Do too many cooks really spoil the broth?
英文諺語中的金玉良言 -
A Russian proverb exclaims, "Take your thoughts to bed with you, for the morning is wiser."
There is a saying : To truly know a people, learn their proverbs. Proverbs contain a culture's values and morals, and so you can learn what is esteemed in different cultures through their proverbs. People in Saudi Arabia value books and learning. One of their proverbs says, "A book is a garden carried in the pocket." The French say, "There is no pillow so soft as a clear conscience." So that culture thinks that being honest is important. Egyptians know the value of friendship. One of their proverbs says, "Friendship doubles joy and halves grief.
In Africa, many proverbs also use images familiar to Africans. For example, "The best way to eat an elephant in your path is cut him up into little pieces." In other words, the best way to solve a problem is to work on it bit by bit. Or " A roaring lion kills no game." This means that one cannot achieve anything by sitting around and talking about it. One must get out and strive for it.
Many proverbs are ancient, but some are contemporary. Here are some English language proverbs that have been coined since 1900. "Wake up and smell the coffee." This warns you to be attentive to a situation and find out the truth. Someone may also tell you to "Get your ducks in a row." This means you should get organized. "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen." So if you can't deal with the pressure of a situation, you should leave. "Labels are for cans, not for people." This tells you that you should not decide what people are like before you really know.
Learning proverbs in another language is fun. You can make a good impression with your language ability. But remember, proverbs are usually used in spoken language. They are rarely used in writing. If you use a lot of proverbs when you write, people will think you don't have original thoughts. So use your creatively, and make up your own proverbs. There is more than one way to skin a cat!
Grammar Gyms:
"This means that one cannot achieve anything by sitting around and talking about it."
"around " - all the sides of something. Going around the outside of a building.
"around" - how activities or things are done with no real purpose.
"playing around " - I am playing around my cell phone while waiting for friends.
"hanging around' - She is hanging around with her friends at mall.
"climbing around" - Kids at the playground are climbing around the play set.
Vocabulary Tips:
proverb - old saying that often true and wise, give out an advice.谚语,俗语
*You know the old proverb, honesty is the best policy.
*As the proverb goes, practice makes perfect.
* A Chinese proverb says that a quiet conscience sleeps in thunder.
theme - common idea such as love, friendship, or truth.主题。主题思想。
*The theme of the party is "Back to the 80s."
*The theme of the course for this month is "Spring." 课程
*Cats are a recurrent theme in this artist's paintings. 常出现的主题。
haste - hurry. 急忙,匆忙,迅速。
* In my haste to leave, I forgot my cellphone at home.
in haste -at hurry. 急忙地。
*Daddy always reminds me not to make important decisions in haste.
exclaim -say or believe very firmly and say loudly. 大声宣告,呼喊。'ex' -有‘向外’之意。claim -宣称。
*Jessica exclaimed with excitement that she was engaged.
exclamation (n) -兴奋大叫,大声说出来。
*Angela gave an exclamation of surprise when she saw her new room.
out of sight, out of mind - someone or something is not around you or in front of you, you don't even bother to think of it. 眼不见,心不烦。
a penny for your thought - wants to know what you are thinking about.
value - care, worth.
an old horse will never get lost - an old horse know the way better. 老马识途。
seldom meet - usually not go together. 很难在一起。
An old pen is the one that makes the good food. - An pen use often, the ingredient stay with pen so can cook out good food.
esteem -value of something (high or low). high esteem, and low esteem. 敬重,看重。
*Professor Frasier's work is highly esteemed by his colleagues.深受看重
*I esteem Nathan for his passion for music.敬重。。对音乐的热情。
esteem (n) - 敬重。
*Coach White was held in high esteem by the team members.深受看重。
conscience - with knowledge to know what is right or wrong.
*Ever since he stole his mother's money, Donald's conscience has been troubled.
*I have a guilty conscience about not telling my parents the truth.
halve (v) -把事物或数量减半,或分为两半。
*My roommate will have our utility.
*Have the melon and remove the seeds.切成两半,把子除去。
half (n) -一半。
*Over half of our students are from other states. 一半以上。。
strive - put a lot of afford to get things done or get success. 努力,奋斗。
*The coach encouraged us to strive for victory. 为胜利而努力,奋斗
strives for - for 为什么努力。。, 努力为得到什么。。
*As an artist, Richard strives for inspiration and perfection. 努力
clear conscience - conscience is clear with no guilt. 心正大光明,无伪的良心。
guilt conscience - did something wrong that deep inside of you is feeling no peace. Try to correct the wrong, just be honest, not do it again. 罪恶感。良心有亏欠。
self esteem - value yourself.
garden - refer to the knowledge is continue growing, leaning new things.
carry in the pocket - is handy to use it.
something by something - take a step at a time, doing a little at a time.
bit by bit - step by step, little by little, inch by inch.
sitting around - people are relaxing not doing anything.
two wrong does not make it right - 一错再错,于事无补。
coin - invented, created. come up with something. 铸造钱币,铜币,此指“创造,发明新的词句。
*The term "as if" was coined in the teen movie Clueless. “as if ” -最好是。。。
*Shakespeare coined many words in his works.作品
attentive - pay attention, listen careful.注意,留意。
*Being a professional receptionist, you have to be attentive all the time.随时留意各种状况。
*Most of the audience was attentive during the lecture. 演讲。
attentive -体贴,殷勤。
*Josh is very attentive to his wife. ...对他太太非常殷勤体贴。
impression - someone think about something or someone. 印象
*Making a good first impression is very important when interviewing.
*I don't have much of an impression of Sandy's brother.
impress (v) -使留下好印象。
*I was very impressed by his politeness.他的彬彬有礼令。。留下很好的印象
creativity - create person come out of a lot of creative thinking.创造力,创意。 create -创造
*The process of brainstorming can spur the creativity within us. 脑力激荡的过程。。激发
*I was amazed by the director's creativity. 导演
label -tell you what is inside.标签,贴标签。
label a person - put a label on a person is describe a person unfair to judge a person before clearly know that person. 把某人贴上了标签。(不合理,不公平而且是很不友善的表现)。
leave something out or leave out of something. - 排除,舍弃。
skin the cat - say the same thing or do. (there is more way to say the same thing.)
don't count your chicken before they hatch. - your plan might not be work out, don't plan or think what you will do next before it get succeed.
ancient - it means that has been a long time.
contemporary - is modern, recently, is recent.
Language Tips:
proverb /idiom -谚语,俗语/惯用语
proverbs - 很清楚的,而且很直接的表达出其意思。
idiom -不能找字面来解释,但是却含有其特别意思。
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. - (proverb)
It's raining cats and dogs - (idiom). (倾盆大雨)
under the weather - (idiom). (在气候下,意思是指‘身体感觉不适’)
people - (复数n)
a people - 加定冠词指有同一种文化,背景的民族,族群。
the people of Asia - 亚洲人。
peoples - 不同文化的民族。
the peoples of Asia - 亚洲不同的民族或族群。
people person -a person who likes to deal with people.指喜欢与人群接触的人。
French and Asia are different peoples.
row (发‘row’音) - row your boat.
get your ducks in a row.
row (发‘raw’音) = quarrel, dispute, argument.英国人常用的,美国人并不这么说。
Notes taking of Studioclassroom
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Charity Engine
Your computer can solve scientific puzzles and raise money for charity
"....but most are using just a fraction of their full capacity to process information."
'Just a fraction of ' - a very small part of ...
when you describe something that is very small portion of some else, you can say 'just a fraction of...'
This assignment was very easy and only took a fraction of our time.
*Ned's new apartment is huge; his belongings take up only a fraction of the space.
Vocabulary Tips:
harness - something you get to control and use it. (n)马具, 降落伞的背带。(v )控制或使用。
*The people in this town want to harness the dam's water to generate electricity. 利用水库的水
*People started to harness wind power many years ago. 利用风力来发电。
compute - counting, calculate. 计算,运算。
*The kids spent a lot of time competing the answer to this math question.
computer (n) -电脑,计算机。
*The capacity of my new computer is twice that of my old one.
chunk - a big or thick piece of something, a mess piece of something that don't have a regular form or shape, more often we use this word on food. a chunk of beef, a chunk of meat...a chunk of cheese....
* I already finished a large chunk of my report.
*The company owns a big chunk of land outside the city.
*The cheese was cut into chunks and served with crackers.
establishment -建立,组成,创建。
establish (v)- 建立
establishment (n) - here means an organization or a,企业,组织(n)。
*This nonprofit establishment was founded by a group of moms.
*Terry works in a research establishment.
usage fee - money you pay or a fee you pay to use something.
background - something is running behind something else.
test - to prove it is true.
malaria - a kind of disease, it spread by mosquitoes.
running - is working, something is on.
puzzles- problems.
do just that - exactly they do, just what you like to do.
proceeds -proceed (复数名词)- the money making that a company through some event or other activities..获利,收入。
*The proceeds from the fair will be donated to the needy of the town.
proceed (v) (重音在`第二` ) - 前进,进行。
*Passengers of fight 229, please proceed to gate 10.
underlying - basic, maybe is not obvious see.基本的,根本的,基础的。
*The underlying problem of the company was the lack of funds.
*The riot might have stopped, but the underlying causes of it are not yet solved.
draw -抽出,抽奖。pick up something from a box without see it.
drawing -抽签,抽奖。
*When you purchase this product, you're automatically entered into our drawing.
drawing -速描(绘画)
a drawing of a ballerina. 芭蕾舞者的速描画。
random - no plan involve, no way can predict at ahead of time.随机的,任意的。
at random -随意的。事先没安排的。
*The salesperson picked a name at random to call.
