Tuesday, May 18, 2010


建築達人The importance of designing buildings well. 聽建築師娓娓道來建築設計的重要性An architect discusses the importance of design in buildings by Simon Stopps

SC: What do architects do?
JJP: Architects guide buildings from the planning stage through construction to completion. We communicate with clients to develop a concept for a design. Then we produce detailed drawings, details and cost estimates for the project. When a contractor has been hired, architects make sure the project stays on time and on budget and is built to quality standards. Then we turn the building over to the client.
SC: Why did you become an architect?
JJP: I became an architect because I liked both logical and artistic thinking. I thought that architecture really would let me use both. In architecture, you need to be logical about the construction of buildings, but you also need to be artistic and creative.
SC: Why do architects design buildings to look the way they do?
JJP: There are a lot of factors that affect how a building will look. Architects need to consider cultural and social factors as well as the requirements of the users. We also need to think about the building type, site and engineering aspects of the projects. The best designs are those that consider all of these factors and address the concerns associated with them.
SC: How do buildings convey ideas?
JJP: A building is like a human being. It has expressions and gestures. A building should express what its role is. A theater should look like a theater. But it should also reflect the type of theater it is, the location and its environment.
SC: Why is good architecture important?
JJP: Everybody lives and works in buildings. Architecture is man-made, and no matter where a structure is, it has to complement its environment. Otherwise it will become an offensive object because it doesn't go away. It's very important for architecture to be right for its environment.
SC: How important is local culture and tradition to the design of a new building?
JJP: I think it is very important. If a building does not reflect its locality, then it means the building can be placed anywhere in the world. That would be disappointing because when you go to Thailand, you want to see Thai culture. When you go to Turkey, you want to see Turkish culture. You don't want to see a building from New York City in those places.

Then we turn the building over to the client, let the client have control of the building
turn over- turn something over - make something from the bottom to the top.
Fry the fish for seven minutes and then turn it over.
turn over- to transfer or give something to someone else so they can have control.
I'm sure you're all looking forward to hearing what our speaker has to say, so I'm going to turn over the microphone to him.
The company will turn over its operation to the new owners next month.

architecture-(不可数名词) 建筑学,建筑系,建筑设计,建筑风格.
*The Empire State Building represents the unique architecture of New York City.帝国大厦...特殊建筑设计风格..
architect (n)-建筑师
*I.M.Pei is one of the most famous architects in the world.
logical (adj)-逻辑的,合乎逻辑的,合理的. logic-逻辑
*Debate competitions can train one's logical thinking. 辩论赛...逻辑思考.
*It seems quite logical to work for awhile before going to college. 看来似乎是很合理的..
aspect-方面,层面 asp-有"看"的意思.
*Editing is an important aspect of filmmaking.剪接...电影制作的层面.
*His unstable emotions constantly affect many aspects of his life.不稳的情绪经常影响到他生活的许多方面.
contractor-main lead of construction person.
*The shade of her hair complements her complexion. 与肤色相衬,搭配的很好。
*Grapes and cheese complement each other very well. 相互搭配
*Eric's management skills complement his partner Henry's creativity. 陪衬,配衬
offensive-唐突地,冒犯的 offense (n)-引起反感的事物。
*The singer's offensive comments were strongly criticized by the press. 唐突地言辞。。媒体强烈的评击。
*The flowers look pretty, but they have an offensive smell. 味道不舒服。
locality, localities-所在地,地区。local (adj)-当地的,地方上的。
*Certain remote localities were affected by the water shortage.
*The pilot reported his exact locality.

Chat Room
left brain-左脑 control the right side of our body, associated speak, or logic, analytical thinking.
analytical thinking-逻辑思维
right brain- control the left side of our body, associated creativity and imagination.

gesture- moving your hands, express yourself with hands or hands movement.比手划脚,做手势,或用动作来示意。也表示一种举动,一分贴心的举动。I am going to coffee shop, do you need a cup of coffee? No, Thanks for your gesture.
The stars wink at me. 天上的星星在向我眨眼。

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