they very first seasonings ever used. We still use it today to make our food taste better. But salt has many other uses that you may have never tried before.

Bug problems 
If you have trouble with ants, put a little salt on the ants' path. This should prevent them from going any farther. If you have been stung by a bee or other insect, wet the area. Then cover it with salt. This will relieve the pain.

Always keep a box of salt near your stove. If a grease fire starts in a pan, pour salt over it to put out the fire. For easier cleaning, put a little salt into a greasy pan, and wipe it before you wash it.

Food problems
Before you throw away that wrinkled-looking apple, try some salt. Put the apple in water with a little salt, and watch the wrinkles disappear! Milk and salad both stay fresher longer when you sprinkle in just a bit of salt.

Sprinkle a little salt in your shoes to take care of bad smells. You can also use salt to remove the smell of onions from your hands. Just rub your fingers with salt and a little vinegar.

Ugly marks
Someone left a glass on your wooden table, and now there's a mark. Mix a few drops of water together with one teaspoon of salt. Then rub the paste into the mark until it disappears.

Bad breath 
Take care of bad breath with a mixture of salt and baking soda. Add the mix to half a cup of water, and rinse your mouth. To solve many of life's problems, look no further than the salt in your kitchen.

Grammar Tips:
Sprinkle a little salt in your shoes to take care of bad smells.
"to take care of "- our responsibility to be care with it.
"to take care of " -here is meaning of "to get rid of" or "to deal with"
*Dory took an aspirin and that took care of her headache.
*I'll be late because I have a few problems I have to take care of right now.

Vocabulary Tips:
take something for granted.- you are not easy to appreciate something easy to get. 理所当然的。把某人或某样东西视为理所当然的。
grant - 同意,给于。
* Sometimes teenage kids tend to take their parents' love for granted.
*Marian got angry because her husband always took her for granted.
sting (v) - (sting/stung/stung) 刺,扎,叮咬。
*Nathan was stung by a scorpion and had a serious allergic reaction.
*A bee stung me while I was taking a walk in the woods.
sting (n)- 刺,扎,叮咬
*She had several jellyfish stings after her dive.
wipe -擦拭或抹。
*Lillian wiped the table with a washcloth.
*You can wipe your hands with wet-towels.
*Helen wiped her tears, stood up and left.
wrinkle (v)-(及物)使起皱纹的。
*Jenet wrinkled her nose when she smelled vinegar.
a wrinkled shirt -有皱纹的。 (被动式当形容词用)。
*The shirt is made of silk, it wrinkles easily.
wrinkle (v)-(不及物)起皱纹的
wrinkle-free pants -免皱长裤。
sprinkle - 洒,洒水。
*Frank sprinkled some pepper on his fried eggs.
*Brenda sprinkled some olive oil on her pasta.
sprinkle (adj)-小雨,毛毛雨
*The afternoon sprinkle was quite refreshing.
breath  (n)-呼吸,气息。air came out of mouth.
bad breath - 口臭。
breathe (v)- (ea ' i" )呼吸。吸气。
*He took a long breath before diving into the pool.
rain drops keep falling on my head.
a drop of something - very small amount  of something.
salt shaker - salt in a small container, use for sprinkle the salt.
worth his salt - hard workers deserved their pay.

Chat Room:
Pass the salt, please.
Can you pass the salt, please?
Can you pass the pasta, please?
Can you pass the cream, please?
Can you pass the potato, please?
Can you pass the sugar, please?
** Don't worry to ask people for help on the table, people are used to and willing to help you. Just remember, never reach out your hand pass through someone to get them, it not polite way on the table manner.
Personal space - Western people in a formal dinning, very care for its own privacy, every one should have their own room or space that others should respect each other's personal space, it's very rude behave if you go over or pass through someone to get something. 人与人之间的距离。
drop (n) -水滴,雨滴。
a few drops of something - very small amount of measurement. 几滴。。
Mix a few drops of water together with one teaspoon of salt.几滴水。。
a drop in the bucket - very small amount, tons of drops to fill up a bucket, means lack of ability or power to change something. 微乎其微。沧海一勺。

Grab Your Sword

A look at the fast, exciting sport of fencing. 你也可以當劍客! 來認識這項快速、刺激的擊 劍運.

