Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How Sick Are You?

你病得有多嚴重啊?When you feel sick, should you stay home?覺得身體不適時,應該待在家裡嗎?by Ruth Devlin and Pamela Osment

Barbara and Tammy are roommates. Barbara isn't feeling well this morning. Should she still go to work?

(in the kitchen)
Tammy: Good morning, Barbara. Do you want some coffee?
Barbara: Yes, please. I didn't sleep well last night.
Tammy: Why?
Barbara: I kept coughing. And my throat is rally sore. It's been sore for two days now.
Tammy: Do you have a fever?
Barbara: No. But I feel lousy.
Tammy: Why don't you stay home, when you sick you should stay home or visit a doctor? I think you should.
Barbara: I can't, I have a lot of stuffs (many work, too much)to do, if I stay home, I'll never get caught up.
Tammy: So, you are going to work and share your germs to any one.
Barbara: I am not that sick.
Tammy: You are not that well either. you need to rest to fight the infection.
Barbara: I will be fine, I will go to bed as soon as I get home from work.
Tammy: If you don't feel good you won't able be concentrate on work, you really won't get very much down.
Barbara: But I will get something done, and I am able to answer people questions. I have to go, otherwise, others won't able to get their jobs done.
Tammy: You know, Barbara, that sore throat could be strep throat.
Barbara: I don't think anything is that serious.
Tammy: Well, you won't know for sure until you go to doctor
Barbara: But I don't have time, I have an important meeting today.
Tammy: You do know that if it's strep throat, you are very contagious.
Barbara: I didn't thought about that, but I can't stay home, I don't have any sick leave left.
Tammy: If you go to the doctor may be you can get a doctor note to satisfy you boss.
Barbara: The people in my office are counting on me to get something finish up today.
They will be upset with me if I am not at work.
Tammy: They will be a lot more upset with you if you show up and you make them sick. Why don't you go to the doctor first and see what she says. If she says you are not contagious, may be you can go on to work. But if it is strep throat she probably tell you to take antibiotic for 24 hours before you go back to work.
May be you are right, I would rest easier make sure I am not contagious, I am sure my co-workers will too ( get rest easier).

Grammar Tips:
If I stay home today, I'll never get caught up.
caught up= to catch up.
to catch up =to spend time doing something that hasn't been done for some time.
If I stay home today, I'll never be able to comeplete all my unfinished work.
"to catch up"- talk about complete something that after some delay.
I have to catch up on my work because I've been on vacation.
I need to catch up on my reading if I want to be ready for my test next week.

Vocabulary Tips:
germ-細菌 ()多數,是指細菌的"种類",而非指"數量"
*Avoid germs by always washing your hands before you eat.
*Alcohol kills most household germs.
*They finally got the infection under control after the classroom was sterilized thoroughly .(徹底的斷種,滅絕,消毒)
*The infection of the wound got worse and the patient needed to be hospitalized immediately.
*You'd better finish your homework; otherwise, you're not going anywhere.
*I hope the weather get better; otherwise, our camping trip will be cancelled.
*Since the flu is highly contagious, the government has advised children and elderly people to get a flu shot.
*Pamela's laughter is contagious. You just want to laugh with her.
count on-指望rely on
count on someone or something-指望某個對象(人或事或物)
*The whole team was counting on the quarterback and celebrated when he threw the winning pass.
count on someone for something-指望或依靠某個對象可以提供什麽。。
*You can always count on Joseph for good advice.
rest easy - 放心,放寬心,安心。rest-休息 easy-輕鬆。
*She can finally rest easy now that the police have found her little boy.
*I can't rest easy until I get my wallet back.

Chat Room:
caught up = to catch up-追上,趕上競度
I'll never get caught up-
catch up-趕上,追上
catch up on something or someone.
use "on" - I need to catch up on schoolwork.
catch up with something or someone.
use "with" -catch up with you.
catch up-聊天,續舊 I'll catch up with you. (being didn't see each other for long time)
caught up-finish work. or police caught up a thief.
catch up-嘗到某种后果 如果大吃大喝,不運動,catch up with you 疾病就會來臨.
Sick leave-病假
take a sick leave / day-請病假
take leave/ on leave-請假
John is on leave this week.
annual leave-年假 may use for anything include vacation.
leave of absence-留職停薪
maternity leave-產假

She has come down and have a cold.

something tickle my through, make me kept coughing.
Stay home or go to work, it depends how lousy you really feel.
Cover your mouth when you coughing. you don't spread germs to others.
Always wash hands before eating.

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