*The owner of the lost dog searched the area at random.无目的,无头绪的。。
of vital important - very important.
various - many, several.
hygiene - regard of keep clean for your body that keep you stay healthy.
Language Tips:
eponym - words came from someone's name. 由人名而变成了一般的常用的字。
braille ,guillotine ,silhouette, sandwich , silhouette - 都是人的名字,第一个字母改为小写成了特别的意思来代替这些人的特长或所发明的东西。
braille - 盲人用的点字法。
guillotine -断头台。
sandwich -三明治。
Einstein -聪明绝顶的人。
Steve is a real Einstein.- Steve是一个极其聪明绝顶的人.
clipped word - make original word shorter that easy for people to say, use, and write.
*some words are clipped the back of the word. 去字前几字母。
app, is a clipped word, from application.应用方程式。(普遍被使用,如今已自形一单字app,要念,不能念APP.)
exam from examination. 考试
gas from gasoline. 汽油
*some word are clipped the front of the word.去字后面几字母。
plane is airplane.飞机
phone is telephone.电话
bus is omnibus.大型载客汽车
*some word clipped the front and the back.去字前几字母又去字后面几字母。
fridge is from refrigerator.电冰箱
flu is from influenza. 流感。
Notes taking of Studioclassroom
"....but most are using just a fraction of their full capacity to process information."
'Just a fraction of ' - a very small part of ...
when you describe something that is very small portion of some else, you can say 'just a fraction of...'
This assignment was very easy and only took a fraction of our time.
*Ned's new apartment is huge; his belongings take up only a fraction of the space.
Vocabulary Tips:
harness - something you get to control and use it. (n)马具, 降落伞的背带。(v )控制或使用。
*The people in this town want to harness the dam's water to generate electricity. 利用水库的水
*People started to harness wind power many years ago. 利用风力来发电。
compute - counting, calculate. 计算,运算。
*The kids spent a lot of time competing the answer to this math question.
computer (n) -电脑,计算机。
*The capacity of my new computer is twice that of my old one.
chunk - a big or thick piece of something, a mess piece of something that don't have a regular form or shape, more often we use this word on food. a chunk of beef, a chunk of meat...a chunk of cheese....
* I already finished a large chunk of my report.
*The company owns a big chunk of land outside the city.
*The cheese was cut into chunks and served with crackers.
establishment -建立,组成,创建。
establish (v)- 建立
establishment (n) - here means an organization or a,企业,组织(n)。
*This nonprofit establishment was founded by a group of moms.
*Terry works in a research establishment.
usage fee - money you pay or a fee you pay to use something.
background - something is running behind something else.
test - to prove it is true.
malaria - a kind of disease, it spread by mosquitoes.
running - is working, something is on.
puzzles- problems.
do just that - exactly they do, just what you like to do.
proceeds -proceed (复数名词)- the money making that a company through some event or other activities..获利,收入。
*The proceeds from the fair will be donated to the needy of the town.
proceed (v) (重音在`第二` ) - 前进,进行。
*Passengers of fight 229, please proceed to gate 10.
underlying - basic, maybe is not obvious see.基本的,根本的,基础的。
*The underlying problem of the company was the lack of funds.
*The riot might have stopped, but the underlying causes of it are not yet solved.
draw -抽出,抽奖。pick up something from a box without see it.
drawing -抽签,抽奖。
*When you purchase this product, you're automatically entered into our drawing.
drawing -速描(绘画)
a drawing of a ballerina. 芭蕾舞者的速描画。
random - no plan involve, no way can predict at ahead of time.随机的,任意的。
at random -随意的。事先没安排的。
*The salesperson picked a name at random to call.
*The owner of the lost dog searched the area at random.无目的,无头绪的。。
of vital important - very important.
various - many, several.
hygiene - regard of keep clean for your body that keep you stay healthy.
Language Tips:
eponym - words came from someone's name. 由人名而变成了一般的常用的字。
braille ,guillotine ,silhouette, sandwich , silhouette - 都是人的名字,第一个字母改为小写成了特别的意思来代替这些人的特长或所发明的东西。
braille - 盲人用的点字法。
guillotine -断头台。
sandwich -三明治。
Einstein -聪明绝顶的人。
Steve is a real Einstein.- Steve是一个极其聪明绝顶的人.
clipped word - make original word shorter that easy for people to say, use, and write.
*some words are clipped the back of the word. 去字前几字母。
app, is a clipped word, from application.应用方程式。(普遍被使用,如今已自形一单字app,要念,不能念APP.)
exam from examination. 考试
gas from gasoline. 汽油
*some word are clipped the front of the word.去字后面几字母。
plane is airplane.飞机
phone is telephone.电话
bus is omnibus.大型载客汽车
*some word clipped the front and the back.去字前几字母又去字后面几字母。
fridge is from refrigerator.电冰箱
flu is from influenza. 流感。
Notes taking of Studioclassroom
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Give Thanks
The fourth Thursday in November welcomes the holiday season
說出你的感謝 -
Churches and charities sponsor coat drives for families who need winter coats. Some teen groups volunteer at homeless shelters on weekends. They either prepare food or help serve it.
What does our family do? We usually go to our church potluck. The dishes are mostly Chinese, but the church prepares turkeys and pumpkin and apple pies. Afterward, we sing and share what we are thankful for in the past year.
The next day is a big sale day called Black Friday. The Christmas season officially begins then, and people want to buy Christmas gifts as early as possible. Also, Black Friday successfully tempts consumers to spend their money on discounted or hot sale items. Some stores open as early as midnight. You can hardly find a spot in the parking lot in front of a mall or a big retail store.
After Black Friday, people are given another chance to "Shop 'til You Drop" -Cyber Monday. Cyber Monday is designed for shoppers who prefer to shop online. Just click, and your order will arrive within a couple of days.
We are very thankful for our family and friends back home. They have supported and encouraged us over the past year. We are also thankful for the new friends we have met in the U.S. They have welcomed us, helped us and taken us in. With gratitude in our hearts, we wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.
Grammar Gym:
"So people start preparing weeks before the holiday."
"weeks before" -several weeks before.
Zack finished his report weeks before the due date.
Sharon's suitcase was already packed days before her Christmas break.
Janice's friends came to see her hours before her surgery.
Minutes before her train arrived, Martha realized she had lost her ticket.
Vocabulary Tips:
around the corner - is not far, is near. talk about time or event. 就在转角处,延伸出来有“即将来临,或是近在眉梢的” 之意。
*Bryan's graduation ceremony is just around the corner. 。。就快到了。
around the corner - very close. talk about a place.
*The grocery store is around the corner.
eager(v) - very excited, can't wait.热切的,急切的。
*Charles is eager to play on the football team.
*Kate is eager to please her parents.
eagerness (n) -急切,热切
*His eagerness to win made him really nervous during the game. 急切地想求胜。。
shelter-a roof cover you to protect you, a place to live. 遮盖之处,避难所,避护所,住宿。basic need: food, water and shelter.
*The church provides shelter for abused women. 受虐妇女。
*We took shelter under a tree during the rain.躲在树下避雨。
shelter (v) -保护,遮盖。
*The village was sheltered by mountains. 被群山保护着。
potluck -everyone bring one or two dishes to share with others.百乐餐。吃饭由个人带菜来。
*Mandy took her famous beef stew to the potluck.
potluck -informal dinner 家常便饭。(随便一些的)。
*You're welcome to stay for dinner if you don't mind potluck.
'turkey tro" - a special kind of race to raise money for charity.
charity - volunteer to give money or help to the needed.
door to door - from one house to another house.
(something) drive -something organized by people to collect something.
coat drive - collect coat for the needed people. (food drive, toy drive etc.)
discount - 打折,减价。'dis' -‘离开’之意。 'count'-计算。
*The department store discounts all items 10 percent for VIPs.
*You can get an extra 5 percent discount if you are a member.
parking lot - where you park your car. 停车场。
lot - a place or space.一小块土地。
*There's an underground parking lot near here.
parking space -停车位。停车格。
*The guy rudely took my parking space.粗鲁地
parking structure - a building use for parking only. 立体或整栋的停车场。
*The parking structure can hold over 400 cars.
click - click it and come out a click sound. 按,碰触,点选。
*Click on the printer icon, and choose the format. 按影印机的图示,选出要印的形式。
*With just one click, you can transfer money to an overseas bank.
gratitude - thankful, grateful.感恩,感激。
*I would like to express my gratitude to everyone here.
*Hank prepared this bouquet of flowers to show his gratitude to his teacher.
What's hot - 'hot' - here mean that something is very popular that people wants. hot topic, hot sale item, hot thing....
shop 'til You Drop' - you are shopping for a long time, it makes you very tired that you can't do anymore.