Two serious men stand facing each other. They are holding swords. But don't worry - this isn't a fight to the death. It's the sport of fencing. Fencing was once a way for gentlemen to settle disagreements. But over time, it has become a fast, safe and exciting sport. 

Modern fencing includes three types of sword fighting: foil, e'pe'e and sabre. Each type or event, is named after the kind of sword used in it. The foil and e'pe'e have guards to protect the fencer's hand. But foils are small with thin, flexible blades while e'pe'es are long with thin, stiff blades. The sabre has a flat blade, and its guard only protects part of the hand. Each fencing event requires strength and speed. But each event also has its own special rules, traditions and style of fighting. Foil requires strong defensive skills. E'pe'e uses good timing and sword control. Sabre is very aggressive and requires both speed and strength. 

fencing has come a long way in the last few hundred years. Even today the sport contines to change and develop. Wheelchair fencing, for example, has become a popular sport at the Paralympics. In general, fencing requires good footwork and balance. Since fencers in wheelchairs have limited movement, they need to have excellent sword skills. As a result, wheelchair fencing's swordfights are very fast and exciting.

People often associate fencing with rich people and private schools. That's because fencing has long been popular at top private schools and universities. But fencing is also starting to appear in community centers and public schools. In many places, fencing clubs are always looking for new members. They often offer classes for beginners, and many provide equipment for those who can't afford to buy their own.

Fast and fun, fencing is a great way to get some exercise. So grab a sword, and give fencing a try!

Grammar Tips:
Fencing has come a long way in the last two hundred years.
"To come a long way" 
"a long way" = " a long distance "
The hotel was a long way from downtown.
"To come a long way " - to make a lot of progress or improvement.
Since the 19th century, women's rights have come a long way.
The health care system has come a long way for the people living in the mountain villages.

Vocabulary Tips:
blade -刀片,刀锋。
*The razor blade is already dull. 刀锋顿了。
*The sword's steel blade is sharp.
*The ice-skate's blades were chipped during the hockey games. 刀片缺了一角,或是掉了一块。
defensive -防守的,防御性的。
*Congress cut down the defensive weapons budget.
defensive -防御性强的,袒护。
*Gina gets really defensive whenever someone criticizes her son. 非常的袒护。。
aggressive -攻击性强的,或是有侵略性的
*Tommy's aggressive behavior at school got him into lost of trouble.
aggressive -积极的,进取的。
*To be a good sales representative, you have to be aggressive.好的业务代表你作风必须要积极。

balance (n)-(不可数名词)平衡,平稳。
*The kid lost his balance and fell off the chair.
*Kay grabbed my arm to keep her balance.
balance (v)- 保持平衡的
*It's not easy to balance work and family.
university -大学,综合几个学院在一起的大学,颁发学士,也颁发硕士,博士的学位。 "veri" -“转变,转换”之意。
*Harvard University.
University / college -用意思。用义。,但是"college" -是"university"里的一个学院。
afford - 的,有足够条件去做某事,或去尝试某事。you are able to pay for it.
*I don't think I can afford another car.
*We are running behind schedule so we can't afford to lose any time.
affordable -负担得起,可以负担得起的。
*Affordable childcare.
grab - 抓住,拿住,握住。

