Thursday, October 20, 2011

Are you on facebook?


Nate has been talking to Anna, a friend he has not seen for a few months

It's been really great talking to you, Nate. We should keep in better touch. You're on Facebook, right?
Not anymore. I deleted my account.
Are you insane? Facebook is the best way to communicate with friends, share photos and keep in contact.
Maybe. But it's also a good way to share personal information with people who can harm yo. Anyone can read your profile.
Not really, Facebook has privacy settings, you can choose who you "friend".
True. But many people don't use them.
I know, but that's another problem. What if your boss asked you to friend him?
I guess I'd have to. Probably, or he'd wonder what you were hiding. Then you'd have to really be careful about what you post on the wall. People have gotten fired for posting negative comments about their bosses or jobs.
I'm always careful about what I post. Are your friends?
They can post some pretty damning photos and tag you in them.
True. But that's not likely to happen.
And you're willing to take the risk.
Facebook has revolutionized communication!
It may have revolutionized communication, but it's also creating problems.
Like what?
Like "Facebook depression." For teenagers, Facebook's like a huge popularity contest based on how many friends they have. Plus everybody looks like they're.
Why is that's a bad thing?
Because for kids who already have low self-esteem, Facebook makes the problem worse.
But I've read just the opposite. For shy people, it's actually easier to build Facebook friendships because you don't have to interact face to face.
Well, I'm not so sure that's a good thing.
I just saying Facebook provides a lots of positives for all kinds of people. There are so many groups you can join, and it's a great way to make new friends who share your interests.
Maybe, but I prefer interacting in person.
Me too. But Facebook is still a great way to keep up with people who live far away, like your sister in Singapore.
Yeah, that's true, with a few precautions, it might be worth it. OK, Nate. Let's talk again soon. Face-to-face!

Grammar Tips: can choose who you "friend".
"friend" - (n)朋友 also can be (v)-交朋友。
"brush" -髪梳,梳头发。
*I need a brush to brush my hair.
"cause"- 原因。。造成。
*A is the cause for B.
*A caused B to happen.
"guilt" , "Journal", "email"......

Vocabulary Tips:
delete - 删除 de-去掉
*The important files were accidentally deleted and could not be retrieved.
*The editor deleted two chapters of the book because it was too long.
damning (adj)-非常不利的,有杀伤力的,致命的 damn-严厉的批判。
*Timothy's boss made some damning remarks about him. 有杀伤力的评价(语)
*The damning scandal completely ruined the politician's career. 。。丑闻。。政治仕途。
revolutionize -澈底的革新,改进,改变。 revolution- 革命
*The Android cell-phone revolutionized the world of tele-communication.
*The invention of aircraft revolutionized how people get around the world.
insane- extremely out of mind.
profile- all the information about you.
privacy setting - choose who you want to letting them know about you and share your information with them.
posting- writing something (put) on the wall.
depression - is a medical condition. feel sad and blue.忧虑,沮丧 depress-压抑,压制
*Lots of people lost their jobs during the depression.经济萧条
precaution -预防措施careful, prevent something from danger. "pre"-提前, “caution” - 预防
*The government advised people to take necessary precautions against flooding.
interact-互动作用,互动。 "inter"- 二者之间。

Chat Room:
reconnect -重新联系 re- 再一次,connect-联系。
Are you on Facebook (n)? 你有Facebook 账户吗?do not add "the" before Facebook.
Do you Facebook (v)? 你Facebook没?
Can I add you on Facebook?
Facebook suicide -在。。 自杀,意即把Facebook 删除。
keep up / catch up -
keep up-(赛跑)跟得上
*Facebook is a great way to keep up with people who live far away.
*Keeping up with the Joneses - (身分地位相当的)跟得上对方的生活享受,如Jones家买了名牌车,自己也跟着买同样的车。
catch up-(落后)追上,或是朋友有一段时间没联络,“找个时间,好好叙叙旧,好了解彼此的近况。


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