Language Tips:
neighborhood -街坊邻舍。邻近地区。住家附近的社区。比township / district 规模要小些。
township / district - 小镇/行政区:通常是一个名称,由政府规划出来的行政区域。
neighborhood - 住家附近的社区,通常都伴随着形容词,如:
a friendly neighborhood.- 友善的住宅社区。
a leafy neighborhood - 有很多树,社区规划的整齐又有很多树。一般指中产阶级的住宅区。
a rough neighborhood - 治安不好的住宅社区。
neighborhood -approximately. 有“接近‘之意。要与数字一同使用。
in the neighborhood of $800. 在美金800元左右。
Black Friday - 由来是在1960年代,由费城的警察所命名。 因为那一天,一年一度的陆,海军足球大赛在当地举行,加上又是圣诞购物的热潮,交通大乱,地区次序混乱不堪,警察责任重大, 心情沉重,就说每年的这一天对他们来说是个黑色的星期五。后来商店要业绩,创造盈余,取其黑色没赤字之意而在感恩节的第二天即Friday,又是圣诞购物第一天,商店抢商机,在这一天争取更多的盈余来平衡财务赤字。对购物者而言,也是个黑色的星期五,因为大家都花了很多时间,等候,找停车的地方,又没把握一定能卖到要买的东西,因为打折东西数量有限,大家都用抢的,有人很鲁莽的推挤别人,常因人多又挤,次序混乱而常有人受伤。动作慢的就out of luck,而发脾气,。。
in the black -(会计)经营没有赤字,有盈余。
Note taking of Studioclassroom
說出你的感謝 -
Churches and charities sponsor coat drives for families who need winter coats. Some teen groups volunteer at homeless shelters on weekends. They either prepare food or help serve it.
What does our family do? We usually go to our church potluck. The dishes are mostly Chinese, but the church prepares turkeys and pumpkin and apple pies. Afterward, we sing and share what we are thankful for in the past year.
The next day is a big sale day called Black Friday. The Christmas season officially begins then, and people want to buy Christmas gifts as early as possible. Also, Black Friday successfully tempts consumers to spend their money on discounted or hot sale items. Some stores open as early as midnight. You can hardly find a spot in the parking lot in front of a mall or a big retail store.
After Black Friday, people are given another chance to "Shop 'til You Drop" -Cyber Monday. Cyber Monday is designed for shoppers who prefer to shop online. Just click, and your order will arrive within a couple of days.
We are very thankful for our family and friends back home. They have supported and encouraged us over the past year. We are also thankful for the new friends we have met in the U.S. They have welcomed us, helped us and taken us in. With gratitude in our hearts, we wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.
Grammar Gym:
"So people start preparing weeks before the holiday."
"weeks before" -several weeks before.
Zack finished his report weeks before the due date.
Sharon's suitcase was already packed days before her Christmas break.
Janice's friends came to see her hours before her surgery.
Minutes before her train arrived, Martha realized she had lost her ticket.
Vocabulary Tips:
around the corner - is not far, is near. talk about time or event. 就在转角处,延伸出来有“即将来临,或是近在眉梢的” 之意。
*Bryan's graduation ceremony is just around the corner. 。。就快到了。
around the corner - very close. talk about a place.
*The grocery store is around the corner.
eager(v) - very excited, can't wait.热切的,急切的。
*Charles is eager to play on the football team.
*Kate is eager to please her parents.
eagerness (n) -急切,热切
*His eagerness to win made him really nervous during the game. 急切地想求胜。。
shelter-a roof cover you to protect you, a place to live. 遮盖之处,避难所,避护所,住宿。basic need: food, water and shelter.
*The church provides shelter for abused women. 受虐妇女。
*We took shelter under a tree during the rain.躲在树下避雨。
shelter (v) -保护,遮盖。
*The village was sheltered by mountains. 被群山保护着。
potluck -everyone bring one or two dishes to share with others.百乐餐。吃饭由个人带菜来。
*Mandy took her famous beef stew to the potluck.
potluck -informal dinner 家常便饭。(随便一些的)。
*You're welcome to stay for dinner if you don't mind potluck.
'turkey tro" - a special kind of race to raise money for charity.
charity - volunteer to give money or help to the needed.
door to door - from one house to another house.
(something) drive -something organized by people to collect something.
coat drive - collect coat for the needed people. (food drive, toy drive etc.)
discount - 打折,减价。'dis' -‘离开’之意。 'count'-计算。
*The department store discounts all items 10 percent for VIPs.
*You can get an extra 5 percent discount if you are a member.
parking lot - where you park your car. 停车场。
lot - a place or space.一小块土地。
*There's an underground parking lot near here.
parking space -停车位。停车格。
*The guy rudely took my parking space.粗鲁地
parking structure - a building use for parking only. 立体或整栋的停车场。
*The parking structure can hold over 400 cars.
click - click it and come out a click sound. 按,碰触,点选。
*Click on the printer icon, and choose the format. 按影印机的图示,选出要印的形式。
*With just one click, you can transfer money to an overseas bank.
gratitude - thankful, grateful.感恩,感激。
*I would like to express my gratitude to everyone here.
*Hank prepared this bouquet of flowers to show his gratitude to his teacher.
What's hot - 'hot' - here mean that something is very popular that people wants. hot topic, hot sale item, hot thing....
shop 'til You Drop' - you are shopping for a long time, it makes you very tired that you can't do anymore.
Language Tips:
neighborhood -街坊邻舍。邻近地区。住家附近的社区。比township / district 规模要小些。
township / district - 小镇/行政区:通常是一个名称,由政府规划出来的行政区域。
neighborhood - 住家附近的社区,通常都伴随着形容词,如:
a friendly neighborhood.- 友善的住宅社区。
a leafy neighborhood - 有很多树,社区规划的整齐又有很多树。一般指中产阶级的住宅区。
a rough neighborhood - 治安不好的住宅社区。
neighborhood -approximately. 有“接近‘之意。要与数字一同使用。
in the neighborhood of $800. 在美金800元左右。
Black Friday - 由来是在1960年代,由费城的警察所命名。 因为那一天,一年一度的陆,海军足球大赛在当地举行,加上又是圣诞购物的热潮,交通大乱,地区次序混乱不堪,警察责任重大, 心情沉重,就说每年的这一天对他们来说是个黑色的星期五。后来商店要业绩,创造盈余,取其黑色没赤字之意而在感恩节的第二天即Friday,又是圣诞购物第一天,商店抢商机,在这一天争取更多的盈余来平衡财务赤字。对购物者而言,也是个黑色的星期五,因为大家都花了很多时间,等候,找停车的地方,又没把握一定能卖到要买的东西,因为打折东西数量有限,大家都用抢的,有人很鲁莽的推挤别人,常因人多又挤,次序混乱而常有人受伤。动作慢的就out of luck,而发脾气,。。
in the black -(会计)经营没有赤字,有盈余。
Note taking of Studioclassroom
Monday, November 18, 2013
Consumer Conflicts
Is shopping online better than buying things in a store?
該在店裡買,還是 上網買?
Laura and Nellie are hanging out at Nellie's house. Nellie is browsing some online stores from her laptop.
Laura: What are you looking for, Nellie?
Nellie: I'm shopping for a new pair of jeans. Laura. And maybe I'll buy some shoes.
Laura:You buy your clothes online? Aren't you afraid they won't fit? it seems pretty risky to me.
Nellie: Not really. If they don't fit, I'll just send them back.
Laura:That sounds really troublesome. You have to pay the cost of shipping both ways. I would rather try on clothes in the store. Then I'll know right away if they fit or not.
Nellie: That's true. But the mall is pretty far from here. It takes gas to get there, and that's expensive. If buy something online, it comes right to my house.
Laura: Yes, but you have to wait for it. When I buy something, I want to have it right away! I'd rather drive to the mall and pay for the gas than to wait a week or longer!
Nellie: But I feel so excited when my things finally arrive! And a lot of sites offer free shipping. Not to mention, when I go to the the store, I end up to buying things on impulse. I just buy what I need online.
Laura: I also like to shop in stores to support local businesses and the people who work in them. However, I have purchased a couple things from online auction sites.
Nellie: Online auctions are so exciting! What did you buy?
Laura: One time I bought an old book of myths that's not sold in stores anymore. I couldn't find it anywhere! When it came, it was just what I was expecting. I was so pleased.
Nellie: That's the great thing about online shopping! You can find practically anything!
Laura: Yes. But not all my online shopping experiences have been good. Another time I bought a CD from an individual. On the website he said it was new, but it was all dirty and scratched when it arrived! I tried to return it, but the person never replied to any of my emails, so I never got my money back.
Nellie: What a scam artist! You do have to be careful when buying things online. I only buy from stores with good reputations. And when I buy from an auction, I only buy from sellers who have a lot of positive reviews.
Laura: Good advice! Now let me give you some advice -fashion advice! Let's go to the mall, and I'll drive!
Grammar Gym:
"Not to mention, when I go to the store, I end up buying things on impulse."
'end up' - in the end, resulting.
*Although Kim and her roommate had agreed to divide the house chores, Kim ended up doing all the house chores herself.
Ellie's original plan was to be in town for three days, but she ended up staying for a week.
Vocabulary Tips:
consumer - person who buy things at a store or online. 消费者,顾客。
*The new refund policy has attracted criticism from many consumers.
*To stay competitive, companies need to be responsive to consumer demand.
consume - use it. 消耗,使用。
*This hybrid car consumes less gas than traditional ones.
troublesome (adj) - bother you, something is not pleasant to you. trouble you, troublesome to you to do something for me. Don't worry, It's my pleasure, it's not troublesome. Don't be a troublesome to others. 令人苦恼的或觉得困难的。 'trouble' (n) -麻烦
*I find balancing my checkbook to be very troublesome.
not to mention - 更不用说,更不消说。(用来连接二个句子)mention -提及。
*Cathy is one of the kindest, not to mention one of the most beautiful girls I know.
impulse - not think about it, make quick decision or buy things at sudden. 冲动,一时兴起的念头。
*I had a sudden impulse to walk out of the meeting.
on impulse / on an impulse : 一时的冲动。
*I bought this expensive handbag on an impulse.
auction -拍卖。
*I bought this painting at an auction. 在一个拍卖会上。
put something up for auction - 把东西拿去拍卖。
*The couple put all their furniture up for auction because they are moving.
practically - almost, close to. 几乎,实际上,实事上。
*Practically everyone in the company was at the boss's wedding.
practical - useful. 实用的,可行的。
*Unfortunately, this invention has no practical use.
scam artist -骗子,诈骗高手。
*This insurance scam involves many people.