Chat Room:
fight -打架,厮杀,交战,搏斗。
fight to the death - 奋战到底,打到一方死亡为止。殊死战。
this isn't a fight to the death -剑击运动,不是非把对方刺死为止的运动。
fight tooth and nail -用牙齿和指甲来打斗。即指“用激烈的手段或方法来争取或抵抗。”
tooth and nail (adv.) - 牙齿和指甲,这里当作副词用。
I fight tooth and nail to get that policy changed. 我拼老命才争取到了把这制度(条款,政策)给修改了。
equipment -设备,器材(不可数n)不加  "s"
camping equipment.- 露营装备。
"piece, pieces" when we talk about more equipment, not add "s" after "equipment.
The only pieces of carrying equipment have are sleeping bag and backpack.
camping equipment = camping gear.
gear -设备,器材。(不可数n)不加  "s"
fishing gear -钓鱼的渔具。
rain gear -雨具
sports gear -运动器材。
gear - 有齿轮的。(车)排档。(可数n)加  "s"
The car only has four gears.- 有四个排档。

Friday, November 2, 2012

Fun Facts About November

The eleventh month is full of surprises.  樂在十一月 , 十一月充滿了驚喜.

November doesn't usually top the list of people's favorite months. Falling between harvest and winter, November is often associated with gray days and blasts of cold wind. But  despite its poor reputation , November is a very interesting month. For instance, the month's name comes from the Latin word " novem" meaning nine. That's because November was once the ninth month in the Roman calendar.

In the early 20th century, a flower was assigned to each month. Each flower was chosen according to when it blooms. The meanings of each flower come from old stories about the flower. November's flower is the chrysanthemum, which represents long life and wealth as well as intelligence and happiness. 

Several holidays fall in November. On November 11, Veterans Day, people remember soldiers who fought in wars. And the fourth Thursday of November is Thanksgiving Day. November has also been made the national month for many things. In the Untied States, it's National Beard Month and also National Novel Writing Month. Each day in November also celebrates a food. November 5 is National Donut Day. Nutty people celebrate November 24 as National Cashew Day. And November 26 really takes the cake. It, of course, is National Cake Day.

Grammar Tips:
And November 26 really takes the cake.
"takes the cake " -the best or worst of something.  
*At the party, every guest wore a funny costume, but Donald's costume really took the cake.
*I've seen a lot of bad advertisements, but that one takes the cake! 

Vocabulary Tips:
blast -一阵疾风或气流。very strong, fast cold wind.
* A blast of cold air hit me as I opened the car door.强劲的冷风。
* Cold blasts of snow chilled us when we stepped out of our cabin.
blast -暴炸。exposure.
*Many people were seriously injured in the blast.
assign -派定,分配,分派,指定。given job to someone.
*Each member of our group was assigned to clean a certain area of the classroom.
*This controversial case was assigned to our most capable DA.
assignment -被分派的工作。
*The assignment is due on Thursday. 作业缴交日食星期四。
veteran -退伍军人。
*Patrick's father is a World War II veteran.
veteran -老兵,老手,经验丰富的人。
*Howard is a 10 year veteran of the Chicago Police Department. 10年资深的。。。
fall between - refer to location, not drop down something.
reputation - what people think of you.
National Beard Month - other saying:  "no shave November".
take the cake (idiom) - is nothing to do with dessert or cake. use on informal situation, means. the best or worse thing. 最具代表性(最好或最坏的)

Chat Room:
November doesn't usually top the list of people's favorite months.
tops the to-do list = top priority 最重要的。最先要做的。
priority seat -(美)保留给“残障人士的座位”。让座给老弱妇孺是一般的礼貌。但要注意:(在美国)不要轻易让座给体健的老人。他们不认为自己老,可能还会向你发脾气,不敢谢呢。


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Cool Castles

These castles from around the world amaze and inspire 值得一遊的超酷城堡 . 世界各地的城堡帶給人無比驚奇與靈感.

Castles have long been a favorite setting for dramatic stories and events, fact and fantasy alike. Their architecture catches your attention, and their history pulls you in. Their rooms tell tales and offer mystery that will fuel your imagination. If you get the chance, here are six amazing castles you'll definitely want to visit.

Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany
This is arguably the most famous castle in the world and with good reason. It was the inspiration for the Sleeping Beauty Castle at Disneyland.  King Ludwing II of Bavaria commissioned the ornate palace in the late 1800s, but he died before it was completed. It was opened to the public a few weeks later, and nearly 60 million have visited since.

