Monday, December 21, 2009

How to Choose the Perfect Present

Shopping gets easier with these six gift-giving tips 送出完美禮物的六條線索Make gift giving easier with these six, simple tips 學會這六條送禮的訣竅,上街挑禮物變得輕而易舉by Pamela Osment

Birthdays, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Christmas all offer great chances for giving gifts. But choosing the perfect present for a friend or family member can sometimes be difficult!

Here are six tips to make your gift giving easier:

# Watch for ideas
Has your friend been looking at the same earrings for months but hasn’t bought them? You already know she likes them, so why not buy them and surprise her!
# Listen for hints
Get into the habit of carrying a small notebook. The next time someone talks about a favorite CD or book, write yourself a note.
# Consider their hobbies
Your dad plays sudoku and would enjoy a new gameboard but won't get one for himself. He'll love your thoughtful gift thought, and enjoy his hobby even more.
# Notice the things they collect
If your sister collects teapots, keep a watch out for a nice one. Then buy it for her set.
#Check their to-do list
Maybe your mother needs help running some errands or cleaning the house. you could give her a printed coupon promising to do those tasks.
#Plan and shop early
Don't wait until the last minute Start looking in January for the perfect gifts for those special people in your life.

Get into the habit of carrying a small notebook.
to get into the habit of=to learn to get used to doing something.
Learn to get used to carrying a small notebook.
Vincent needs to get into the habit of drinking eight glasses of water every day.
Mark just moved to Asia a month ago; he hasn't gotten into the habit of taking off his shoes before he steps into a house.
Charlie is always lying; he needs to break that habit.
Lora is trying to break the habit of biting her nails.
to break a habit of something.

present (n)- Rita's favorite birthday present was the new dress she got from her sister.
hint (n)-暗示I asked for some hints, but I skill can't guess what the surprise is.
*The host was looking at his watch so I knew I should take the hint and get going.
*Dad dropped me a hint to stop talking by coughing.藉由咳嗽
thoughtful (adj)-体贴,贴心的,细心的,考虑周到的 thought-思想
It was thoughtful of you to take flowers to my grandmother.
*The thoughtful gesture of cooking dinner for Mom really made her happy.行动表现
*It was so thoughtful of you to buy me coffee!
errand (n)-短程的差事如上银行,邮局,洗衣店等等的锁事.
I ran some errands after work and got home later than usual.
*I'll meet you at 2pm. I have some errands to run first.
*Running errands for the boss is part of secretary's job.

Chat Room
window-shopping-not actually buy anything just look at things through the display window.
shop around-compare of the price, fine the best bargain货比三家,找到最划算的价格
hang out-relax and have fun together with someone.聊天打屁.
Joe - "coffee", another name for coffee. We hanged out at the mall and have a cup of Joe.

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