*Alex's pathetic scam was soon discovered by his parents.
scam artist - people who try to get your money or get something from you by cheat or lying you.
*The scam artist always targeted elderly people.
reputation - something people think or know about someone or something. 名声,名誉。
*As a teacher, Tanya has a reputation for being strict. 以严厉,严格著称。
*That law firm has a very good reputation.
*The charity campaign successfully promoted the company's reputation.
local store- the store in your neighborhood. 本地的商业
local - only in that place.
a couple - some, not mean two here.
myth - s kind of story people talk it about through generations but that story is not true.
mythology (n) - idea of this myth.
just what I was something ( expected, thinking, wanted, want to say....) - exactly what I was .....
make some money out of it = make some money from it.
Language Tips:
toponym - 以地名来命名其他的。把地名的第一个字母大写变成小写字母。
topo - 场所,地方。
China / china : 中国/陶瓷,瓷器。(十八世纪,西方白瓷尚未开发,而中国的瓷器又格外的精致,细匀而闻名)
Bikini / bikini : 太平洋群岛/ 一种性感的女泳装。
a new pair of jeans -
jeans - from word ‘Jannes’.
Jannes - French calls " Genoa", ' Jannes' , Genoa is a city where in Italy, which place is heavy manufacturing jeans material.
support local businesses -支持本地的商业。
go local - a thought or an act that purchase things at local store to support the local store and communities. Let the money stay in the local communities, not going out to help the local stores, communities, also help increase the job opportunities. Shopping outside let the money go out to other place. One of five purchase you made in local store can help and balance the local store and communities need.
go local : 一种想法,或举动以在本地购买的东西来支持本地的商业。让钱留在本地,来帮助本地企业,造福社区,并可增加就业机会。
Notes taking of studioclassroom
該在店裡買,還是 上網買?
Laura and Nellie are hanging out at Nellie's house. Nellie is browsing some online stores from her laptop.
Laura: What are you looking for, Nellie?
Nellie: I'm shopping for a new pair of jeans. Laura. And maybe I'll buy some shoes.
Laura:You buy your clothes online? Aren't you afraid they won't fit? it seems pretty risky to me.
Nellie: Not really. If they don't fit, I'll just send them back.
Laura:That sounds really troublesome. You have to pay the cost of shipping both ways. I would rather try on clothes in the store. Then I'll know right away if they fit or not.
Nellie: That's true. But the mall is pretty far from here. It takes gas to get there, and that's expensive. If buy something online, it comes right to my house.
Laura: Yes, but you have to wait for it. When I buy something, I want to have it right away! I'd rather drive to the mall and pay for the gas than to wait a week or longer!
Nellie: But I feel so excited when my things finally arrive! And a lot of sites offer free shipping. Not to mention, when I go to the the store, I end up to buying things on impulse. I just buy what I need online.
Laura: I also like to shop in stores to support local businesses and the people who work in them. However, I have purchased a couple things from online auction sites.
Nellie: Online auctions are so exciting! What did you buy?
Laura: One time I bought an old book of myths that's not sold in stores anymore. I couldn't find it anywhere! When it came, it was just what I was expecting. I was so pleased.
Nellie: That's the great thing about online shopping! You can find practically anything!
Laura: Yes. But not all my online shopping experiences have been good. Another time I bought a CD from an individual. On the website he said it was new, but it was all dirty and scratched when it arrived! I tried to return it, but the person never replied to any of my emails, so I never got my money back.
Nellie: What a scam artist! You do have to be careful when buying things online. I only buy from stores with good reputations. And when I buy from an auction, I only buy from sellers who have a lot of positive reviews.
Laura: Good advice! Now let me give you some advice -fashion advice! Let's go to the mall, and I'll drive!
Grammar Gym:
"Not to mention, when I go to the store, I end up buying things on impulse."
'end up' - in the end, resulting.
*Although Kim and her roommate had agreed to divide the house chores, Kim ended up doing all the house chores herself.
Ellie's original plan was to be in town for three days, but she ended up staying for a week.
Vocabulary Tips:
consumer - person who buy things at a store or online. 消费者,顾客。
*The new refund policy has attracted criticism from many consumers.
*To stay competitive, companies need to be responsive to consumer demand.
consume - use it. 消耗,使用。
*This hybrid car consumes less gas than traditional ones.
troublesome (adj) - bother you, something is not pleasant to you. trouble you, troublesome to you to do something for me. Don't worry, It's my pleasure, it's not troublesome. Don't be a troublesome to others. 令人苦恼的或觉得困难的。 'trouble' (n) -麻烦
*I find balancing my checkbook to be very troublesome.
not to mention - 更不用说,更不消说。(用来连接二个句子)mention -提及。
*Cathy is one of the kindest, not to mention one of the most beautiful girls I know.
impulse - not think about it, make quick decision or buy things at sudden. 冲动,一时兴起的念头。
*I had a sudden impulse to walk out of the meeting.
on impulse / on an impulse : 一时的冲动。
*I bought this expensive handbag on an impulse.
auction -拍卖。
*I bought this painting at an auction. 在一个拍卖会上。
put something up for auction - 把东西拿去拍卖。
*The couple put all their furniture up for auction because they are moving.
practically - almost, close to. 几乎,实际上,实事上。
*Practically everyone in the company was at the boss's wedding.
practical - useful. 实用的,可行的。
*Unfortunately, this invention has no practical use.
scam artist -骗子,诈骗高手。
*This insurance scam involves many people.
*Alex's pathetic scam was soon discovered by his parents.
scam artist - people who try to get your money or get something from you by cheat or lying you.
*The scam artist always targeted elderly people.
reputation - something people think or know about someone or something. 名声,名誉。
*As a teacher, Tanya has a reputation for being strict. 以严厉,严格著称。
*That law firm has a very good reputation.
*The charity campaign successfully promoted the company's reputation.
local store- the store in your neighborhood. 本地的商业
local - only in that place.
a couple - some, not mean two here.
myth - s kind of story people talk it about through generations but that story is not true.
mythology (n) - idea of this myth.
just what I was something ( expected, thinking, wanted, want to say....) - exactly what I was .....
make some money out of it = make some money from it.
Language Tips:
toponym - 以地名来命名其他的。把地名的第一个字母大写变成小写字母。
topo - 场所,地方。
China / china : 中国/陶瓷,瓷器。(十八世纪,西方白瓷尚未开发,而中国的瓷器又格外的精致,细匀而闻名)
Bikini / bikini : 太平洋群岛/ 一种性感的女泳装。
a new pair of jeans -
jeans - from word ‘Jannes’.
Jannes - French calls " Genoa", ' Jannes' , Genoa is a city where in Italy, which place is heavy manufacturing jeans material.
support local businesses -支持本地的商业。
go local - a thought or an act that purchase things at local store to support the local store and communities. Let the money stay in the local communities, not going out to help the local stores, communities, also help increase the job opportunities. Shopping outside let the money go out to other place. One of five purchase you made in local store can help and balance the local store and communities need.
go local : 一种想法,或举动以在本地购买的东西来支持本地的商业。让钱留在本地,来帮助本地企业,造福社区,并可增加就业机会。
Notes taking of studioclassroom
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Ten Fun Things to Do in Singapore
新加坡十大樂事 -
"stands as a reminder" - helps people to remember.
Uncle Kenneth's bookshelf full of books stands as a reminder of his days as a professor.
This roadside memorial stands as a reminder to the community not to drink and drive.
Vocabulary Tips:
all this/that and more - this, that and many many more.
(adj + but + adj)
bustling -('t'不发音)many people are very busy with noise. 喧闹,满乱。
*Grandma has been bustling around the kitchen since noon to prepare our feast.
*Sandra still can't get used to the hustle and bustle of city life.
geographical (adj) -地理的,地理学。
*The island's geographical position is near the Bermuda Triangle.
geography (n) -地区,地形,地势。
calligraphy - 书法。
*His calligraphy looks effortless and graceful.
*Sean won first prize at the calligraphy competition.
*Rita has a special interest in calligraphy.
imaginary (adj.) - 虚构的,幻想的。not for real.
*The patient created an imaginary world in his mind.
*Jason used to have an imaginary friend when he was little.
imagine (v) - 幻想,凭空想象。
imagination (n) - 虚构,幻想。
jade (n) - a kind of very precious stone. 翡翠,玉。
*The museum has a large jade collection.
*The vase was carved of jade.
jade (adj.) -翡翠的
*Francine's jade-green dress is very unique and attractive.
interact - 互动。'inter' -“彼此,互相”之意。 , 'act' -动作。,
interact with -说明互动的对象用“with”。
*The teacher soon found a way to interact with the new student.
interaction -互动。
*The interaction between the parents and their baby is very natural and relaxed.
extended - 伸出,伸展。'ex' -向外。
*This table can be extended.
*Eric extended his hand to greet his guests.
extend - make it longer or make it in a full-length.
*The trail extends seven kilometers.
extension (n) -延伸出来的部位,加建的部分。
*The building's extension will take three months to build.
pastry - sweet dessert make out of flour. 脆而甜的小糕饼,尤指油酥而脆的点心。
*The bakery's pastry is crispy and delicious.