Bran Castle, Romania
Have you heard of Bram stoker's Dracula? This 13th-century castle has been called an ideal setting for the famous novel. But there are no vampires here - the castle is now a museum. In it you can find art and furniture collected by Queen Marie of Romania, and weapons and armor from the 14th to 19th centuries.

Segovia Castle, Spain
Its shape makes this castle unusual. It's built like a giant boat with two rivers flowing around it, joining at its "bow. " built in 1120 as a fort, it has served as a prison, Royal Artillery College and museum.

Chateau de Versailles, France
This estate was "upgraded" to a castle in the 1600s when it become home to the Court of France. Fans
of French history will love seeing the magnificent decor that represents the French kingdom at its greatest.

Prague Castle, Czech Republic
Prague Castle is the largest ancient castle in the world. Sections were built in the 9th century. Over the centuries, rulers made small additions, and the castle grew. Today. Prague Castle's design contains every architectural style of the last 1,000 years.

Himeji Castle, Japan
Eighty-three wooden buildings stand together to form this amazing castle built in the 14th century. Equally amazing is the winding network of paths leading to the main castle area. These were for defense - enemies wondered these paths and often came to dead ends.

The world's castles are full of interesting history. Find one and explore for yourself!

Grammar Tips:
Castles have long been a favorite setting for dramatic stories and events, fact and fantasy alike.
"Have long been " - is short for "have been for a long time."
The senior citizens of this neighborhood have long been the moral support of our community development projects.
The dragon and phoenix have long been a part of Chinese wedding symbols.

Vocabulary Tips:
architecture -建筑,或是建筑风格。the way the building is made.
*The cathedral is famous for its unique architecture.
architect -建筑师。
architectural -有关建筑的。
*The architectural details of this building are very delicate.
arguably (adv) - possibly could be.
arguable  (adj) - 有论据的,可以论证的,可以说是。。, 有理由说。。
*Renee is, arguably, the best sales representative we ever had. 最佳业务代表。。
*Paris is arguably the center of fashion for the world.
commission -委任,任命。pointed specific person to do it.
*Sean was commissioned to be the manager of this overseas branch office. 。。被任命为海外部门的经理。
commission (n) - 任命令
*The commission for the new ambassador is still a secret. 新大使的任命令至今还是个秘密。
inspire - give idea to create something. not a copy or exactly same.
Vampire - people died than became alive, became an evil drink people's blood to live. 吸血鬼。
estate -地产,庄园。土地上的。
*The couple's estate in France is now worth over $5,000,000.
*Roger is planning to build a school on his estate.
real estate -不动产,房产。
*Brad owns several pieces of real estate in Europe.
de'cor -decoration, design. 装饰,装璜。
*This hotel is famous for its stylish and de'cor. 时尚和装璜闻名。
*The theme of the party de'cor is "Tropical Paradise." 装璜得主体。。
* Dean claims his pool table is part of his home decor. 撞球桌是他家装璜得一部分。
defense - to protect you, to stay away, not to fight with someone. 防御,防范, 防卫。防护。保护。
*The barriers were set up as a defense against the protesters.
*He claimed that his actions were purely in self-defense.
*The budget spent on national defense is astronomical.
fort - building that protect city.
artillery - 重型有轮子的大炮,武器。

Chat Room:
public (adj) -大众。
the public (n) - 加定冠词“”-人民,社会大众。
the general public -一般大众。
..was opened to the public. 对大众开放。
in public - 当众,在众人面前。
The lovers kissed in public. 这对恋人在众人面前,当众接吻。
go public with something -将某一件事揭发并公诸于世(大众)
go public-
bow (v) - (bao) - 鞠躬。
Bow before the king -
bow out - (bao out) -放弃,退出。
He bowed out of the game when he hurt his leg.
bow - (bao) -船头。
the bow of the ship -
bow (n) (bo) - 弓箭。
it's "bow" -
bow -蝴蝶结。
bow tie -蝴蝶领结。