Thursday, September 20, 2012

Changing your financial future

Four simple steps to help you make and stick to a budget. 改变你未来的财务状况。四个简单步骤助你制订及坚守预算.

Are your spending habits doing you more harm than good? Getting control of your daily finances is an important part of personal financial management. If you struggle with budgeting, these four steps will put you on track to a more prosperous future.

1. Track your spending 
How much money did you spend on coffee and entertainment last month? Most people have no idea where most of their money goes, so finding out can be a life-changing experience.

Try tracking your spending for one month. Each time you make a purchase, write it down. This will make you aware of your spending and help you analyze it. You may be shocked by how much you are actually spending on something.

2. Making a budget
After you've tracked your spending for a month, creating a realistic budget will be easy. Start your budget by listing all of your major spending areas - food, clothes, entertainment, etc. Then use the information you gained from tracking your spending to come up with a reasonable estimate of how much you should budget for each area.

3. Stay on budget
Once you have created your budget, stick to it by using the envelope method. Prepare on envelope for each of your budget items. Then put your budget money into the envelopes so you can monitor your spending throughout the month. Using the envelope method helps you control the pace of your spending. It also makes it easier to adjust your budget so it is realistic and reflective of your needs.

4. Start an emergency fund
Unexpected expenses can create havoc with your budget. Having an emergency fund gives you the ability to deal with unexpected occurrences while letting you stay on budget. First, decide how much you will need.
Experts often recommend having enough money to cover between three and six months of living expenses. Then set up your emergency fund by opening a bank account that will only be used for emergencies. Make saving for your emergency fund and other saving part of your budget. You can even have your bank automatically transfer a set amount of money into your emergency fund and other savings each month.

Vocabulary Tips:
finances-财务状况,或是可以动用的钱。money status.
* Vivian's finances have improved since she got a second job.
* The company's finances are perfectly sound.
finance (n) - 财务管理。managing of money.
*Minister of Finance -财务部长。
on track -  上轨道,步上轨道。'track' -轨道 train track, train is running on the track keep one direction toward the destination.
* Even though the team was not in good shape, after intense training, they're back on track.
on the right track -在正确的方向(前进.) toward the right direction.
*The sales report shows that our marketing is on the right track.。。。方向是正确的。。
estimate -估计,预估。take a good guess, not sure, believe it close enough to the real.
estimate  (n) -  预算,估的价码。
* I told my mechanic to give me an estimate of the cost to fix this old car.
* The estimate number of homes lost in the hurricane is in the hundreds.
analyze -to exam. or study it in detail to figure out what it was and understand more about how it was,  where your money went, in order to make change to be better.
major - big one.
realistic - to be more real, more reasonable.
come up - create
prosperous - successful, doing great.
reflective -反应的,也指反射,反光 reflect -反应,反射。
*This movie is reflective of the problems that teenagers are facing today.
*The incident is reflective of serious conflicts between races.
*reflective road signs. 反光路标
havoc -大混乱,杂乱。(with)
*A car rushed into a store and caused great havoc.很大的混乱。
*The accident created havoc with the subway schedules.
occurrence -发生,出现。 "occur"-发生
*The consistent occurrence of computer crashes impaired our department.瘫痪
*There is an increase in the occurrence of thefts in this area. 发生小偷偷东西。。

Chat Room:
realistic -逼真。
realistic - 现实的,实际的,
This ins't a realistic plan -不切实际的计划。
make a budget - 订下计划。
realistic budget - 切合实际的计划。
get real! - 现实一点。别自欺欺人。切合实际一点。
Get real! You'll never lose weight.
cover -垫钱,代付,足以应付。。。(for)
cover -覆盖,遮盖。遮住。
cover - 玩球时,防守紧紧盯着。。。
I need walk away for a few minutes, can you cover for me.代替某人工作。
cover -行走某段距离
We need to cover three blocks in a short time. 在短时间内,。。必须走完三条街

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