*The pastry's crust is overdone.
*There is a wide variety of pastry on the buffet.
fort -used to use for minatory, now some of them offer for tourists. or a small house protect by surrounding.要塞。堡垒。
*The fort was surrounded by enemies for almost two days.
hold down the fort for someone -替某人负责或处理照料(事物)
*Alex is holding down the fort for his boss while she's away.
demonstrate (v) - 说明,展示。
*The salesperson demonstrated how to use the multi-functional food processor.
demonstration (n) - show how it work or act, give out people a good idea about how to do something.
*The demonstration of the product is clear and simple.
thrill (n) - 惊喜,刺激,恐惧(不可数n),
*The thrill of bungee jumping is incomparable.
*I still remember the thrill of opening Christmas gifts when I was a child.
thrill (v) -使惊喜
Thrilled at seeing their idol, the teenagers screamed his name.
antique -古老的,古董的。
*This armchair is actually an expensive antique.
*The antique watch was a gift from Grandma.
obstacle - something in your way to stop you.
zipline - a lope above to connect two places, you ride on it and go cross.
Language Tips:
spoken language (informal ) : wanna, gonna, gimme, watcha...
written language : want to, going to, give me, what are you.
wanna = want to.
gonna = going to.
gimme = give me.
watcha = what are you.
What are you doing (written language ) = Watcha doing. (spoken language )
Here are some sights you won't want to miss.
pun -谐音,冷笑话,双关语。
high tea -(英式下午茶)
high tea (pun) -(双关语) 在摩天轮上饮茶。
How do you stop a charging bull? 如何阻止一支冲向你的公牛。
Take away his credit card.
charge - 有“向前冲”之意,也有'支付'之意。
charge - also refer to charge with credit card.
self -自我
selfie (n) - 自拍照。镜头对着自己拍的(照片)。
Do you like taking selfie?
She just posted another selfie on Facebook. That's her seventh selfie today!
narcissistic -自恋的放应。
Notes taking of Studioclassroom
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Google Glass is a Promising Innovation
Putting the Internet right before your eyes
充滿前景的創新發明:谷歌眼鏡 -
This new device, called Glass, looks like a pair of sunglasses from a science-fiction movie, minus the lenses.
The computer that powers Glass is built into the arm of the glasses frame, which also contains a touch pad, microphone and front-facing camera. Glass connects to the Internet via Wi-Fi or to the user's smartphone by means of a Bluetooth link.
Users view Glass's display by glancing up at a small prism in the upper right corner of their field of vision. The prism displays the user's timeline, which appears as a row of cards featuring such things as current time, calendar appointments or email notifications.
Users communicate with Glass by using voice commands or by tapping the touch pad. All voice commands begin with the phrases "OK, Glass" followed by specific instructions such as "Take a picture," or "Get directions to Gino's Pizza," Thanks to the use of bone conduction, users can hear Glass giving turn-by-turn directions or reading emails to them.
Where Glass began
Glass originated as a special project at Google X, Google's top-secret research lab. The first prototype for Glass was a 10-pound, head-mounted display. Later versions looked like swimming goggles with cellphones connected to them. The current version is a slim visor that weighs about the same as a pair of sunglasses.
First impressions
The first group of Glass testers, called Explorers, shared their experiences with Google this past spring. Several users enjoyed using Glass to take hands-free pictures and hear turn-by-turn directions while walking.
Negative experiences included low battery life and the awkward feeling of talking to Glass in public.
Major concerns
Despite the hype surrounding Glass, many are worried that the device's video recording function could endanger privacy. In response, a handful of U.S. lawmakers requested Google CEO Larry Page to disclose how Google will add privacy protection functions to Glass. Supporter of Glass respond by saying that Glass can't do anything beyond what smartphones can already do.
Glass will become available to the public sometime later this year or next. Then users can decide whether Glass is a potential spying device or an innovative tool for connecting with others and the Internet.
Language Gym:
"Supporters of Glass respond by saying that Glass can't do anything beyond what smartphones can already do."
"can't do anything beyond....."
This hotel isn't any better than the last one; it doesn't provide any free services beyond what the previous hotel can provide.
It's useless asking the nurse about the test result; she doesn't know anything beyond what we already know.
Vocabulary Tips:
innovation - discover new things include invention 发明, someone out there with great idea of something.改革,创新,(不可数n) ‘nova'-‘新’的意思,
*The microwave was an innovation that changed the way people prepare food.
*We provide a working environment that promotes creativity and innovation.
warm up to something or someone - slowly to get used to or knowing something or someone to team up or work together. 开始熟悉,熟络,对某对象开始喜欢或接受。
*After a couple of days at the camp, the kids warmed up to each other.
*Many people have warmed up to the idea of shopping online, but some still can't accept it.
field of vision - the area that your eye able to see it. 视野,视力能及的范围。
*A rabbit hopped into the hunter's field of vision.
*Our field of vision was blocked by the tall guy in front of us.
*Traveling can widen one's field of vision.扩大。。视野,眼界。
notification -notify. give you some information. 正式通知,正式发布。。
* Theo received a written notification that his application was accepted.
notify (v) - 通知。
*Henry was notified that he needed to report to his superior at the base.
origin -begining. 起源。
originate -originated 源自,来自。, begin, start at.
*This disease originated in Africa, but it soon spread to other countries.
originated with - 来自某人的想法。
*The idea of the movie didn't originate with the writer, but with the producer.
visor - a piece of covering material, cap. 护目镜,汽车的遮阳板。'vis' -视觉。
*The motorcycle rider raised the visor of his helmet while he stopped at the red light.
*I put down the visor because the sunlight was too bright.
hype - most popular, a trend, people excited about, getting people talk it about and interested it. 高兴致,大肆宣传,报道,天花乱坠。(不可数n).
*The pop star created a media hype while touring in Asia. 媒体大肆宣传炒作。
*A lot of viewers went to see the movie because of the hype.
disclose -make the information to public. 'dis' -不,有否定之意。, 'close' - 封闭
*The agent disclosed to the press the signing of the pitcher's new contract.
*The police refused to disclose the details of the case.
wrap up - make it end, cover with.
warm up - take time to get use to.
prism - small area from light.
turn-by-turn direction : tell you turn right, then turn left, go straight, then turn left and turn right... give a direction step by step.
can't do more than smartphone can do - nothing more than smartphone can do.
Language Tips:
mail / letter : 信件。
mail - 邮件,不可数n.字尾不能加 's', 复数要用(pieces)。
I received seven pieces of mail today.
email (可数n., 字尾可加's' )-电子邮件。
I have 45 emails.
email message -
I have 45 email messages = I have 45 emails.
seven pieces of mail.
seven letters.
mail is included bills, statement, letter and junk mail.
the public 公众,大众/ public : 公开。
The public is not allowed in. (American) 动词用单数。
The public are not allowed in. (English) 动词用复数
in public -在公众场所。
the awkward feeling of talking to Glass in public.
Note taking of Studioclassroom
充滿前景的創新發明:谷歌眼鏡 -
This new device, called Glass, looks like a pair of sunglasses from a science-fiction movie, minus the lenses.
The computer that powers Glass is built into the arm of the glasses frame, which also contains a touch pad, microphone and front-facing camera. Glass connects to the Internet via Wi-Fi or to the user's smartphone by means of a Bluetooth link.
Users view Glass's display by glancing up at a small prism in the upper right corner of their field of vision. The prism displays the user's timeline, which appears as a row of cards featuring such things as current time, calendar appointments or email notifications.
Users communicate with Glass by using voice commands or by tapping the touch pad. All voice commands begin with the phrases "OK, Glass" followed by specific instructions such as "Take a picture," or "Get directions to Gino's Pizza," Thanks to the use of bone conduction, users can hear Glass giving turn-by-turn directions or reading emails to them.
Where Glass began
Glass originated as a special project at Google X, Google's top-secret research lab. The first prototype for Glass was a 10-pound, head-mounted display. Later versions looked like swimming goggles with cellphones connected to them. The current version is a slim visor that weighs about the same as a pair of sunglasses.
First impressions
The first group of Glass testers, called Explorers, shared their experiences with Google this past spring. Several users enjoyed using Glass to take hands-free pictures and hear turn-by-turn directions while walking.
Negative experiences included low battery life and the awkward feeling of talking to Glass in public.
Major concerns
Despite the hype surrounding Glass, many are worried that the device's video recording function could endanger privacy. In response, a handful of U.S. lawmakers requested Google CEO Larry Page to disclose how Google will add privacy protection functions to Glass. Supporter of Glass respond by saying that Glass can't do anything beyond what smartphones can already do.
Glass will become available to the public sometime later this year or next. Then users can decide whether Glass is a potential spying device or an innovative tool for connecting with others and the Internet.
Language Gym:
"Supporters of Glass respond by saying that Glass can't do anything beyond what smartphones can already do."
"can't do anything beyond....."
This hotel isn't any better than the last one; it doesn't provide any free services beyond what the previous hotel can provide.
It's useless asking the nurse about the test result; she doesn't know anything beyond what we already know.
Vocabulary Tips:
innovation - discover new things include invention 发明, someone out there with great idea of something.改革,创新,(不可数n) ‘nova'-‘新’的意思,
*The microwave was an innovation that changed the way people prepare food.
*We provide a working environment that promotes creativity and innovation.
warm up to something or someone - slowly to get used to or knowing something or someone to team up or work together. 开始熟悉,熟络,对某对象开始喜欢或接受。
*After a couple of days at the camp, the kids warmed up to each other.
