Tuesday, June 15, 2010


同辦公室,不同老闆!With co-working, working for yourself doesn’t have to be lonely有了共用辦公室,獨立工作者就不會再寂寞了Finding the best of both worlds. by Simon Stopps

Brad Neuberg really liked the freedom of being self-employed. But he missed the social interaction with others in an office. In the Past, people like Neuberg often "got out" by working in coffee shops. But Neuberg wanted more. He wanted the established community of a company without having to work for one.

To solve his problem, Neuberg started San Francisco's first co-working space, Spiral Muse, in 2005. The idea was to have a group of people share a workspace. But unlike employees of a company, the co-workers would continue to work independently. They would share an office but run their own businesses and projects. The idea quickly took off. Today there are co-working groups all over the world. Co-working has proved suitable for people from a wide range of professions. Groups often include large numbers of computer programmers, writers and designers. But the trend has also attracted accountants, lawyers and people who run small businesses.

The idea of sharing workspace is not new. Struggling artists and writers have shared work spaces for years. Most cities also have business centers that offer short-term office rentals to business people. Co-working is unique because the focus is on getting people involved in a community of workers. With this in mind, co-working groups often host social and professional development events. While community is an important part of co-working, there are other benefits too.

Offices are often open 24 hours a day, so members can set their own schedules. Co-working also allows members to use facilities-like conference rooms-that aren't available to people working from home. It is also very affordable. Sharing space and costs helps co-working groups save their members money.
Co-working lets people stop working at a company office without losing the social interaction of the workplace. It gives independent workers the best of both worlds.

It gives independent workers the best of both worlds.
the best of both worlds- enjoying or having the benefits from two seemingly opposite choices or situations.
the best of both worlds-
Leann works from home, this allows her to have the best of both worlds since she has bills to pay and a two-year old to take care of.
Janice has signed up for a program that gives her the best of both worlds; she can work and travel at the same time.

Vocabulary Tips
self-employed-被自己雇用,即“自營的”,“個體經營”。 self-自己employ-雇用。
*Susan is a self-employed physical therapist.
*Sometimes you pay fewer taxes if you're self-employed.
interaction-互動 inter-彼此之間 action-行動。
*These ice-breaker activities are designed to increase the interaction between trainees.互動
*The teacher's interaction with parents is getting better.和。。之間的互動
employee-雇員,雇用的人。employ-雇用 "ee"-被如何如何的人。
*The company has over 1000 employees.
employer-雇主,老闆。"er" -專職的人,什麽什麽的人。
*Quincy's former employer wanted him to go back to work for him.
struggling (adj)-奮鬥中的,苦撐的。struggle-奮鬥,努力爭扎。
*Samantha is a struggling actress who also works as a part-time babysitter.
*Young struggling writers love to talk about their ideas at the cafe.
facility-設備,設施,建築,a building inside has a lot of spaces for different purpose let people to use.
*The hospital's facilities are getting old and need to be rebuilt.
*The resort is famous for its top-of-the-line sports facilities.頂級的
affordable -可以買得起的,能負擔得起的 afford-買的起,負擔的起。
*You can find really nice appliances with affordable prices here. 家電
*We're looking for a house with an affordable price.
rent (n)-rental, rent (v) -you pay something to use it, it's belongs to someone, you are not owned it.
schedule-a list of activities you need to do for future days.

Chat Room
colleague-同事(演説,正式會議上,較正式的用語)同等職位,職權,職業的人。不一定是同公司的人,但卻是屬同業的人士。share the same profession. 不同大學的物理教授,彼此之間,互稱對方為colleague.
co-worker / colleague (較正式)
lawyer/ attorney (較正式)
host (n) -(to) host -主持人。。主持。。。
teacher (n) - teach 老師。。教學
driver (v) - drive 駕駛員。。 開車
writer (v)- write 作家。。寫作
engineer (v)-engineer 工程師。。。設計策劃。。
注意: doctor, police. 當動詞用時,有特殊的意思。
doctor (n)醫生。 doctor (v)- 任意更改,篡改,動手腳 在報告或是文件上。
He doctored the report.- 他篡改了報告。
police (n)-警察。police (v)- to police a place.-維持一個地方的治安,整頓一個地方。

1 comment:

Brad Neuberg said...

Interesting post; is this part of a language learning class? Where are you based?

Brad Neuberg