Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A Humorous Situation

愚人節快樂He who laughs last, laughs best 誰才是真正的哈洛根博士? Who is the real Dr. Halogen?by Ruth Devlin

A world-famous scientific expert, Dr. Halogen, was on his way to give another lecture. This particular night, his driver asked him for a favor. “Dr. Halogen, when you speak, everyone gives you honor and attention. I’d really like to see what that feels like. Could we exchange clothes just for tonight? You be the driver, and I’ll be the expert.” Dr. Halogen laughed and said, " Do you really think you can do it? What if someone asks you a difficult question? "I can answer it," boasted the driver. "I've heard you speak on this topic many, many times."

"All right, " said the scientist "It is April Fool's Day after all!" The two exchanged clothes and continued on to the meeting. When they arrived the bogus scientist was received with great enthusiasm. He gave a good imitation of the speech and answered a few questions. Then a woman asked a very tricky one. Thinking quickly, he said, "Ma'am, that question has a very simple answer. It's so easy, I'm going to let my driver, who is sitting in the back, explain it!"

I'd really like to see what that feels like...
I'd really like...= see what that feels like=know what that feels like.
I want to know what that feels like. "want"- it's too direct , is not polite way to say it .
"would like" is more polite way to say something you want.
I would like...
I want to reschedule my ticket -better to say " I'd like to reschedule my ticket."
I want a salad with my sandwich- better say “ I would like a salad with my sandwich."

boast-夸耀,吹嘘。吹嘘什么用“about / of" boast -也指拥有某些事物。
*Mothers love to boast about how smart their children are.
*Hawaii boasts great sand beaches and beautiful scenery.拥有
*The teacher's enthusiasm for literature inspired his students.
*Wesley lost his enthusiasm for the project when he learned it would take 6 months to complete.失去热情。
*The con man used a bogus credit card to buy many valuable goods.
*The suspect's claim was found to be bogus.
*He made up some bogus data in his report and got expelled.被退学

Chat Room
*My mom always favors my younger brother.
asked him (someone) for a favor: you may say:
我可以请你帮个忙吗? 以下三种人说法都可:
Can I ask you for a favor?
Can I ask a favor of you?
Can you do me a favor?

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