*Many people have warmed up to the idea of shopping online, but some still can't accept it.
field of vision - the area that your eye able to see it. 视野,视力能及的范围。
*A rabbit hopped into the hunter's field of vision.
*Our field of vision was blocked by the tall guy in front of us.
*Traveling can widen one's field of vision.扩大。。视野,眼界。
notification -notify. give you some information. 正式通知,正式发布。。
* Theo received a written notification that his application was accepted.
notify (v) - 通知。
*Henry was notified that he needed to report to his superior at the base.
origin -begining. 起源。
originate -originated 源自,来自。, begin, start at.
*This disease originated in Africa, but it soon spread to other countries.
originated with - 来自某人的想法。
*The idea of the movie didn't originate with the writer, but with the producer.
visor - a piece of covering material, cap. 护目镜,汽车的遮阳板。'vis' -视觉。
*The motorcycle rider raised the visor of his helmet while he stopped at the red light.
*I put down the visor because the sunlight was too bright.
hype - most popular, a trend, people excited about, getting people talk it about and interested it. 高兴致,大肆宣传,报道,天花乱坠。(不可数n).
*The pop star created a media hype while touring in Asia. 媒体大肆宣传炒作。
*A lot of viewers went to see the movie because of the hype.
disclose -make the information to public. 'dis' -不,有否定之意。, 'close' - 封闭
*The agent disclosed to the press the signing of the pitcher's new contract.
*The police refused to disclose the details of the case.
wrap up - make it end, cover with.
warm up - take time to get use to.
prism - small area from light.
turn-by-turn direction : tell you turn right, then turn left, go straight, then turn left and turn right... give a direction step by step.
can't do more than smartphone can do - nothing more than smartphone can do.
Language Tips:
mail / letter : 信件。
mail - 邮件,不可数n.字尾不能加 's', 复数要用(pieces)。
I received seven pieces of mail today.
email (可数n., 字尾可加's' )-电子邮件。
I have 45 emails.
email message -
I have 45 email messages = I have 45 emails.
seven pieces of mail.
seven letters.
mail is included bills, statement, letter and junk mail.
the public 公众,大众/ public : 公开。
The public is not allowed in. (American) 动词用单数。
The public are not allowed in. (English) 动词用复数
in public -在公众场所。
the awkward feeling of talking to Glass in public.
Note taking of Studioclassroom
New Ways to Shop for Clothes
Some retailers are creating new in-store experiences
購衣革命 -
Grammar Gym:
"In light of this, two companies are finding ways to modernize stores..."
' in light of ' - considering; because of.
In light of the investigation, witnesses have been asked not to say anything to the media.
In light of the recent discoveries in the laboratory, scientists are positive they can find a cure for the rare disease.
Vocabulary Tips:
modernize - doing something in a way that up to date. (v) 使现代化。(adj) -现代化,现代的。
*The bank did a great job modernizing its customer service system.
*The company needs to modernize if it wants to stay competitive.
bridge - make a connection between two gaps, make it connection from one point to another point.
gap - big difference, big space.
to bridge the gap - there is a space need to made a bridge.(桥梁)-把缺口,裂口连接起来。消除隔阂或分歧。
*The policy was designed to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor. 政策。。弥补贫富差距。
*The book talks about ways to bridge the generation gap.代沟
retailer - whole sale.
in light of - because of ..
in spite of - even though something is true but still would not prevent people to do that.
... happen to... - something happen is not expected.
chute (n) 'sut'- passage way 紧急滑道, laundry chute. 斜槽,滑道。斗坡道。
painless - without pain, not difficult.
activate - start, begin, make it start, begin to use it.启动(个人密码),开卡,开户。 "act" -行动。
Language Tips:
‘队伍’ (英式英语)
購衣革命 -
Grammar Gym:
"In light of this, two companies are finding ways to modernize stores..."
' in light of ' - considering; because of.
In light of the investigation, witnesses have been asked not to say anything to the media.
In light of the recent discoveries in the laboratory, scientists are positive they can find a cure for the rare disease.
Vocabulary Tips:
modernize - doing something in a way that up to date. (v) 使现代化。(adj) -现代化,现代的。
*The bank did a great job modernizing its customer service system.
*The company needs to modernize if it wants to stay competitive.
bridge - make a connection between two gaps, make it connection from one point to another point.
gap - big difference, big space.
to bridge the gap - there is a space need to made a bridge.(桥梁)-把缺口,裂口连接起来。消除隔阂或分歧。
*The policy was designed to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor. 政策。。弥补贫富差距。
*The book talks about ways to bridge the generation gap.代沟
retailer - whole sale.
in light of - because of ..
in spite of - even though something is true but still would not prevent people to do that.
... happen to... - something happen is not expected.
chute (n) 'sut'- passage way 紧急滑道, laundry chute. 斜槽,滑道。斗坡道。
painless - without pain, not difficult.
activate - start, begin, make it start, begin to use it.启动(个人密码),开卡,开户。 "act" -行动。
Language Tips:
‘队伍’ (英式英语)
Friday, November 15, 2013
Mae Whitman
You know her, but you may not know her name
梅?惠特曼 -
Grammar Gym:
"Through these family dramas, her true parents supported her but were concerned when a certain alien invasion movie came knocking."
"came knocking" - how something is available. or describe something or situation is near or about to happen.
As soon as Mr. Lee was ready to sell his house, offers came knocking.
Ron smokes all the time and doesn't watch what he eats, so it is no wonder health problems came knocking.
Vocabulary Tips:
admiration (n) -admire.
admiration for - 对某人或某事物赞美,钦佩,羡慕
*I have great admiration for this director.
admire (v) -赞美,钦佩,羡慕。
* I really admire your courage to try new things.
exposure - 爆光,曝光,报导,噢日宣传。"ex" -有‘向外’之意,
*Intensive media exposure made the actress a household name.
expose -揭露,曝露。
*The reporter exposed a scandal involving the governor.
invasion - invade, attack. 入侵,侵略。
*The troop's invasion of the country caused strong condemnation from many nations.
invade (v) -侵略。
*The allies invaded the capital and successfully took over the whole city.
script - lines that actor need to say.剧本,角本。一部电影,一个script。
*The movie script was written by a renowned playwright.
*The actor made up a new line which was not in the original script.
follow in someone's footsteps - you doing it the same or similar as someone already did before.效仿,步某人后尘,步某人的脚步。
*Shanna followed in her sister's footsteps and applied to Brown University.
*Ricky followed in his father's footsteps and became a teacher.
vocal -声音的。 'voc' -“声音”
*The singer underwent vocal training before she started recording her album.
vocal -直言不韪,激烈的表达意见。
*The public was quite vocal over the sudden change in the policy.
substantial -有实质的,重大的,相当程度的。
*Substantial funds were invested in this project.
*There has been substantial improvement in his health.
substance (n) -实质的,重大性,重要意义。
*Nothing of substance seems to have been achieved in the discussion.达到实质的效果。。讨论。
communication -信息,消息。
*We received your communication last Wednesday, and we're sorry that we can't attend the banquet.
communication -沟通。
*Tom needs to improve his communication skills.
empty admiration - not really appreciated. not agree with it.
empty - nothing, not agree. without.
career - not just a job, also you will doing it in most of your life time.
established - stapled. her face is showing often on TV.
make good on something - follow, do.
* His father make good on his promise of attend the game and watch he play.
Language Tips:
Do you know him? No, I don't know him.
know -认得。认识。曾经认识,见过,听过,能够辨认出来的。
You know her. But you may not know her name.
know of someone or something - 知道或听过。
I know of a good plumber.
know about something or someone.- 知道或听说过有关。。。隐秘的不为人知道的事。
I know about the plumber.
advice (n) (发's') / advise (v) (末尾发 'z',重音在第二节) - suggestion.
a piece of / a word of advice.
Let me give you a word of advice.
Here are three pieces of advice.
advice 不可数名词,不能加's'/ suggestion 可数名词,可加‘s’ :
three pieces of advice = three suggestions.
The teach advise (v) his students three pieces of advice (n).
Notes taking of Studioclassroom
梅?惠特曼 -
Grammar Gym:
"Through these family dramas, her true parents supported her but were concerned when a certain alien invasion movie came knocking."
"came knocking" - how something is available. or describe something or situation is near or about to happen.
As soon as Mr. Lee was ready to sell his house, offers came knocking.
Ron smokes all the time and doesn't watch what he eats, so it is no wonder health problems came knocking.
Vocabulary Tips:
admiration (n) -admire.
admiration for - 对某人或某事物赞美,钦佩,羡慕
*I have great admiration for this director.
admire (v) -赞美,钦佩,羡慕。
* I really admire your courage to try new things.
exposure - 爆光,曝光,报导,噢日宣传。"ex" -有‘向外’之意,
*Intensive media exposure made the actress a household name.
expose -揭露,曝露。
*The reporter exposed a scandal involving the governor.
invasion - invade, attack. 入侵,侵略。
*The troop's invasion of the country caused strong condemnation from many nations.
invade (v) -侵略。
*The allies invaded the capital and successfully took over the whole city.
script - lines that actor need to say.剧本,角本。一部电影,一个script。
*The movie script was written by a renowned playwright.
*The actor made up a new line which was not in the original script.
follow in someone's footsteps - you doing it the same or similar as someone already did before.效仿,步某人后尘,步某人的脚步。
*Shanna followed in her sister's footsteps and applied to Brown University.
*Ricky followed in his father's footsteps and became a teacher.
vocal -声音的。 'voc' -“声音”
*The singer underwent vocal training before she started recording her album.
vocal -直言不韪,激烈的表达意见。
*The public was quite vocal over the sudden change in the policy.
substantial -有实质的,重大的,相当程度的。
*Substantial funds were invested in this project.
*There has been substantial improvement in his health.
substance (n) -实质的,重大性,重要意义。
*Nothing of substance seems to have been achieved in the discussion.达到实质的效果。。讨论。
communication -信息,消息。
*We received your communication last Wednesday, and we're sorry that we can't attend the banquet.
communication -沟通。
*Tom needs to improve his communication skills.
empty admiration - not really appreciated. not agree with it.
empty - nothing, not agree. without.
career - not just a job, also you will doing it in most of your life time.
established - stapled. her face is showing often on TV.
make good on something - follow, do.
* His father make good on his promise of attend the game and watch he play.
Language Tips:
Do you know him? No, I don't know him.
know -认得。认识。曾经认识,见过,听过,能够辨认出来的。
You know her. But you may not know her name.
know of someone or something - 知道或听过。
I know of a good plumber.
know about something or someone.- 知道或听说过有关。。。隐秘的不为人知道的事。
I know about the plumber.
advice (n) (发's') / advise (v) (末尾发 'z',重音在第二节) - suggestion.
a piece of / a word of advice.
Let me give you a word of advice.
Here are three pieces of advice.
advice 不可数名词,不能加's'/ suggestion 可数名词,可加‘s’ :
three pieces of advice = three suggestions.
The teach advise (v) his students three pieces of advice (n).
Notes taking of Studioclassroom
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Good Habits to Have
Sixteen habits to live by
培養好習慣 -
Breakfast provides the fuel your body needs to get started each day.
3. Drink lots of water
Water is good for your skin and helps you lose weight.
4. Exercise
It provides energy, reduces stress and keeps you healthy. But the key to making this a lasting habit is finding an exercise you enjoy.
5. Practice cleanliness
Make sure your hands, teeth, hair, body and clothes are clean. This habit will help you feel better and prevent disease.
6. Take time for your appearance
People judge you based on the way you look. Before you leave the house, take a few minutes to be sure you look your best.
7. Avoid cigarettes, drugs and alcohol
They affect your health, and even worse, they can make your life shorter.
8. Practice good manners
Please and thank you are magical words. They make people happy to help you.
9. Arrive on time
This shows people that you are responsible and that you respect their time.
10. Volunteer
Volunteer your time and/or your money, placing importance on others and their needs.
11. Manage your money
Good money habits will reduce stress and bring financial freedom.
12. Be honest
People will discover that you always tell the truth.
13. Practice the golden rule
Treat others the way you hope they will treat you.
14. Become a regular reader
Reading increases your vocabulary and stretches your mind.
15. Learn to relax
Your mind and body both need times of relaxation. A hot bath or good music can take away stress and help you relax.
16. Get a good night's sleep
Sleep is important because it helps to restore the brain, making your thoughts clearer.
Develop some of these good habits, and you'll lead a happier and more successful life.
Grammar Gym:
"Good habits formed at youth make all the difference."
"to make all the difference " - to be the most important thing in bringing a result.
Using pure cocoa powder to make this chocolate cake makes all the difference!
Making a good first impression when you walk into an interview makes all the difference.
Vocabulary Tips:
philosopher -哲学家。people who study closely on something related to life or religion. 研究形而上的事物。
*Einstein was not only a scientist, he was also a philosopher.
philosophy -哲学。
*Professor Huang is a specialist in Chinese philosophy.
fuel - gasoline for car, energy. 燃料,动力。
*The old truck consumes a lot of fuel.
*The car is low in fuel.
fuel (v) - 供应燃料,激发。
*Ted's repetitive tardiness fueled the boss's anger.
*The train is fueled by coal. 发动是靠煤碳。
disease - (第一个's' 发 'z' )
*Luckily, this highly contagious disease can be cured by medication.
*Scientists have found a strong connection between being overweight and heart disease.
appearance -外表,出现。
appear - 出现。
*Chelsea really cares about her appearance. She spends at least two hours grooming every day.
*The singer's appearance caused a commotion.
alcohol -酒精。
*This drink contains alcohol.
*Bill is fighting against his addiction to alcohol.
alcoholic - 酒精,酒精的。
*These alcoholic beverages shouldn't appear at school parties.
volunteer (v)-自愿,自愿服务。
*Alison volunteered to take care of her grandma.
*Gina volunteered to teach at an after-school program.
volunteer (n) -志工,自愿者。
*Many volunteers participated in the food drive.
relax -放松。
*David took some time off to relax after finishing a big project.
relaxation (n) - 放松,消遣活动。
*Tim plays golf for relaxation.
*Try to find time between tasks for a little relaxation. 在任务的空档里找时间放松一下。
restore -recovery, make it return to the original status.恢复,修复。
*It will take time for her to restore her health after this major surgery.
*Two years after the earthquake, the building was completely restored. 修复。
habit - you do so often that you don't even think about it.
schedule - to do list, listing something you need you do.
stretch - expend.
Language Tips:
listicle = came from " list" and "article".
listicle - 文章以条列示的说明排列。目录是的文章,或是报告提示中带有列目式的清单。
Please / Thank you :
When people says "Thank you" to you, you should answer:
"You're welcome.", "Don't mention it", "Anytime", "No sweat", and "My pleasure". 不同答复,适用于不同的场合。有通俗的,也有正式些的。
"No problem" - 是很口语的,只能用在一般至亲,好友或同学。如用在正式场合就会显得轻浮,没诚意。(因为话中有“若是真有问题,我就不会帮忙了”的意思。)
"You're welcome" 在正式场合,还是以最为妥当。
Notes taking of Studioclassroom
培養好習慣 -
Breakfast provides the fuel your body needs to get started each day.
3. Drink lots of water
Water is good for your skin and helps you lose weight.
4. Exercise
It provides energy, reduces stress and keeps you healthy. But the key to making this a lasting habit is finding an exercise you enjoy.
5. Practice cleanliness
Make sure your hands, teeth, hair, body and clothes are clean. This habit will help you feel better and prevent disease.
6. Take time for your appearance
People judge you based on the way you look. Before you leave the house, take a few minutes to be sure you look your best.
7. Avoid cigarettes, drugs and alcohol
They affect your health, and even worse, they can make your life shorter.
8. Practice good manners
Please and thank you are magical words. They make people happy to help you.
9. Arrive on time
This shows people that you are responsible and that you respect their time.
10. Volunteer
Volunteer your time and/or your money, placing importance on others and their needs.
11. Manage your money
Good money habits will reduce stress and bring financial freedom.
12. Be honest
People will discover that you always tell the truth.
13. Practice the golden rule
Treat others the way you hope they will treat you.
14. Become a regular reader
Reading increases your vocabulary and stretches your mind.
15. Learn to relax
Your mind and body both need times of relaxation. A hot bath or good music can take away stress and help you relax.
16. Get a good night's sleep
Sleep is important because it helps to restore the brain, making your thoughts clearer.
Develop some of these good habits, and you'll lead a happier and more successful life.
Grammar Gym:
"Good habits formed at youth make all the difference."
"to make all the difference " - to be the most important thing in bringing a result.
Using pure cocoa powder to make this chocolate cake makes all the difference!
Making a good first impression when you walk into an interview makes all the difference.
Vocabulary Tips:
philosopher -哲学家。people who study closely on something related to life or religion. 研究形而上的事物。
*Einstein was not only a scientist, he was also a philosopher.
philosophy -哲学。
*Professor Huang is a specialist in Chinese philosophy.
fuel - gasoline for car, energy. 燃料,动力。
*The old truck consumes a lot of fuel.
*The car is low in fuel.
fuel (v) - 供应燃料,激发。
*Ted's repetitive tardiness fueled the boss's anger.
*The train is fueled by coal. 发动是靠煤碳。
disease - (第一个's' 发 'z' )
*Luckily, this highly contagious disease can be cured by medication.
*Scientists have found a strong connection between being overweight and heart disease.
appearance -外表,出现。
appear - 出现。
*Chelsea really cares about her appearance. She spends at least two hours grooming every day.
*The singer's appearance caused a commotion.
alcohol -酒精。
*This drink contains alcohol.
*Bill is fighting against his addiction to alcohol.
alcoholic - 酒精,酒精的。
*These alcoholic beverages shouldn't appear at school parties.
volunteer (v)-自愿,自愿服务。
*Alison volunteered to take care of her grandma.
*Gina volunteered to teach at an after-school program.
volunteer (n) -志工,自愿者。
*Many volunteers participated in the food drive.
relax -放松。
*David took some time off to relax after finishing a big project.
relaxation (n) - 放松,消遣活动。
*Tim plays golf for relaxation.
*Try to find time between tasks for a little relaxation. 在任务的空档里找时间放松一下。
restore -recovery, make it return to the original status.恢复,修复。
*It will take time for her to restore her health after this major surgery.
*Two years after the earthquake, the building was completely restored. 修复。
habit - you do so often that you don't even think about it.
schedule - to do list, listing something you need you do.
stretch - expend.
Language Tips:
listicle = came from " list" and "article".
listicle - 文章以条列示的说明排列。目录是的文章,或是报告提示中带有列目式的清单。
Please / Thank you :
When people says "Thank you" to you, you should answer:
"You're welcome.", "Don't mention it", "Anytime", "No sweat", and "My pleasure". 不同答复,适用于不同的场合。有通俗的,也有正式些的。
"No problem" - 是很口语的,只能用在一般至亲,好友或同学。如用在正式场合就会显得轻浮,没诚意。(因为话中有“若是真有问题,我就不会帮忙了”的意思。)
"You're welcome" 在正式场合,还是以最为妥当。
Notes taking of Studioclassroom
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Saying Goodbye
Losing employees can be tough
當員工向老闆說再見 -
Ben: How do they do that?
Uncle Bob: Many contracts include a clause that prevents employees from working for a competitor for a period of time.
Ben: That seems like a good idea, but it won't solve the problem of Terry leaving. He's not going to work for my competition. He's leaving because of family problems.
Uncle Bob: There isn't much you can do about him leaving then. But there are still things you can do to make your company more resistant to problems when employees do leave.
Ben: Like what?
Uncle Bob: Well, for starters, you could cross-train your employees.
Ben: What does that mean?
Uncle Bob: It just means you train your employees to do several different jobs. For example, you might train Angela to do Ralph's job but also Ralph to do Angela's job.
Ben: That would give me a lot more flexibility and make it easier to maintain continuity if someone does leave.
Uncle Bob: Exactly, it also makes employees more versatile. You wouldn't have to worry about things like vacation and sick leave, for example.
Ben: Cross-training is probably good for employees, too. It would help them learn new skills and keep them from getting bored with their jobs.
Uncle Bob: That's true. And having happy employees will help keep people at the company.
Ben: Those are great ideas, Uncle Bob.
Grammar Gym:
"It's not really a problem, I guess."
"I guess." - not really sure about what was just said. It's an informal way saying...
"It's not really a problem, I guess" - "I suppose it's not really a problem.
I'm not sure what the plan is for this evening, but we can go watch a movie I guess.
It's strange how Karen just started crying; she must be upset about something. I guess.
Vocabulary Tips:
annoyance -something is kind of bothering you. 使人讨厌或烦人的。
*Mosquitoes are such an annoyance. 蚊子。。。
*Susan thinks dealing with customers is an annoyance.
annoy (v) - bothering you 打扰,干扰。
*My sister's snoring really annoys me.
deprive -you lost it, it was taking from you. 剥夺,使失去。
deprive of something - something you need is gone.
*Jessica thinks her parents deprive her of her freedom.
*Our competitor has deprived us of our most outstanding salesperson. 抢走了。。
sleep deprive - need more sleep.
resentment - ('s' 发 'z'音)offend, get angry, mad. 不可数n.,愤慨,怨愤,愤恨。
*George hid his resentment toward his parents.
resent -痛恨。
Fanny resent the hypocrisy found in politics. 政治界里的 虚伪。
clause - it's an official statement that legally bound. 条款,款项。
*There's a clause in the contract that entitles the buyers to a refund if there are defects.
clause - 句子中的字句。
*The sentence contains an adverb clause. 副词子句。
what keeps you up at night - it does not mean that you don't get sleep, it means that something really bothers you, and always in your mind.
losing - lost in the game, here is refer to not going to have anymore. 输赢的输,此指“失去”。
resistant - something against or can be prevented from harm. a water resistant watch. 第一个“s” 发"z" 的音。抵抗,抵抗力。
resistant to - 对什么事或物抵抗加“to”
*The paint is resistant to extreme weather conditions.
*This super germ is resistant to all kinds of antibiotics.
cross-train: 交叉训练。'cross' -交叉
*Our department cross-trained us in both marketing and customer service.
cross-training :(动名词)
*Interdepartmental cross-training is quite effective.
continuity (n) - continue and not to break down,something does not change for a long time and stay staple.持续性,连贯性。
*There has been no continuity in this course because we have had three different teachers.
*To maintain continuity in this sequel the producer used the director of the original movie.
versatile - more functional. 多功能的。多才多艺的。 'vers' -turn,“转”之意
*Sherry is a versatile entertainer who can sing and act. 多才多艺的的艺人。
versatility (n) -多才多艺的
*Hank's versatility made him stand out as an athlete. 极其出众的运动员。
prohibit - not allow. stop from something.
Language Tips:
hello/ hi / dear - 后面都要带上人名(礼貌)
hey - very casual, 和很熟的人打招呼。
Hey, Uncle Bob.
hey - 不宜使用在对方是初次见面的人和年长的。
Hello Michelle.
Hey Gabe.
Hi Steve.
dear - 写信给第一次通信,未曾见过面的,还是用dear 较合适。
tough / rough :
tough - something is very difficult.
rough - something is very difficult, also with a lots of problems.
employee -受雇人。
"ee" / "er" - 接受的人/付出给与的人. 动词后面加"ee" / "er"。
employ -雇佣。
train -训练
trainee - 受训的人。
trainer - 教官,训练人的人。
exam - 考试
examinee -考生。应考者。
examiner - 考官。出题目的人。
"ee" 不是可以用在任何动词后面的。如:
murder- 谋杀
murderer -谋杀的执行人。但是被谋杀的人不能说murderee.
Taking notes of StudioClassroom
當員工向老闆說再見 -
Ben: How do they do that?
Uncle Bob: Many contracts include a clause that prevents employees from working for a competitor for a period of time.
Ben: That seems like a good idea, but it won't solve the problem of Terry leaving. He's not going to work for my competition. He's leaving because of family problems.
Uncle Bob: There isn't much you can do about him leaving then. But there are still things you can do to make your company more resistant to problems when employees do leave.
Ben: Like what?
Uncle Bob: Well, for starters, you could cross-train your employees.
Ben: What does that mean?
Uncle Bob: It just means you train your employees to do several different jobs. For example, you might train Angela to do Ralph's job but also Ralph to do Angela's job.
Ben: That would give me a lot more flexibility and make it easier to maintain continuity if someone does leave.
Uncle Bob: Exactly, it also makes employees more versatile. You wouldn't have to worry about things like vacation and sick leave, for example.
Ben: Cross-training is probably good for employees, too. It would help them learn new skills and keep them from getting bored with their jobs.
Uncle Bob: That's true. And having happy employees will help keep people at the company.
Ben: Those are great ideas, Uncle Bob.
Grammar Gym:
"It's not really a problem, I guess."
"I guess." - not really sure about what was just said. It's an informal way saying...
"It's not really a problem, I guess" - "I suppose it's not really a problem.
I'm not sure what the plan is for this evening, but we can go watch a movie I guess.
It's strange how Karen just started crying; she must be upset about something. I guess.
Vocabulary Tips:
annoyance -something is kind of bothering you. 使人讨厌或烦人的。
*Mosquitoes are such an annoyance. 蚊子。。。
*Susan thinks dealing with customers is an annoyance.
annoy (v) - bothering you 打扰,干扰。
*My sister's snoring really annoys me.
deprive -you lost it, it was taking from you. 剥夺,使失去。
deprive of something - something you need is gone.
*Jessica thinks her parents deprive her of her freedom.
*Our competitor has deprived us of our most outstanding salesperson. 抢走了。。
sleep deprive - need more sleep.
resentment - ('s' 发 'z'音)offend, get angry, mad. 不可数n.,愤慨,怨愤,愤恨。
*George hid his resentment toward his parents.
resent -痛恨。
Fanny resent the hypocrisy found in politics. 政治界里的 虚伪。
clause - it's an official statement that legally bound. 条款,款项。
*There's a clause in the contract that entitles the buyers to a refund if there are defects.
clause - 句子中的字句。
*The sentence contains an adverb clause. 副词子句。
what keeps you up at night - it does not mean that you don't get sleep, it means that something really bothers you, and always in your mind.
losing - lost in the game, here is refer to not going to have anymore. 输赢的输,此指“失去”。
resistant - something against or can be prevented from harm. a water resistant watch. 第一个“s” 发"z" 的音。抵抗,抵抗力。
resistant to - 对什么事或物抵抗加“to”
*The paint is resistant to extreme weather conditions.
*This super germ is resistant to all kinds of antibiotics.
cross-train: 交叉训练。'cross' -交叉
*Our department cross-trained us in both marketing and customer service.
cross-training :(动名词)
*Interdepartmental cross-training is quite effective.
continuity (n) - continue and not to break down,something does not change for a long time and stay staple.持续性,连贯性。
*There has been no continuity in this course because we have had three different teachers.
*To maintain continuity in this sequel the producer used the director of the original movie.
versatile - more functional. 多功能的。多才多艺的。 'vers' -turn,“转”之意
*Sherry is a versatile entertainer who can sing and act. 多才多艺的的艺人。
versatility (n) -多才多艺的
*Hank's versatility made him stand out as an athlete. 极其出众的运动员。
prohibit - not allow. stop from something.
Language Tips:
hello/ hi / dear - 后面都要带上人名(礼貌)
hey - very casual, 和很熟的人打招呼。
Hey, Uncle Bob.
hey - 不宜使用在对方是初次见面的人和年长的。
Hello Michelle.
Hey Gabe.
Hi Steve.
dear - 写信给第一次通信,未曾见过面的,还是用dear 较合适。
tough / rough :
tough - something is very difficult.
rough - something is very difficult, also with a lots of problems.
employee -受雇人。
"ee" / "er" - 接受的人/付出给与的人. 动词后面加"ee" / "er"。
employ -雇佣。
train -训练
trainee - 受训的人。
trainer - 教官,训练人的人。
exam - 考试
examinee -考生。应考者。
examiner - 考官。出题目的人。
"ee" 不是可以用在任何动词后面的。如:
murder- 谋杀
murderer -谋杀的执行人。但是被谋杀的人不能说murderee.
Taking notes of StudioClassroom
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